A Kerzelein for Goldman Sachs

"Why hate all Goldman Sachs?" - It is now called head lines pointing to faz.net.


The whole thing runs more or less down to is that the man (we all, maybe except for those journalists who work at Springer or directly for NSA & Cie) needed was just a bit gaga and therefore a handy enemy image.

So you should present something Goldman Psycho.

Even where there are hardly any or no axes: everywhere paranoia and hatred.

Whether the WHO, which is well known not lazy is to certify new mental illness, soon the Goldmanitis or the Saxons phobia will start in their illustrious catalog?

Imagine a loony bin, who not only looks like a bank, but one is.

Every inmate who has worked day-behaved, gets along with cabbage soup and Valium evening Kerzelein, he at the altar - devoutly! - May ignite.

Then comes the obligatory prayer table.

"O dear Goldmann large

Give us tea Sachs today! "

(The alienists soon found out that this poem exactly satisfactory complicated enough.)

The evening Sachs tea is so touched that after its enjoyment all Bank employees dream of the Virgin Islands. But quite solid.

Otherwise, it is classified according to zodiac sign.

Each maintains its own Notopferritual.

Particularly admired scorpions and ibex, the former. Unsurpassable by their elegant Selbstpfählungen, the latter through her brain jumping

When brain jumping the ibex have so long jump against a five-ton Gong from SSY-granite until they fainted or credible endinsolvent.

The Aries turn to do something that I can not describe here. Some twins do they envy this cause.

Yes, sometimes it's too funny, in the bank.

Especially when, once a year, the hollow world is open!

Egg derdaus! Since the Haunebus fly only so crisscross out!

And then comes God.

He never says what his name is.

But everyone knows that it is he.

He alone has namely a never ending candles stock.


"Never donation to an organization that lives in a bigger house than you yourself." (AC)

The three of us live on 81 square - for the classroom actually nine less.

Do you have more than 24?

Magnus Goeller - Volksbank Stuttgart - BLZ 600 901 00 - 580 280 13 Kto.

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