About the speed of light, atoms below zero Kelvin, superconductivity by K3C60, time zero crossings of individual electrons, ie, infinite speed: I wonder how much still needs to be shown to the common physical dogmas last fall. I know, however, why they should not fall.
(I will not initially itself involved in this case on scientifically recognized comments, whether in agreement or disagreement, nor explain the finale. At both follow from me another time something first to the logical, then the logical. Basically, it is time to think . otherwise too much here on this page to read about it and senses.)
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Tags: Einstein dogma , logic , physics
@ Magnus
do not be a things of which you really do not understand.
The physicists are not so, the whole "modern" physics has come about through new insights that could not be explained with classical physics and if anyone today believes to have found something new, they all fall on it and investigate the case, see the thing with the speed of light, checked against the runtime of neutrinos between CERN and the neutrino detector in Abruzzo. But ultimately it was a mistake and the speed of light remained what it was.
Such Think rather applies to doctors who WANT to learn anything, whether anyone makes Heliobakter for mangengeschwüre responsible or Dr. med Semmelweis based on statistics prove that lurk in hospitals for women Gebährende death and destruction. Both cases have been resolved today (even if the medical colleagues have murdered Mr. Semmelweis to bring him to silence) and entered into conventional medicine.
Of Homeopathy, Iridology, orthomolekülarer Medicine and Professor hoe valley statistical analysis, that men will have nothing to lurk the urologist death and spoil the official medicine as before.