Mendacious Obergranatenerzarschlöcher

Since nothing is worth what makes a writer like me free into the net, anyone can turn it into a business by simply steals. If in any case he can. Worthless to take without asking to be picking up, was not a theft. Logical. And if I do not like it, I am a closed-minded, greedy, selfish, corrupt asshole. Assholes. Mendacious Obergranatenerzarschlöcher. Hypocritical and stupid to even be compacted holiness. No one who can own something from their own creative format it. What wonderful. Cowardly, impotent parasites rabble.

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14 Responses to "liar Obergranatenerzarschlöcher"

  1. Armin says:

    "Nothing is worth what makes a writer like me free into the net, anyone can turn it into a business by simply steals. If in any case he can. "
    I was also stolen a lot. Mostly reasonably and not with Beisalat reproduced but already complete and, unless otherwise specified.

    This sucks anyway, because I agree with you.

    Sometimes you would also know when you will be quoted, though sometimes sarcastic and humorous' s publication is dismissed as Tin Foil operation - because ultimately it is an already about the matter. For example, when it comes to CERN, after an interview that I had with the creator of chaos theory, Professor Otto Roessler, was commented in register with:
    "'The LHC will implode the Moon or PUT OUT THE SUN'"

    But in recent days concerns me more is that Big Brother in unremitting steps comes from the air via drones everywhere via Google Glass and now nachgedoppelt again into the living room:
    "Microsoft XBox One: Big Brother in the living room (!)"

    And where is the outcry of the masses. Haha, anywhere!

    Hooray, Big Brother comes, they scream in the hustle and bustle ...

  2. Magnus Wolf Goller says:

    @ Armin

    What I kapriziere repeated myself here and persistent, it may of course alswie appear as an issue, considering the "big stuff".

    However: There is, as long as the page accessible on the Internet, no reason to steal a full text. Except those that its purpose you want it more than you need for yourself.

    Still more so than the Klauerei brings me to Mars, that the person to whom such, from the other side purely selfish usurpation not fit, as - well, you know what is presented. Usually imprisonment.

    I do not know how these people spell the words decency and culture. You simply gather, ostensibly, often in Brusttone of self-righteousness, and against the Raffgeier, which they themselves have nothing to oppose fruitful.

    Mass Mental structurally it is for me to be a matter no small thing. It is unconscionable of the creators, has not even own their own fart for letting go in the ass, makes a great hero, then echauffiert still about those little minds, raised well since, but otherwise cowardly as three mating, enters the work that you give them yes only graciously steel, herewith in the dust, slandered and ridiculed them.

    No. No. No.

    It has a very nasty poison this funneled into the minds of the people.

    The dealer that interest takers counts: the manufacturer's nothing.

    Is not that exactly what many of those people complain otherwise wordy?

    I have never sent out a warning. I would create me as only enemies who have a bad reputation, it was said, but when I was considering this step, discussed, but sometimes a step on the toes.

    Ass the robbers. In addition to what I'm already getting beaten around the ears, if I only criticize their behavior, I will slowly about safe care. No one has to steal something that is also worth nothing anyway anyway available.

    The next person who is naughty, pays.

    Something else you do not understand apparently.

    Anyone who wants to can then read in extenso, as it was that I finally as an unspeakable asshole was, after all, narrow-minded, petty, greedy, vicious to demand my rights.

  3. Armin says:

    "Anyone who wants to can then read in extenso, as it was that I finally as an unspeakable asshole was, after all, narrow-minded, petty, greedy, vicious to demand my rights."
    I could understand. A work is a work of art whether in the sense of an image or a text.

    That is stolen in Hollywood movies, or playing music, I can understand better than where the information is already free to access where you could quote but decent and the source is acknowledged and thus link to the original.

  4. Magnus Wolf Goller says:

    @ Armin

    Exactly. There is no decent, necessary reason.
    In the big but, the oligopolies where nothing freely available, as those bullies pinch the cock between her legs.

  5. Dude says:


    "Microsoft XBox One"

    The mere symbolism in this name ... brrrrrrr ...

  6. Armin says:

    "Symbolism in this name"
    This has something!

    Crazy, so what comes up in the last days of Big Brother. It seems to concoct something. I am always amazed when I hear that would have canceled their agenda or lost anyway. How naive you can be because. "Hooray, Big Brother is here!" Cheered the people ...

  7. Dude says:


    Do you speak of Fulford and Co.? ;-)

    Well, I'm sure Big Brother runs by no means all, as it should, but all in all I still'll see that its objectives continue to make good progress ...

    Currently somehow everything depends on the brink, it seems to me.

  8. Armin says:

    At Fulford I have now not specifically intended more to many commentators on any pages that are often related confident of victory. Big Brother in all its forms is increasingly accepted as normal, it's all on Facebook, Google Glass, drones, XBox One is not primarily about the "Gadget" per se, but to the social acceptance of such "things". The Glass Man and thus the task of the last remains of privacy is thus the natural state of man. Future generations (if there should still) will probably not even know freedom and privacy than words. This is about massive social (mis) developments, not gadgets in which you participate, you can buy - or not ...

  9. Dude says:


    The commentators come perhaps inspired by Fulford? ;-)

    Exactly @ "Normal"

    And the same scheme can be found everywhere.

    Also matching KenFM

    I say to the lambs now think only cunning, deceitful, hypocritical, is wallowing in the end double standards Obergranatenerzarschlöcher.

  10. Magnus Wolf Goller says:

    @ Armin & Dude

    Fulford - I remember now exactly - has already in 2008 predicted Terrific before the Beijing Olympics; I do not know what does it matter the man, but that is all too pretentious to me, moreover chaotic.
    Down to business: As far as I know, Facebook introduces hundreds of millions of dead files. The NSA is listening anyway but practically from all Telofon- and Epostverkehr. We can not hide ourselves. Maybe in Yakutia, but not in Zurich and Stuttgart. Against the Substituted reconnaissance Will we hardly have any means. But out reconnaissance is not defeated. Attack is therefore the motto. We have to be mentally stronger than those who want endversklaven us. More intelligent. Innovative. Mighty word.
    Wikileaks has just as little as Occupy brought or Anonymous. That does not surprise me. In no event cultural concepts through thought behind it. Reverie coupled with faith in technology. No holding hands, no hacker algorithm it will bring. Superior Art is the key.

  11. Armin says:

    I am Fulford just like you too conceited and confused. To Wikileaks, I found the concept interesting how even Assange himself. It has brought nothing I can not write like this. Occupy was a short-term air balloon, I agree. Anonymous is principally be interesting to see whether useful and helpful to me is not clear. Clearly we are bugged and spied on, but we are topics drones, Google Glass and the XBox fascinating because they show how far the Big Brother idea is / is real. If superior art be the key, I'm probably not part of it. I see myself as a writer or filmmaker easy, but as a percentage of superior art, I do not know ...

  12. Dude says:

    Just for clarification ... I think of Fulford not much;-)

    And the NSA can spy on me as much as they want, perhaps because to learn some psychos conditioned something clever ... and as long as that does not know who I am, fuck it! :-D

  13. Magnus Wolf Goller says:

    @ Armin

    Superior Art begins already there to be produced and published an open, honest and conscientious.

  14. Armin says:

    "Superior Art begins already there to"
    Since I've been lucky again;-)

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