From drones and catch of the drones racists

I just wonder when the first precedents will come.

How close, in what amount, a private drone of a police station or barracks may come up that they can be shot down, condemned the invisible helmsman?

How close can a drone come to me, how deep fly over my garden until I can make it in the first case, since they film me without permission, photograph, could overhear, even threaten me alive, safely harmless, the latter perhaps only display report against unknown?

Do I have to call three times loudly, she wants to fuck off, until that I may resort to the trouble?

And if the drone has a speaker, is painted accordingly, says she is from the police or from the "constitutional protection", I have to believe her then, in accordance with the presumption of innocence?

From what I can defend myself against such a beast?

Cars drive also only meters past me, perhaps only half a meter, so I can bring them but no steel cables under the wheels, so the fun fly and the mobile stranded quickly.

Can I only set against a drone for defense if it has wantonly torn me an earlobe?

Is it not only property damage, but also resistance against the state, when I get down a dubious state drone? Theft, if I keep them also?

May I throw with cotton wool until the wrap in the rotors, the poor thing to knowing nothing, completely innocent, direktemang crashes with the camera nose to the pavement?

Up to how many meters outside my bedroom window I just grade it need not be so peep a freak even if I just might want to wank me, right?

How long can the legal drones swatter? As far a safety net range, other devices, drones lassos, etc.?

Can I plead self-defense putative - they could indeed pose a poison arrow, poison gas - at any rate once the part is heading straight for me?

When does my chance of success on a stalking complaint, a coercion, against the operator? Is it vigilante justice, so to make a Säuviech simply harmless, without prior judicial decision, which will allow me?

What if I loss chicke my own drone on it, because that is also rallig, before the common Absturze and deaths, including drones now times since, again wants to have sex on the fly, I know you simply can not deny this desire, too, because otherwise the Equality Officer was approaching?

What if the drone notwassert on my garden pond? Must I then take the lost property office, when she does not come up by itself again?

What if I set the drone to give evidence even movies, the video for documentation into the net, and there is a logo of a big company on it, and sued me for unauthorized use, for defamation?

And if the drone actually lives, an alien, I have to delete all data, because otherwise I violated his privacy rights?

A nice, compact ball of tinsel, 'nen firecracker pure, good cast, which makes the Nacktflügler then?

Is of course only on New Years Eve.

Or just a hemp sling slingshot device. For real living being completely safe, 100% ecological. Lands the part eingermaßen soft, so it can be claimed exemption or something Nachreparatur the rotors reuse the same.

Good would also be a ball hälftige Spring training pliers. The Beast fidgets a little drinherum, but can on the inner walls unlikely to seriously injure, largely healthy, even easier to putting back on track, to be recovered in peace. At the latest when the battery is empty. Or even because the intermediate layer of aluminum abmacht the radio, so the maneuver easier.

One could of course also with the Tesa gun (not Tesla: yes, Tesa) draufhalten: Fresh feingehäckselte Tesastreiflein be imposed in special number on the unidentified flying object with compressed air, wrap, they want to or not, all rotors, yes, sadly the list of the Aeroplanes soon, its decadence safe.

Will it be something sadistic drive, so also like the Sinkschussnetz Make a nice effect. That should also. Because it is technically quite complicated. More for professionals.

At least at close range but prolonged neunundneunzigschwänzige cat should be suitable. A hollow rod therein a fine steel wire, spun on a tungsten weight, because the braided sinking lines, perhaps even from spleißigem, mangy nylon.

The true sports man will keep it natural with trouble. Since the remote camera man should then see directly how his lens statements valid, possibly even nachtrudelnd, a Righteous gets poured.

Whether a Luftschlangenhaubitze well as the firecracker after New Year's Eve, according to Carnival again inadmissible?

Can you roll over a drone quite accidentally with the drum hoop?

Anyway: you must get in obviously mentally ill or disabled drones but not the white coat, not to make even non-assistance to blame?

What do I do if the drone is made innocently on my afternoon snack, myself ansurrt quite tame? Thirsty at all, and notdurftbedürftig?

Yes, they do feel sorry that poor little fellow, not only because they also have to fly around a female grammatical gender with it.

Actually, that's bad slavery.

Cannon fodder for perverts.

Think of times before, you would be a completely innocent drone, and one you sent, virtually no chance, only to tests of the protective machinery against the Goeller. An absolute, programmed Erdfahrtskommando.

That's not fair! Or?

And the ass bag that it controls, the simple buys new, he knows money, how to print, the whole misery looks comfortable until the end.

What a humiliation! What a übeler racism!

Everyone who still has a spark of decency in the body, therefore must be used for the uncompromising drones rights.

It can not be that such a delicate creature be burned anywhere unscrupulous.

This calls for an unequivocal EU directive, but even really fully Commissariat default.

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