From drones and catch of the drones racists (II)

This time it went quickly.

The drones anti-discrimination law went through the Reichstag as a samurai sword by liquid english cheap margarine.

Although the AfD could not Mitjasagen, but was located in the surrounding Italians at Mahle public with the Greens and the Sozen and the rest in the arms, whose consequence fully praising.

Antidrohnismus, since it is agreed heard outlawed.

Antidrohnismus is not an opinion, Antidrohnismus is a crime.

Drones haters do not belong to the democratic spectrum. You specifically, by means of undercover agents to monitor up in the last brown cellar, which is one of the most significant duties of the Federal Republic of Germany.

Drones jokes are clearly against the FDGO. Drones jokes are hate speech.

A welcoming culture must be found. It is not acceptable that all the migrants drones, of which over 80% doctors and engineers, highly qualified, are useful for the economy, our pensions paid, or, at best, followed innocent in their home countries, treated as though they racist one , work-shy indigenous Hartzer would.

How much gratitude we owe them, as they still only us, enlighten German about our wickedness, our aberrations our spiritual deformities?

Where are the memorials for crashed in democracy inserts drones?

When is Memorial Day?

What a shame!

Not even a saint was ordained them, no patron even beatified, not Kissinger Brzezinski.

Do not even Zuckerberg!

We see that the old networks are still not exterminated root and branch. DC worthies men still sit at their desks, the drones haters, the racists drones.

And racists. Yes, this is not to gloss over. Even many women, even though discrimination übelst who should know better from there, cherish irrational, dangerous resentment against drones that make our country but culturally only somewhat worth living.

Already is from kindergartens, yes even daycare centers, reports of drones phobias, inoculated by criminal parents in their children.

Since just heard not only the youth welfare office.

As part of the trial judge.

Loss of custody.

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