Of aliens and the believer addiction

By far the most common narratives about aliens is common that the respective species or races with much at least humanoid also trains claims or conceived.

There are no rational reason.

Why should aliens resemble us?

Well, one could postulate that only those varieties wanted to come here aliens who find there similar looking one, the rest have no interest in us.

That sounds to me also very naive. Why you should not care about intelligent or less intelligent people who quite differently constructed than yourself?

Where did all the ants and algae and fungal researchers here below?

It is, therefore, once again, very likely to act in a founded on self-love as to stupidity from hubris projection.

Small Grey sterile Loser and parasites, reptilians, insectoids, Kosmoarier: all humanoid, most credible nor the small horror, because of which there are already so certainly enough.

If I Chefkolonisator an alien kind, so I gave mankind just such images: self-similar and shivering at the same time.

So it distracts these idiots, so you get them, that they eat out of one hand, without even realizing it.

Whether Icke, Montalk or Voyager: All the time any more or less disgusting, perverse, sometimes rather endearing humanoid mutants. Like as if everything that could have developed on ugly, but for the sake of multikuturellen tolerance to akzeptierendem rabble after a nuclear war, actually whizzed through the vastness of the universe and here.

Conceivable, of course, that since the interstellar space in this quadrant but not yet really sophisticated, only this kind of creatures around. And the other is here under such Gekreuch too boring.

If I were a benevolent, scientific and the Fair-minded space travelers, so I thought probably not last long on a planet where people can lead, despite undoubtedly significant rendered artistic achievements, of Bilderbergers and other cross sick blenders behind the pyramidal light. Fast, perhaps with a short regretful Strinrunzeln, I gave full throttle to have to watch this kind Idiotei me no longer. Maybe I looked past hundred years later, to see again, whether this unworthy circus something had changed towards Sinnfälligerem.

If I do something humanoid, so I could get a certain modesty probably not avoid completely the need to perceive an albeit distant relationship in such a pitiful state.

What could I with such a motley crew?

So: Either intervene decisively or quickly cut off, tick off this first puff.

The whole thing is to turn the believer addiction of the people.

Previously, the gods should be similar to them and see, now there are the aliens. Because it makes almost no difference, that also already quite alien might have piped into gods here.

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4 Responses to "From aliens and the believer addiction"

  1. Jochen says:

    @ Magnus

    "Why should aliens resemble us?"

    There are no aliens! Just why not, because our world has no boundaries.

  2. Anonymous says:

    First of, I think everything ramblings of "aliens" for stupidest stuff.

    Nevertheless, there is something noteworthy on earth, we are the second development of the fauna! The first development was the cold-blooded. The almost extinct except for crocodiles, lizards, fish, etc. The second development was the warm-blooded animals and lo and behold, there were again similar developed to about the same shapes. Obviously, that is not all a coincidence, but turns out to be practical, both in the Paleozoic and Holocene. Well, it takes a bit of imagination, the prominent Tyrannosaurus Rex is a similar shape to our kangaroo. When is there in the vastness of the universe intelligent creatures that probably us and / or our monkeys would be similar whether the now have 3 or 7 fingers.

  3. Magnus Wolf Goeller says:

    @ Anonymus

    Well. First, there is still quite a lot of lizards and fish, and secondly see the warm-blooded dolphins and whales pretty much like fish, are much more intelligent.
    That a biological structure with gravity water plus regular way as similar forms produces as gravity plus air, in fact, is so logical and obvious.
    Why the weighing of the theme aliens must be all gibberish and nonsense, she will not reveal to me however.
    Rather, I think it is completely logical and reasonable that people deal with it; for much more intelligent in any event, as easy to wipe Fagestellungen this kind of table.
    Just You, as a scientist, but would have to see clearly that the probability of the effect, the earth is the only inhabited by intelligent creatures halfway place in the universe, tends to zero.
    One can of course say that a the whole, as long as you have taken yourself no Alien or clear evidence of the presence of such here or elsewhere provided, simply do not care.
    Many hook the thing off so easy for themselves. Like any hold as he wants. But I do not think that's wise.
    For I think it is entirely inappropriate when people who do not want to waste along this thing, do all dealing with it as Spinnner or mentally less well in a sack.

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