Archives for the month of May 2013

The Nachwuchse XXV

Thursday 09 May 2013

First is to realize that you, you have something to say, is at best be understood seltenst quickly. Rather non-compliance, ridicule, contempt, ridicule, hostility will be the best companion. Yes, as mercilessly as that. If you have not erfängt to his world in itself, so it is lost, or lost by mutating to a courtier. The path of the creator is stony, thorny, uncertain, hard. Little etching on the edge. Long. The reward for the toil is initially only that you can see what others do not see. But it applies to appreciate.

Eventually one is so far that it hails poisoned praise. Yes, it was already like that, but also decidedly different, wofern you would only behave, it could still be something already.

Even fewer women usually are, give up something, what you are doing, because men. Why? This is self-explanatory.

Eventually, however, if you persevere, yet arrived much earlier, crumbling ignorance, and even the evil gets in trouble with himself. That does not mean, however long that you'll actually hear. Just as the malice may increase up to Sichüberschlagen. We have eight extra again.

Not knowing that one day he could be buried shabby perhaps, should equal better not go on this way. Only those who really wants is to create something.

Eventually, everything hurts. Like as if it were nothing more beautiful in the world. At this point it is crucial that you can still drive the last hope: but maybe not the self-confidence.

These two have in fact nothing whatsoever to do with each other. One could almost say that they are enemies.

Success may be a no scale. The success is one of the biggest cheaters.

Yes, you can and should also want something for themselves. One lives. Who but only for a little wants, is already failing on the porch. That is certain.

"Noblesse oblige": That's all the time the bid.

If other assets not something, it's mine to do it.

It's simple.

It was never different.

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Klug is stupid, and stupid is smart

Thursday 09 May 2013

"Fair is foul and foul is fair"

I translate Shakespeare times now very clear, contemporary: "Shrewd is stupid and stupid is smart".

Klug, so stupid are that cling to their pain-speakers; stupid, so wise, is the rest.

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From the new aristocrats

Thursday 09 May 2013

Also I was asked if I really saw a way to avoid hell. Given the hypnotized masses.

Yes and no.

Yes, because I only believe in two things: the possibility of recovery and the ability to learn. (And the reason quite really are no beliefs, because I've seen both, so therefore white.)

No, because I do not believe in hell. (Although I was already there as a child, but that was just my personal hell, not "hell".)

By now the asked me no otherworldly concept appealed, but hell on earth, in the sense that you can build a schmerzphongesteuerten (soon painful glasses controlled) world slave state, I say again: Yes, I see a way to avoid hell.

The path may seem to many burdensome, not be easy, but it is very simple: It's about those up to be. Some call it identity. (more ...)

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From Lernschiet

Wednesday 08 May 2013

On Dudes reader side - his "Stammtisch" - I wrote him just now answering the following, but what belongs here too:

"... Laberst crap together ... Dünnpfiff": I here - as always - on the road under real names, since it requires but a riposte.
Of course, my texts of varying quality (which is often seen but each very different); it may well be that I occasionally or even total exaggerating it with the redundancy; but such damning judgments I only hear now and then of R. (dessenthalben of me after all Ar ... not to mention .och rested), if I say something that content, especially ideologically, is a powerfully against the grain. So, next time I'm not enough respect for the light, Osho, the doctrine of reincarnation, Jesus, etc. put on the day. (R. says there also quite times: "What you have written down here is shit.")
Now what this means to me?
That I may always be careful not to write what I expected (mostly I smell the waiting Koteimer early; this is not difficult with some experience) will bring this kind of judgment?
The Deibel I will do.
To hear this kind of Fecal, although at the moment is never particularly pleasant, but it's me basically a shit, because the content of logical-critical objectivity or sound style criticism prevails because at least much never. The small, scabby, jealous, immature, unspiritual, narrow horizon term, malicious, frustrated, black bilious drooling Magnus has only once dared again to draw maximum saint or Größtheilige in doubt or / and pour some scorn for those who gefolgsam, and for that he gets then a maximum broadside. C'est la vie.
Even for redundancy and to Nietzsche Comparison: Nietzsche etc. written several books on fallacy and superstition, hypocritical morals, Christian nonsense, which he certainly would have scarce can hold. From the core contents ago there was also much redundant. He could have just said: "The Christian believes crap." Maybe three concise sentences similar to Judaism, Buddhism, achieving total faith. Whether, however, in the world even more than a hundred years after his death, discussed the content of these sentences, but remains questionable.
(I think I have today or at the latest attack again tomorrow. Something really stupid Crappy write unnecessary. The last few days I was probably far too much.)

How do I now fulfill the clip? (more ...)

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What could all like: Schwäbisch

Tuesday 07 May 2013

I can not help it, can not help it, it is simply my duty to once again straighten what was going wrong in the world.

Today is about the despised, slandered, possibly made large, to the more more helpless effort reduction experiments exposed Swabian dialect.

Where did this resentment, this anger that sometimes - in Berlin now endemic - opens in open hostility?

We know the usual arguments: The Swabian is incomprehensible, unique in its revolting Primitivät, it does offend the ear of Southern Hesse, of Leipzig, Oberpfalz.

In reality it is the envy of the apparent from these Unflatwürfen.

For the Swabian dialect is the most aristocratic of all. (more ...)

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Woman Zschäpes hair

Monday 06 May 2013

A number of court reporters have obviously almost only asked on the first day of the NSU-process, whether their hair are so washed well as those of the main defendants. The advance was probably the prison barber did not.

Sometimes women of the series are so stupid that one could come to pity, they were not so petty, jealous, ridiculous, idiotic vicious.

What would the well-written, Ms. Zschäpe had the hair had not been washed?

What can the country for Zschäpe woman should have nicer hair than any journalists? (more ...)

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Rants from Südschwitz

Monday 06 May 2013

It was pretty hairy, but has North Goofy (Berlin) in the Finanzabschakalen Südschwitz finally revoked the business base. We are no longer offshore, so to speak.

Ollis almost rampaging pensioners, a good coordination of Prostestaktionen the Hintlinge, Zenzis courageous use, portraying what kinds- and morally pernicious elements had since fallen unbearable enough, after Südschwitz that they get themselves wofern this nonsense not soon put an end to a would connect Hintlingshag (the Hintlingshage, in this context, resistance groups are, the Hintlinge think this is powerful, out separated by gender), and although ragged, also my subtle Katastrophetie in spoken and written, the plague should not be fought resolutely, did their effect.

The good part Finanzabschakale are already gone, and the rest sitting on packed suitcases.

In Freiberg, it was not unheard of that young boys at night, born to be wild, chanting until dawn: "rabble, money scams, get out!"

Apart from this our community in Südschwitz very conducive relevant development is Mona, the BND after the voluntary, but rather involuntarily in the results, it pays very well, has threaded, now almost back quite right at Olli. You still adorns a little, but it has also its charm. (more ...)

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Konstantin on the field mountains

Monday 06 May 2013

Constantine knew from Freiburg only one thing: Up! - So he climbed, almost like as if blind and deaf, hardly heeding the landscape, barely, that he once rested between moreover, the Feldberg, where he arrived at sunset. Under it all visible land on him only the clear May-sky.

Having identified a place for the night, where it should not be too drafty - in some places there was still snow - he sat down on a lonely stone, looked allumher, took a sip of that noble Riesling, the Gerlinde Hans had given him, and finally, because he had not eaten all day, not even a Konstantin stomach fills up from the long walking, he attacked, first hesitantly, then more hands-on approach, even to bread and ham.

"Maintenance-free vagabond you!" - He cried in the dusk, alsda in the valleys already formed fine mist.

Venus was already on the horizon, the night promised to be crystal clear and cold.

"Can not I be a decent man, as Hans?"

"I Will constantly wander restlessly until I as an old man, alone, frail, of a dark webs in a lavish water slide, pathetic, felsenzerschunden, drowned lonely?"

"What still drives me, what always somewhere?"

Since Constantine heard a strange hissing sound fine, it seemed as if it would come from below, up from the dense Tann, and gradually the air began to buzz around him. Finally a rustle, he turned around, and saw a tiny little man, just a hand span long, which picked up a thimble large mug with a cheerful countenance, friendly face, behave moderately, a sip of the Riesling coveted. (more ...)

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Sunday 05 May 2013

The willing Zerselbstung is the goal of those.

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From the stratagems of the threat

Sunday 05 May 2013

The threat is often stronger than the execution: ie a chess player award. The non-threatening but can be even stronger even than the threat, because it threatens that could be threatened.

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Darkness casts no shadow (II)

Sunday 05 May 2013

After the first part of "darkness casts no shadow" to a sometimes heated debate led to even enjoyable, I feel an opportunity to recharge.

That only light, but not darkness, to to produce shadows in a position, therefore, is evident as explained sufficiently.

In yin and yang symbols you can see very well how light and shadow are mutually penetrate. As per a germ of a plugged in the other. This throws light also the inevitable shadow. And only the shade makes the light visible.

The Esoterem "light casts no shadow" but is obviously so sweetly, that it is not even like to licked. It is also clear why. It suggests a paradise.

It is a kind verzückender spell that relieves the world. Alltriumph of light.

Actually, I could not care of this saying. Just as "My kingdom is not of this world".

Yes, it could be me regardless. (more ...)

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How bombing is green?

Sunday 05 May 2013

Why do not we bomb with?

When Israel bombed Syria, we would still mitbomben. That would be probably the least. Only checkbook diplomacy, give weapons, that's cowardly.

To provide only two missile defense batteries with one of several powers on mercenary troops attacked state, that's cowardly.

The Nobel Peace Prize Obama most himself says that it is okay to bomb Syria. Why then do we not?


Even in Libya, we have, cowardly, the no-fly zone not with freibombardiert. Hardly forgive us so easily.

Modern combat drones are to be purchased regardless of which Federal government after the election. Fig Krauts.

The Basic Law says that wars of aggression may not be prepared. But nothing like it was discovered resist their implementation. Who wants to hide because even after the constitution?

Yes, only cowards. (more ...)

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"Conspiracy theorists" and "rights"

Saturday 04 May 2013

It is so funny how sad to see how pathetic distance themselves from so-called conspiracy theorists "right", "rights" hinwiederum of conspiracy theorists.

What a pathetic farce!

"With them there, with these spinners, often still left, we have nothing to do!" - So it is heard from the other side.

"With them there, with nationalists, with rights, we have nothing to do!" - So it resounds from this side.

Dissenters have over there as over here little chance.

It seems almost pointless to consider which of the two camps here behaves simple-minded. Each governed the fear of any stocks. (Michael Winkler writes at least one every week, but he is also not in either camp.)

Bottom line though, personal opinion, I am inclined to hold the rights for the more stupid. (more ...)

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"NSU" killings: From journalists Pack

Saturday 04 May 2013

I am now only on this interview to the so-called NSU murders on Ken-FM, with Jürgen Elsässer, encountered:

It's been a few weeks old, but it has lost none of its relevance. Who does not know, I recommend you to take the hour.

Of all the theories, the spread of Alsace, I was a little bumpy as only those on that first doner murders mentioned deeds were first carried out for purely criminal motives, not political.

Why should namely be a widespread organization, if there was not even a long-term account is opened - after all, probably for some of the murders, as Alsatian says - such unprofessional Tinker as the two order-oriented Uwes have tied to the leg? Assuming so unprofessional before, if you gradually, purposeful, liquidated people? (more ...)

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Konstantin again in Freiburg

Friday 03 May 2013

So Constantine returned to Freiburg to visit his Gerlinde.

He just came into her small inn, and the innkeeper, his surprisingly angesichtig, rushed up to him. She was more beautiful than ever. But behind was Hans.

Hans turned out to be a thoroughly good man of about thirty-five years, which, Gerlinde was its more than glad to be a common Kruge with Konstantin, knowing with whom he had to do it as soon as the shops are concerned, not averse explained that he would get placed once bread, cheese, wine and pot days, he wofern not something special wish, what Hans would create him, of course, to the extent it. in his capacity

Of course, let Konstantin so do not ask long, thanked the kind invitation, only the coveted interested.

Everything was excellent. The Grey Burgundy, strong, flowery, slightly playful, but with backbone and with good solid acid, the crispy wood oven bread, the Schwarzwaldkäs, of cow, sheep and goat, butter, yes, there was, then the well-seasoned, bestgemüsebrühte potato soup with small, coarse pieces of beef in it, leeks not saved, even yet a potty cream next to well-Baden still nachzusahnen, to the process of fresh radishes, lettuce, shallots, together dressed teasingly, on top of a liverwurst, unrivaled Pflaumensoß it.

Constantine became clear not only with a tear in his eye, that Gerlinde was in good hands. He enjoyed its defiant.

As the business against eleven was quiet, Hans came with a jug Riesling at Constantine table, asked if everything tasted and was in the right order, asked, as this fully affirmed to be able to now set for scheduled calls.

After the Riesling was anverkostet, Constantine had the highest praise legitimately, do not get to Hansen Ungefallen, pronounced, said bluntly: "I know that she loves you, but I think she loves me too. And I'm there for them. Want me to make you dispute? "

Konstantin wiped the last time that evening away a tear and said, "No, Hans, I do not want. But let me again tomorrow to talk to her. "

"Of course. How would I ban you or her. I also know that she will also want. Women you should not make lightly in the way, you know that. "

After a short silence, both another hour devoted, still some of their respective Heraufkünfte telling fraternally the wines, then, not to be equal immoderately, by common agreement the evening conditions Bette ending.

Gerlinde was happy. Hans was a good man.

Constantine was still ham, Riesling, etching packed well for three days in his knapsack, the brief farewell, and he began his step, without a goal, simply ascend from Freiburg, eastward, in the dark Tann.

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From the fate of the AfD

Friday 03 May 2013

What this new formation "alternative for Germany" is concerned, with which I have not yet addressed me specifically, but a little with the drumrum, so for me there is a clear nail sample with those who blew the pirates miserably, congruent namely selbige, stands on the large letters: FREEDOM!

After the freebooters, the first order came up to demand power and freedom of information, and certainly do not know how to spell this word, what comes next?

Join now liberals, libertarians, conservatives, the usual flotsam and jetsam from everywhere also, together, and I read already verschnupfte comments to the effect that one should there already be a little national or Patriot or both, but please just a little bit. On immigration, many see no improvement of the AfD.

Another Einprogrammpartei, and she knows again not even in one point, as they will make it. After all, the point is only an indirect significantly associated with the topic expression, as was the case with the pirates.

Interesting is now, how far the new party will be distinguished from "right". It is in this exercise, the pirates do not have to meet after so far left out, but because they must go through, as it is already in the middle.

Can you circumcision of boys without medical indication as "arbitrary, deliberate genital mutilation, hereby serious injury to a defenseless child" call AfD member, or should not it?

Can we uranium ammunition, say NATO wars of recent years, what you think?

To what extent can you turn against the neighborhood Erneuville voice as clear?

Can we vote for a constitution calling for Germany, as provided by the Basic Law?

A peace treaty for our country?

Children first parents? (more ...)

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NSU Trial: The mixture (II)

Thursday 02 May 2013

The Zschäpe NSU Kafkaesque process carries trains even before its official launch.

When I compared the Kafka just remembered I was looking for, if he had already fallen, and found already by 4.4. (!) This, the already catchy folly in dealing with the (already accredited) Press lighting:

It is shrouded in more explicable, teilerklärliche and inexplicable perversion of justice and fractures, strange events surrounding this thing, now places are hawked, as though one of the last beer was, after a tankard still won the lots, so that you may get the impression a proper investigation of the case is completely irrelevant.

On the other hand, the machinery does not run so smoothly and naturally as in Kafka. (more ...)

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Constantine and the Abgender (II) and more

Wednesday, May 01, 2013

Konstantin has answered. Still from Würzburg. He pulled the same clockwork and told him what he had asked publicly on the topic "The Genes Of Gender Studies" at the University of Mister Pete Randolf Reuben Dooley:

"Dear Mr Dooley, I am appalled by my detection of the veraciousness of Your words benign, and, to keep it short, would endeavor to pose You just one letter, thoroughly benevolent, even if it be a dire one, humble question."

Dooley looked a little surprised, but seemed master of the situation and replied, politely cool, suddenly very Traditionally English in facial expressions and gestures: "Go ahead, sir."

"Then, well, I just do not get it. The rams, for Their Own good, abducted From Their natural mates to live in duly Their Own republic of 100% gender equality, how then will They procreate, to make this fine state not only stable, but thrive to eternal light? "

Only about 5% in the hall had understood the question right in full, and Mr Dooley belonged, on his way to do so. His face turned red, and he struggled for words. Finally he found it. Dead silence in the hall.

"Mr Buffoon, whatever be Your name, I want You to leave the premises. I shall not answer to vile slanderers. "

Everyone was excited to see what will Konstantin do his turn. The settled about seven seconds, whereupon he said very quietly: "But, Mr. Pete Reuben Randolf Dooley ..." - whereupon Dooley got the outburst and as such an East Ender, where you poured the last beer wantonly from the counter, yelled, "Git aout bastird! "Everyone was terrified something whether the intensification of the event and whether the resounding voice over the speaker.

Konstantin rose measured, threw himself with a smile in his leather jacket, and replied while walking (he was sitting right next to the hall door) only: "You are definitely, if only temporarily, the landlord here, sir. And at astounding one at that. "

A few minutes later everyone had left the hall. Dooley had the event stammering declared over - like Konstantin equal outdoors learned of a brave Austrians, just studying in Würzburg, the assailed him laughing briefly - and Constantine was first quite satisfied.


Now the guy the story of Constantine's first Entmüßigungstage in Würzburg, who also still resulted in a longer evening must first be set aside because there are more important things to report.

Konstantin almost never says anything, but his Gerlinde, the brave hostess Freiburg, with her son, she is missing him very much; he had a feeling that he would be with her again, he'll be better quite surprising to see how things really are, they, not to disturb him, he would perhaps not equal to or reveal its entirety.

It will therefore continue first with nothing Hamburg: Freiburg calls.


It was after this Genderei, it was just halbert Showing its Fangs, clear that the short ascended to the sleeping rest on the fortress meadow (you will also find all sorts of hidden benches, overlooking the illuminerte city) is not displayed, so there quite lenzenskühle become, even to request an inn a little wine. But not in a hurry, rather strolling, because he had the Würzburg city center, all for the sake of Studenterei by no means a total Triffen, and not long before he saw a wine bar, the "Weinhaus zum Stachel" is located.

He laughed at first, came also a short, but the city council faces, which he saw there, it also attracted the same out again.

(He has told me not to betray, in which student pub, which also has good wine, which itself at Wiirzburg not, of course, Konstantin then fell.)

Behold, as it was always the lurking coincidence yonder another, this time, a doctoral student who also stayed in the lecture, to sit with him for Nachgespräche came one, as it benamte Constantine, "quite considerable resources" with which the entertainment friendly uplift, while but initially was quite erratic until Konstantin her finally gradually their uncertainty took, she had calmed down several times, that with it is entirely reasonable to speak, she should say what they troubled, in short, until they asked "Why are you doing something" (you probably do not say Direkta, but still, not even Margaret, Gitte.)

"Because it's fun," replied Constantine.

"Haha. Because it's fun. Rarely laughed. Wat'n pun. You're no ordinary jester or clown. It also has the most made no special fun in the hall. And that will be so, you know in advance exactly. You have an agenda. "

Konstantin on notice. So he had even an agenda. Gitte had even somewhere a plan that was clear.

"May I ask just in what you promovierst? Entjokundologie about? "

. This was, of course, with the additions, quite natural, if not rude of Constantine, and he knew the Gitte but did not let on, roared not a bit on said just, in her clear northern Germany, if not Hamburgerischen sound trap: "It is a psycho-linguistic subject, one could also call pragmalinguistic, the first thing to do nothing here."

Now Constantine was clear that no further Geflunkere more will go through. He had to show their colors.

So he told Gitte, that he had always been erratic journeyman, it did not stop him long in one place, he it, to make all the things he had seen on his travels and learned, finally tried a virtue by they will place its just also questionable antics and pranks in terms of his older brother Till not only for pleasure but also to provoke thought heel, yes, a dubious form of tampering, in fact, with an agenda, such as Gitte call it, the plan , both for pleasure to invite people as to his senses.

Hereafter, that Constantine, the ice was broken, and they talked shop on together again so bright laughter that the host warned more than once; and by well after midnight and good bill - Konstantin got out for summer or an invitation to the riding of Gittes parents - had modestly adopted, it will probably happen that Constantine recognized the need to first go up to Freiburg to his Gerlinde.

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Fight against right!

Wednesday, May 01, 2013

I am also against the right.

I think people right, the bulbs and the smoking ban ever. Can mutilate the genitals of boys during the same rights. The latter is quite extreme for me.

The ESM Treaty is also extremely pretty extreme.

The gendering satchel with her speech prohibitions and commandments talk, what they call the?

You guessed it: Right.

There are also the rights that support the war in Syria and led him in Afghanistan and still lead: louder rights.

And have the rights also instigated the other global Jenseitsfinanzabschakalungen, also short times Libya by years, if not decades bombed back. Think of doing that right.

Who misses uranium ammunition?

Who is against hemp as a crop?

Who is biofuel?

Who can describe children's books?

Who has money in the Virgin Islands? (more ...)

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