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From the stratagems of honesty (no. 45)

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

The stratagem of honesty is the most elegant of all stratagems.

You turn it on by applying a certain extent no stratagem: in the sense that one is mistaken by non-delusion.

The enemy will present each predicted word, everything honestly, to weigh, thereby confused that one is constantly revealed. He can not believe that you do not use a stratagem so stupid the other could not well be spinning all sorts of conspiracy theories desbezüglich what the other person applying for stratagems, is quite mad about it.

He constantly searches for an arrest to be made lie, deception, and he does not. Even his advisers are beginning to doubt their commanders, because this looks behind every bush of ghosts, devises, simply do not believe that because such an intelligent man, the lead just honest speech.

The other entangled in more trials. He accuses his adversary of the lie, where this comes out unequivocally clean. Thus weakens itself.

The speeches of the truth is a truly royal stratagem.

However, it is also there to make sure how much truth when you where talking about.

A mere lowbrow, anytime carelessly open mouth is not good even here.

Course can be, where this last perhaps still does not, another stratagem, a real illusion, then best to hide under the set mountains of truth.

In this respect the 45th stratagem can also serve as a Vorbereitungsstrategem.