Constantine and the Abgender (II) and more

Constantine has answered. Even from Würzburg. He rose like clockwork and told him what he had asked publicly about "The Genes Of Gender Studies" at the University of Mister Pete Reuben Randolf Dooley:

"Dear Mr Dooley, I am appalled by my detection of the veraciousness of Your benign words, and, to keep it short, would endeavor to pose You just one letter, thoroughly benevolent, even if it be a dire one, humble question."

Dooley looked a little surprised, but seemed master of the situation and replied, politely cool, suddenly very Traditionally English in facial expressions and gestures: "Go ahead, sir."

"Then, well, I just do not get it. The rams, for Their Own good, abducted From Their natural mates to live in duly Their Own republic of 100% gender equality, how then will They procreate, to make this fine state not only stable, but thrive to eternal light? "

Only about 5% in the hall had understood the question right in full, and Mr Dooley belonged, in his own way, do so. His face turned red and he struggled for words. Finally, he found them. Dead silence in the hall.

"Mr Buffoon, whatever be Your name, I want You to leave the premises. I shall not answer to vile slanderers. "

Everyone was excited to see what will Konstantin do his turn. The settled about seven seconds, whereupon he said very softly, "But, Mr. Pete Reuben Randolf Dooley ..." - whereupon Dooley got the outburst and as such an East Ender, where you poured the last beer wantonly from the bar, yelled, "Git aout bastird! "Everyone was terrified something if the worsening of the event and whether the resounding voice over the speaker.

Constantine rose measured threw himself with a smile in his leather jacket, and answered when walking (he was sitting right next to the hall door) only: "You are definitely, if only temporarily, the landlord here, sir. And at astounding one at that. "

A few minutes later, everyone had left the hall. Dooley had the event stammering declared over - like Konstantin equal outdoors learned from a brave Austrians, just studying in Würzburg, who assailed him laughing briefly - and Constantine's it for quite pleased.


Now the credits of the history of Constantine's first Entmüßigungstage in Würzburg, who also have resulted in a longer evening must be returned first, since there are more important things to report.

Constantine I hardly ever says, but his Gerlinde, the brave hostess Freiburg, with her son, she is missing him very much; he had a feeling that he needed to be with her again, he better come as a surprise to see how things really are, they do not worry about him, he would perhaps not equal to or disclose its entirety.

It will therefore continue first with nothing Hamburg: Freiburg calls.


It was after this Genderei, it was just halbert Showing its Fangs, clear that the short ascended to the sleeping relaxation at the fortress meadow (you will also find all sorts of hidden bench, overlooking the illuminerte city) is not displayed, so that it right lenzenskühle become, nor to request an inn a little wine. But do not hurry, rather strolling, because he had the city center of Würzburg, all for the sake of Studenterei by no means total Triffen, and not long before he saw a wine bar, the "Weinhaus thorns" is located.

He laughed at first, penetrated even briefly, but the City Council faces of those he saw there, it also attracted equal out again.

(He has told me not to reveal, in which student pub, which also has good wine, which even at Wurzburg not, of course, then came Constantine.)

Behold, as did the always lurking coincidence yonder another, this time, a PhD student who also stayed in the lecture to sit with him for Nachgespräche came, one as Constantine benamte, "quite considerable resources," which the Entertainment friendly uplift, while but at first was quite erratic until Constantine she finally gradually their uncertainty took, she calmed multiply that with it is entirely reasonable to talk, she should say what they fidget, in short, until she asked "Why are you doing something" (You probably does not mean Direkta, but still, not even Margaret, Gitte.)

"Because it's fun," replied Constantine.

"Haha. Because it's fun. Rarely laughed. Wat'n pun. You're no ordinary jester or clown. In addition, it has the most made no special fun in the hall. And that will be so, did you know in advance exactly. You have an agenda. "

Konstantin on notice. So he had even an agenda. Gitte himself had somewhere a plan that was clear.

"May I ask just in what you promovierst? Entjokundologie about? "

. This was, of course, with the additions, quite natural, if not rude of Constantine, and he knew that Gitte but did not let it roared not a bit on said just in her clear northern Germany, if not Hamburgerischen sound trap: "It's a psycholinguistic topic, one could also call pragmalinguistic, the first thing to do nothing here."

Now Constantine was clear that no further Geflunkere more will go through. He had to show their colors.

So he told Gitte that he has always been a vagabond fellow, it did not stop him long in one place, he it to turn all that he had seen on his travels and learned and eventually tries a virtue by they will place its just too questionable antics and pranks in the sense of his older brother Till not only for pleasure but also to stimulate reflection trachte, yes, a dubious form of tampering, in fact, with an agenda, as Gitte call it, the plan People both for pleasure to invite as to their senses.

Hereafter, that Constantine, the ice was broken, and they talked shop on together again so bright laughter that the host warned more than once; and by well after midnight and good mine - Konstantin got back to the summer or invitation on the riding of Gittes parents - had modestly adopted, it will probably happen is that Constantine recognized the need to first go against Freiburg to his Gerlinde.

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