Democracy? Where? In D? In the USA?

Sometimes I wonder - the consequence is also expressed in the previous article " Absolute American Freedom: Hail Obama "from - how in Germany, so a Satrapenstaat the USA, woselbst state murders on suspicion the law (NDAA), or just there, still possible to talk about "democracy", if you want to be taken seriously, not at the outset look like a moron (in classical Greek as in the modern sense).

Of course you can choose pretty much likely not niedergeelektroschockt in a torture prison to land without charge or to take preventive shot or erdrohniert, quite legally, by holding the flap. Choosing as such is thus not abolished, and there are even parties that you can choose, if a statesmanlike just boring.

You can also choose whether you want to be listened to, or not. Who says nothing, will not be intercepted. Who does not send Epost, they will not read undesirable. Is quite simple.

Who does not want to stink, just not the farts and does not sweat and does not eat garlic. Is quite simple.

We have total freedom of choice. How well almost never, since democracy invented.

In September, I must choose between Bilderberger Merkel and Steinbrück Bilderbergers. The President is chosen between Atlantic Bridge members. Jacket and trousers. Is quite simple.

I can also choose if I prefer verknackse my foot or the willies einklemme in the zip (the latter happens more easily with foreskin, in fact, so maybe all the caring Beschneidungsbejubler).

The whole spasm is so absurd hypocritical that sometimes you wonder why you even still dealing with it.

But: Beware of traps. Exactly want "those" reach to those who see through the circus: frustration, with the consequence of turning away and therefore the task of each (open) resistance. And darausher further discouragement of others, so you do not even cooked soft.

In this respect, my conclusion of this little treatise On the one hand Satire tired, on the other hand full seriousness.

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One Response to "democracy? Where? In D? In the USA? "

  1. Dude says:

    "The Select as such is thus not abolished, and there are even more parties, you can choose"

    For this purpose I've just found something that you probably stink wird…

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