From the stratagems of feigned strategist mix of arrogance (the 44th)

The 44th stratagem of feigned strategist mix of arrogance in its execution requires a special finesse.

A gannet is a dolt is mixed strategist anyway not get far.

This is but a matter that the practitioner of the stratagem constantly vigilant and crafty appears, so be on the list of wealth quite Warned opponent anytime believes that really does not see what he maintain and intend.

The self to Tamper-end must exercise his opponent as someone who constantly vigilant, very slick, but then too complacent, so that he means the stratagems of the other all to see, he therefore a crucial, or even several, übersähe.

Thus, the opponent is his stratagems, weighed in more and more security, the start negligent, about which reveal more about his plans.

Eventually he will do before his cronies whose boast how he had done the other duped.

Important in the exercise of this stratagem, which may be very often very long not discovered and brought to the visible benefits to be utter self-discipline and patience.

The suspicion that it had something noticed by sinister machinations of the opposite side (this stratagem is a real Verteidigungsstrategem), may usually be only very subtly and quietly, if at all, now and then diffused. On the other hand, one has, precisely because, as I said, not to act so carelessly that it strikes. That would notice would spoil everything.

So you have the enemy once open a bit to come on the ropes. So he does not notice that the 44th stratagem is applied, he says that he ultimately fully sitting in the saddle, especially since the other still so stupid not to hide his suspicions.

A very difficult, complex stratagem. Because it includes all the regular way Strategemverkettungen.

His most beautiful and fertile applies this stratagem, of course, in the initiation of lasting love relationship.

But when it comes to survival and sustainable, big changes for many.

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