German-Südschwitz: From the first round with Rüb

After the first pothead crisis was resolved amicably in all südschwitzerischen reason, first of all went his gait; our school - uh, Zenzis school - in Buschhausen had even garnered a commendation from North Goofy lobes tired for "Outstanding Contribution in the Care of German classicism in secondary schools", which indeed surprised us, as the works of Freimäurer Goethe and Lessing not unilaterally with us be discussed, so that we were almost inclined initially to fear a cunning, possibly to the extent that they wanted anverspenden us a klimaunverträgliche school teacher, or else put a wrong against us, which has so far not reject the good fortune under any pretexts to have shewed as necessary.

But then Olli called.

"Magnus, the burning bush."

This expression is here what is called in common spaceships Red Alert.

"The OK?" I asked. (This is the Chief Commissioner of North Goofy, so to speak, the governor here, next to the Supreme Hart Holtz.)

"No. Three times you may advise. "

"What now? We let the Protection of the Constitution in peace, the BND makes long been practically no trouble, the BKA has anyway not in the mood to us, what burns it this time on? "

"Magnus, not on the phone. When can you be here? "

I realized that the bush was burning really.

"If I cancel the afternoon session, in about two hours."


Nearly two hours later I was in Ollis Villa in Freiberg, he served erzstarken mocha.

"Well, what is it?", I asked, me to a rotation.

"The MAD rotates through. And the hard Holtz is so close to it. "

"Like what want this night watchman because at one time?"

"Any moron in North Goofy says to want to have noticed that Hartholtzens soldiers already serving beer soak and also too good customers from the edge Kurt and his men. It seems serious to put to want to not only have daytime zertrocknen our protection force in the dust of Südschwitz, but also, for final felling, not only bad move them Mittagspausen- as the workday joint, no, prohibit seriously at threat of dishonorable discharge. This madman. "

The course was hard, unexpected March

"What says the hard Holtz?"

"What do you think that? That we two should come up with something two, whatever. "

"Tu times the cognac out."

"Yes, that is at ease."

"How many are there?", I asked at the first sip.

"Well the thirty men. There are even women here. Those are the worst. "

"Oman Manno. Thirty men with women. They seem to think it seriously. "


"Wise letters to North Doof be because hardly help."


"Who is the Öberste of these idiots?"

"His name is Rüb. Early forties, a quite worse finger. A really bad Blaukreuzler and Hanfverhetzer. "

I realized that the situation was really precarious. The good relationship of südschwitzer civilians to the soldiers of the Bundeswehr or vice versa was fundamentally compromised. Chronic ill-tempered, always thirsty about soldiers who should not even pull off and one that had all we needed.


"Except that he is a moderate grenades stubborn asshole, I know of none so far."

"Where can I meet him?"

"This rascal sitting every night with me in the Golden Ox and drinking, watching everything, exactly two of water. Since you could wait for him of course times. The best today. "

A few hours later, Rüb alone at the table in the corner of the Golden Ox, I asked permission to sit with him, which he granted with a gesture and a look that made it clear to me that he was exactly in the picture, who coveted the.

I ordered Hurzwurzeltee (the women drink here in menstrual complaints, it is brewed from three bush roots), what Mr. So amused as Rüb but also a little surprised.

"What do you want, Mr. Goeller?" He said, as the delicacy was brought, without further ado.

"I have come to save you from your misery," I replied, as I took a sip of that astringent brews.

"You want to threaten me?" He thundered almost entirely military.

"But no, but no, Mr. Rüb. How should I do. "

"So what?"

"I'm assuming that you do not value a dishonorable discharge with loss of all pension claims to afterwards, such recommended want to seek to hire as a small guard in the private sector of North Goofy, as supermarket watchman?"

Rüb tried to adhere to, but his nostrils quivered.

"Why, my dear sir village schoolmaster, I should be dishonorably discharged? Are you still sane? "

"That's easy. Due to continued active military morale. To my knowledge, no army in the world tolerates such behavior into their ranks. "

Rüb knocked over his glass of water, so very excited him my eloquent speech.

"They civilian you!" He yelled yet, five Euros throwing on the table, "you will already see, what happened here!"

The whole hall grinned, some beer-drinking soldiers tried their facial features halfway to keep it under control, Rüb rushed from, and I was reasonably happy with the first round.

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