Archive for the month of July 2013

Repetitions endemic

Sunday, July 21, 2013

I just wrote as a comment on a quality side, on the charge down, I repeat myself all the time here, external:

"Yes, I'm very sorry to my readers that they constantly have to read my reps to a bit because they're all I have to write myself am. Can be at most times, so every few months that a guest takes the trouble to repeat something.
If a nothing new one, he just repeats itself. When he can not simply be's.
If you now but, as I just wrote in to be heard again, just a little different, so the motivation arises quite different. Since it is a do not care that you hinkriegt no particular quality product density. The only reader who matters is always the writer. "

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From lying Toleranzschiet and delusion cramps

Saturday, July 20, 2013

The delusion spasm persists. No wonder, as it should be.

I'll start with the word "discrimination" to.

This is now any kind of distinction in once been a human called, negative, as evil.

All are somehow equally well, only those who are different, who are evil.

I want every sick religion without contradiction "tolerate" "accept", condone, even if it says, teaches its followers that I belong to an unbeliever in hell, lebicht, or after my death.

I will not discriminate, so different from heterosexuals and homosexuals. How is that? Not only that, they are different, they are, at least in nature, against procreation. THE should I regard as equivalent? The Deibel I'll do.

I respect homosexuals as human beings individually. I have met very nice. I am strictly against any persecution of homosexuals. It is their choice. But I am also strongly opposed, say this every homosexuals that their way of life was regarded as equivalent. The fact it is not.

I have nothing against Jews. And a certain Jew, who, as a Muslim also believes what is written in the Torah, respectively, the Koran, I discriminate against inalsoweit that he himself in crudest way people in the good and the evil, believers and non-worthy, retires. Yahweh and Allah: For me, there is nothing but submission and hell.

No: Previously, I have no respect. Am I a full Goofy, nor to respect the fact that you can see me in this way as a damn?

The individual, if he decently, I respect very much. But not the religion that condemns me basically. Am I a Endblöd? (more ...)

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Free Energy? - Reason first!

Thursday, July 18, 2013

I do not know if the so-called "free energy" would be such a good idea, if everyone would soon available.

Much would be easier, no question. There would be less dependence, the petrodollar would be history. Many wars no longer paid off.

But when I think of what people all were causing mischief, oh dear, oh jemineh.

Each Seppel bretzelte, unrestrained, in any vehicle and aircraft all the time from here to there, Hinz and Kunz heated nor the balcony in the autumn, thundered with monster choppers and -laubsaugern by his garden, the whole already Zerschmerzphonten rushed from date to date, a single buzz and hum would suspend to everywhere. Any idiot would wildly loose.

No more quiet moment, anywhere on the planet.

The only one who was going to walk and run with the bike, I would have.

Soon everyone rhino poachers in Africa would only what he needs in order to no longer having to work. Anyone could resist its neighbors in a small doubt HAARP. Laser cannons. Low frequency weapons. The devil knows what. We have an energy crisis, as they are not yet known to man.

More and more people, fed from green deserts, made still more cycling, whether with or without Mohammed.

No, folks: reason first.

As soon as we have more than 70% reasonable, sensible people on this planet, it may be something with the free energy.

Before I see quite so black.

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The Runophoben

Thursday, July 18, 2013

With the most ridiculous thing towards me suggested in the course of the operation of this site, that was me, "Why time travel is possible (Guest Post)" to the comments strand was assumed that I wanted to establish (Germanic) religion, as I had only mentioned that the runes for me not an idiotic esoteric bits and pieces are.

It is neither uneducated was making these more fundamental stupid nor that he had no idea; There seems to be a kind of morphogenetic antrainierter reflex of interest to connect the runes in a way sinisterster religiosity.

This is set alswie a bulwark. But I drill. (more ...)

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Stuttering, Schwäbeln, High German

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Recently I met a really strange Kauzen know.

Its high German (it was actually an accent, though, as I learned later, he Schwabe) was perfect, this is that I was surprised by such a peculiar, cutting, rasping me the way. (I hear high German very well.)

My desk neighbor finally, as the other attended a few days later, sneered at round tables, told me when I asked him about that remarkable diction that he knew the past 25 years, who was formerly a stutterer. He had given up successfully. And that was formed so equipped from such umfässlichem knowledge with such a memory, that it probably would not do it sometimes even good. My neighbor to the right counter told me later that was a poet.

Since I have only the written German powerful, but not of High German, one so if I give lectures or business talks lead where it appears or in Northern Germany speak with the North German, always listen to my Swabian accent easily, no matter how hard I try, I was on the way to the idea, try looking again imitate that man, if I tonally for better bring it to the High German.

And, behold, immediately set would certainly not perfect without further training, longer passages, but much cleaner than usual, because I am, although I do not have a sound document them, sure.

Unfortunately, well, I do not want to get used to me such a tone for sure.

Interesting, however, that stuttering may heal by means exactly that method as I could go, my accent to banish.

It is probably not seriously claim that a Swabian accent the speaker as the listener quasi one with knitted Ottere; observation, or rather being heard is nevertheless remarkable.

I've certainly never heard of this strange at first sight phenomenon.

But I have a fairly plausible explanation. (more ...)

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Troll Hunter between necessity and fun

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

I do not have to wait for my next life, until I in addition professions is the troll hunter least. Although this hunting is usually only necessary first, but then can also be fun.

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The healing Bushido Rap

Sunday, July 14, 2013

I think the Bushido class. He has his multicultural integration Bambi as well as Obama certainly earned his Nobel Peace Prize. In addition, racism is against Blonde known good racism.

The man is now but really discriminated against evil again. Not enough that the CDU has not made it to its flagship internship in the Bundestag as party leader: Everywhere he must Fo..en under green and red gay mayors and still suffering the last FDP Seppeln, and the Hartz office he gets probably nothing.

This is pure racism, bad mind you, that this brave man I consider to be a reincarnation of Jesus (after all, he is probably half-Semite, half-Aryans), nor the feingeistigsten free expression of opinion holds zuschlechte. (more ...)

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Why time travel possible are (Guest Post)

Sunday, July 14, 2013

The following guest post was originally a reader comment from Lisa on the below linked article of mine: With their permission - my thanks! - I ask him if its weight here again separately one. I promised myself not to comment on it before the fifth external comment. Makes me so not ready, folks, what to say. (Come to long enough, I'll have to ask Lisa cringe-inducing to a special permit. Saves me this passage.)


I almost failed to reply to the article, because I'm not an "expert". Then I have yet decided to write down why I time travel seem possible.

First, I have to correct myself ... There are actually two times, namely past and future. The presence shines precisely by the absence of time. She is such a thing as eternity. And time is to some extent a local phenomenon, a tool, so being a slow learner have ample opportunity to understand something. Everyone knows, in principle, that time can be very long or very short. Especially at the computer time will pass in a flash and often missing me 1 hour because I did not realize how time flies. What I've recently heard from a very ingenious nature is that you age according to the perceived time, so exciting time spent keeps us young, boring spent time makes old. Possible bout ...

So - assumed Everything exists now - everything there ever was and what will it ever, and the individual chooses which events will in which "time" to know. Usually these main choice of the era will happen before the incarnation and it is still very hard for people to make a change to it. The so-called laws of nature are something like the basic parameters of this reality and there are few people who can change this. But the important thing is they are changeable, because there are no laws, but "only" beliefs.

I can see that I am extravagant.

So I'd rather do a sort of list ...

1. All is now

2. There are an infinite number of parallel realities

3. Every person lives in his own reality

So if a person has a "time travel" takes, it may remain in their own realities. Which era and whom he meets, he decides himself. There is no collectivism in consciousness. Everyone is EVERYTHING. Probably people need a technical device, at least initially, to make time travel. The technical equipment easier now indeed life ... or should make it easier. In the series "Stargate" as a technical device was presented very well. To program the frequency of the place to which you want to go and you're there. The frequency can be found incidentally by imagination and intuition. Just like on the Baltic Sea ...

@ Misanthor "Everything" is simply everything that exists and has ever existed from the human perspective and will exist and now take now, now, now, now ... ..

PS: by the way matter is also a phenomenon of slow perception. At higher frequencies, there is no problem with the physical. It's just all a matter of frequency in which one is ticking ...

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Embrace of beauty and love

Saturday, July 13, 2013

I will start to Japan and China for years.

However, I lack nothing about the fact that I can not do that now.

I just fly in my dreams there.

The kost 'a penny, and I have not so far away let alone my children.

I may likely be right back one week at my Baltic Sea.

When I again find there a dead tree that reaches up to the morning for the campfire, I will probably happy, scold a fool that I ever wanted to fly to Japan and China. And if not, at least I'll try.

The water, the stones, the fire, even a sip of red wine, dräuendes storm alone, the vastness of the world.

The world is infinitely beautiful.

The love of nature is not even really comparable with that of a wife or their own children or the arts.

Not that it would be important, estimable higher. Not at all.

It captures a simply different.

They passed through a certain amount of in a manner only unconditional. A man alone with everything.

They talk up yourself. It's just there. It sits between the five elements in them and it just is.

Grows by a then still not too much sadness, this can lead to great love of further force.

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Time Travel: How should the funzen?

Friday, July 12, 2013

Starting from a discussion of the doctrine of reincarnation with the Doubting Thomas Magnus me reader Lisa has once again stumbled into a new topic. (I ask you to forgive me that I have here first what is said "wiederverwerte." The subject is worth a separate post but. And so it is easier.)

She wrote, as we came to the subject of time:

'Yes, indeed, I assume that there is only the present. Everything is now. But human perception is (still) too slow to capture this complexity. Therefore, "stride" we the events from and that generates the time. Actually, it's more of a jumping of parallel reality parallel reality that each is an entirely new reality for themselves. This also explains why the choice of a different faith follows a different reality. And since everything is in the present, of course, are also "time travel" is possible. '

The last sentence of this passage is probably the most important. (I saw it so that there is only one time.)

I wrote previously about this:

'An interesting conclusion. I can, however, some I have not yet quite clear reason not to sign the same. It shall be liable, in any event to something paradoxical.

The "Reinkarnationist" is actually convinced of the possibility of time travel. I'll ask him next occasion even know what he thinks of your relevant logic.

I myself can not sort it anyway so far as the cosmos should endure physical time travel. If there is no time travel as police, as many believe that the thing so not a total chaos breaks out, should be regulated, which is not exactly an uplifting thought, I do not know how it should work.

One could also postulate of course, that only the people are able to take up physical time travel, the mentally mature enough, they get no mischief.

The shoe I would prefer me to then I'd rather have. '

In fact, I've always when I thought about the topic or discussed it orally, had my difficulties, no matter which model championed one as it not want to deal cut the whole store, unless you had after each journey a memory loss what things indeed not very tempting made. Because I was once in the future, and then I know nothing more of it and think I would verdöst the time in the garden chair. (more ...)

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Quite simply

Friday, July 12, 2013

Who can write, does not need readers.

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Add to Kral

Friday, July 12, 2013

Take your pompous, vain Freimäurer Goethe and Lessing back in your Kral.

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Friday, July 12, 2013

This Goethe defend the people, even otherwise serious, I'd grade it again, as though he were their shirts. They invent everything for his Lügereien and fraud still ertun an excuse to explain that he had perhaps meant quite different from what he has said. Brainwashing.

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It does not matter

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Women account for an ever done. It does not matter how much they talk. One should not even look at her skirts only if you're Schneider.

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Life, live better and better

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Stupid women interested in me still less than ever. The least fortunate of aging.

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From the masters of German sentence structure

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Yes, I am repeating myself, but on purpose. And not only.

Friedrich Nietzsche and Heinrich von Kleist, the master of German syntax for me.

I know from our ancestors no one who knew how to bring ever so much so clear, appropriately, complex and supple it in a sentence like these two.

Sometimes it's like as if the earth would tremble of a sentence.

Everything fits together and is in the right place. Nowhere stagnation, a fraction of the speech. Fully Executed mental power.

A tonality and rhythm, to compare with Bach; nowhere a disturbing element, a syllable too much; it flows and flows and flows and is then set in stone. (more ...)

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Where are the stories?

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

I do not know if I'll ever be able to even remotely comparable to submit a Heinrich von Kleist short stories.

Should I bring together only a halfway decent, I will in any event give unto him.

The amendment is a seemingly simple literary form: essentially a storyline up to the climax, a clear output.

And yet, myself included, at least so far, practically writes no more good stories.

It is therefore time to pursue the question why this is so. (It is not probably because nowadays not even his son, even if he already bigger than you, nor can send get a beer writer myself, what now once again annoying.)

Thus, the beer is bey, the question that's not answered but.

Can it be that just makes the simplicity of the thing so difficult? (more ...)

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From Goethe's Faust scams

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

I have to say again now. And it has nothing to do with it, at least this judgment that Goethe freemason and illuminati was.

The fist is, apart from undoubtedly existing linguistic elegance, a bad piece.

Why should own desire a little silly religious chicken as Margaret, and if, well, in sexual desire kömmt everything before then, his desire to breastfeed, need to complete self-pledging of Mephistopheles?

Of course you can say that is just it: The Allerhöchstgelahrte wants a young girl, because otherwise it's nothing interesting more comes to mind. And then takes the gate, to execute his plans even the devil.

No, this fabric is not exciting; he is not even the pile of a horse of Michael Kohlhaas worth.

The total is only tragic because it makes so much sense.

And is sad that you continue to hold this piece, like the Master Wihelm so high. As as if the German would have in the genes. In my it is not.

Well, let's take his fists sometimes serious. Then he's an idiotic, irresponsible giant asshole. Any format. A greedy, scabby little professor who discovers his first gray hair, wants to prove himself because he just yet learned anything right, that he can fuck and endured a seventeen year old (or the age of sixteen?). What he can not even alone.

This is Groschenheft. What is this?

Had he at least tried his old relax the bailiff.

But no. He needs a Putzfrollein.

Nothing, however, that he would have vergnüget times with a Putzfrollein; even if it also, at that time, because the piece plays would have been shameful, because the Putzfrollein had afterwards lost their honor and might well have been sitting there ever be ashamed of an illegitimate child, as a cheap bitch: No, Goethe is still down so such as whether these irresponsible boy was serious with Gretchen.

What a nonsense!

There is in matters of love, in fact every imaginable and yet invented nonsense, but it does not have to make much fuss, to whom one also needs the devil, because the thing banal as such and yawn.

No, dear Mr. Goethe, so beautiful some sayings: This is crap.

There are of course some say again, I would me made, due to my refusal to Freimäurerey for Intimate enemies. No. It's not like that. My literary criteria are purely literary.

It's also not that I consider myself a literary way; You have certainly done a Major; but on the base on which they were made and on which you stand still, because you have regarding the Wilhelm Meister to look just as little as with respect to the fist.

The one and the other time you send a sub Overexposed through the area, what you really really can do, but so that you have to take seriously here. That's brazen Blenderei.

You can, in fact, with your two hundred eighty IQ, not escape the suspicion that you had underpinned this on purpose. I say in any case hundertzwölfzig with mine.

It will probably take some time before, what these two works your regards me, in his own country and beyond listening.

But that does not matter. I do not need a young girl still not even fool even the devil for me to be heard.

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Almost a Berlin

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Berlin truly has a morbid charm. Nevertheless, one can live there well. Some are living so there.

"Grays in Berlin civic duty", once told me a Berliner, thinking with white horses that you herumgammle any time and always somewhere pleasant as possible.

I almost ended up there.

Muck around somewhere in a park at night or on a neighborhood with beer bottle in hand, I like that is a lot. The reason is that I tend to work so much, the endemic disease Swabia, that pleases me very much this kind of compensation.

So I looked for my Little Berlin, where I can almost mercilessly and moldy loaf around, set up in Stuttgart in my local pub.

Since then I chat more or less meaningless or meaningful out how it arises grade, or I read, because otherwise do nothing insignificant, currently, my Montaigne.

For Berlin, I probably would not have been good. So much fungi like there civic duty, I can not do.

I remember one evening, well, it was already the morning because I had all night, drinking too Kreuzberg not a single shot, only my good beer. I was early, ungeschlafen, I vertrinke my tight money better, for that I verschliefe it, especially in Berlin, track-oriented, gene Neustrelitz. (more ...)

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Magnus' children side (II)

Tuesday, 09 July 2013

Hugindor sings and paints

Hugindor was a real tomboy. He jumped and sang.

I did not like all of them.

For jumping and singing were no school subject. So it sometimes even blamed his dad that he should do but what the teacher wanted from him.

Finally Hugindor, started getting serious, paint. He was not the true Alleweil. During class at his school as his late mom had done, when there were good schools, but at least Mr. Krumm nail, his history teacher

Mr. Krumm nail was anyway a remarkable teacher. He said that is always that you simply should not say a word to him think so, but always check yourself, read and think.

And one should especially not simply believe what stand in books and on the world web.

One day Hugindor painted a strange picture of curved nail.

The teacher had a bright red face it, the hair was purple, lemon yellow shirt, and it poured down a balloon out of his mouth: "You will not believe"

Crooked nail discovered the concoction. He stood silent. He did not know what to do.

After class he took Hugindor aside and said to him, gently, "Hugindor such images You can with me in the hour but not paint!"

"Why not?" Hugindor said wonderingly. "It will anyway not see my pictures."

Crooked nail sighed. "You're right, Hugindor!"

"But you say but I will not be believed!" Replied Hugindor. "And I've only roughly painted."

"I say it just Hugindor" replied curved nail, "but did not write even where to go."

"What is to be so bad if you also writing down what is said something?" Asked Hugindor.

"From there, it is proved that you said it. And besides, you've been so publicly doubted as a child. It is good if you doubt, but it is dangerous if you hinschreibst it. It could read one. "

"Can I go to jail for that?" Asked Hugindor.

"No, of course not, but when you grow up, you have to be really careful."

Hugindor went home, and his dad praised him for the beautiful picture, but he also said that the teacher crooked nail'm right.

"But why Papa?"

"I can tell you how the Lord crooked nail also not explain in detail. Believe me, please, Hugindor that many adults even before the issues of children are so afraid that it might not get good kids, they ask. Unfortunately, we live in a country where there are even forbidden questions. I'll say this now. "

Hugindor was not satisfied with this answer his dad. He was even pissed off. Again, the adults said only wise and all-knowing. He could endure last.

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Freedom is overcoming the fear

Tuesday, 09 July 2013

There are people who can appreciate what it means when a the middle, torn from the body.

No, this is not a pity blog. Everyone knows who can read and read here.

It also applies even to talk about loss.

And there are even mentioning those who understand.

They are completely different from "professional": The artisans are mostly me the dearest.

There was a craftsman, yes, admittedly, a stonemason and sculptor who not donated to me after losing my wife consolation, but, as I stood there with two small children alone, gave the following formations along the way, a real man, with clear, full, hard voice: "Then I wish you, Mr Goller, a lot of courage and a lot of power!"

Never ever told me one better.

I was sitting with my wife still with him on his farm in the rain; We had talked about art and aesthetics.

Thank you, Mr. K., now public to these words.

You showed me the way to recovery the middle.

And if I have not found it yet: You pointed the way.

I have long hesitated to write about. I forbade me long.

But since there are others who are in a similar situation not given this kind words, I'm doing it now. (more ...)

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