From the forty-first stratagems

The forty-first stratagem is that of the active failure.

It does not respond at one point even in the strongest provocation towards, is meanwhile on another new, previously posited, attacked can not be brought directly in connection with, in a superior sense but connected with it strengthened so indirectly the position there, without to defend active simultaneously builds on another.

This stratagem is then especially very useful when it wise not to fight directly against a formidable superiority, you will be ridiculed in the composites, it comes to something absurd, incredible to bring Translucent awareness gradually.

Apply it properly requires some skill; it often requires multiple linked application to act as desired; it is, in the long term to create a stratagem, often to pursue the very persistent.

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One Response to "From the forty-first stratagems"

  1. Dude says:

    Can also help if capacity - especially time - missing; funzt usually best. ;-)

    And yes, the above applies Smiley the main attention!

    Ps., You should suggest times to pack up this series and the 'the-Nachwuchse' series in a direct retrieve your Admin page ... would be more than worthwhile ...
    Clean work!

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