My loyal readers

I am neither faded, nor become even worse, accordingly, more fundamentally lazy even suddenly, it drives me no fear for that page is just not even hacked, so everything is fine, but just, among other projects, studying and I am evaluating currently the existing works, here the visible new creation the other habitual wessenthalben moment probably already like too much absent, understandably, however, entirely unfounded, lean besorghaft as seriously.

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2 Responses to "My loyal readers"

  1. Anonymous says:

    Hello Magnus,

    I do not think that your site has been hacked by an amateur of the Chaos Computer Club from just for the heck. Why should you bother someone? I rather suspect that because Western intelligence agencies are behind it, who are responsible for the general co-ordination.

    You can see how extremely dangerous the Internet is, if there is published by the official state propaganda to the contrary. What was the button to trigger the nuclear war earlier, a button will be new, with which the Internet can simply switch off in case of crisis.

    Individual naughty barkers to hack a precaution before previously and you are one of them.

  2. Magnus Wolf Goeller says:

    @ Anonymus

    The Goeller a "cheeky single barkers".

    What a nice compliment.

    I puzzled over just yet, if not "single small naughty barker" would have been better, but then recollected that the barkers are usually always the little ones.

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