The school is in Buschhausen. She is beautiful inside whitewashed, Olli has gone bankrupt a private high school in North Goofy for an apple and an egg bought the entire inventory can be brought here over Lagos in container, along with computers, blackboards, textbooks and a substantial library.
The crowd is huge. I already had to hire a teacher who supervises the Grundis. Zenzi, she is 38, comes from any Lower Bavarian backwater behind Deggendorf, although it has, especially when they are once again upset what not rare, a little heavy accent (well, if it times "creeping di" and another of himself there, it's been more than just an accent), but is very active in explaining and an ace. They find the Hintlinge (there is hardly a higher compliment) "genuine bushy". I even heard once as a brash Hintlingsspross they "Oeberst bushy" called, as I fancied though, to see a light pink flitting over her face, but that is captured a significant complaint because of bad Deutsch's constant pede. Zenzi is, that can not be denied, not only quite bushy, but the with her teasing pageboy haircut in blonde, too, since you can not just likes to wear five coats over each other in German-Südschwitz, not even the verfrorensten ladies, also next and this is also not a little of what she has to say, a real attraction, harms the reputation and prestige of the school thus far, even if it is of some Hintlingsmutter sometimes viewed with something critical to determine whether they surely do to yours very wants to please.
But you know what men are (from X beer festivals behind Deggendorf, where she earned her degree), no matter how thirsty or have not even thirsty, so is thus very professionally. I want them now but do not make the same or more words, because my students tease me anyway more than pretty dessenthalben to the Lord Director (the "Ditz") have been clearly thrown a particularly eye on woman vice-principal, which is a real Hintling could understand from German-Südschwitz so easily andsoforth so on ...
Anyway, there are quite a few so as naughty children woken up and half-Dreiviertelswüchsige. Most of them have hunted with sharpened Insert Desert Rats before a child is placed on a tricycle in North Goofy. Their knowledge in terms of local flora and fauna is quite amazing in the first few classes. If they practice in the big break in the playground spinning and bow and crossbow shooting, go on a whether their skill manchesmal almost the eyes. (There was even a request, you should with small-bore, at least be allowed to practice air guns, to me, however, a long sermon about moderation and middle school education, the promotion of social competence and intelligence, I do not know what else everything herausschwatzte and daherschwadronierte, Zenzi helped happy to even so threatening that they would take over so no more break supervision (especially what the guys but then had to be something thoughtful) managed to somehow reject again.
Something makes me more concerned, however, the linguistic development of Hintlingskinder, including the teaching of German in general.
Out of all dialect regions of North Doofs together purged here in the semi-desert and savannah Hintlinge have increasingly developed a kind of bush German, which in some respects from the perspective of responsible educators but already worrying trains takes to the effect that some one actually no longer acquiescing grammatical neglect to grabs that would be yes, if maintained only in the family and with neighbors, so to speak, not to complain, but also in the regular German lessons sometimes even leads to difficulties which, to say the least, almost beyond Lower Franconia.
During the Unterfranke namely holds the dative for another accusative (eg instead of "I have the already mentioned": "Dös hoh I the scho gsochd"), here (some even in the capital, but especially in the Hintlingen and their pupils) erupted a kind of genitive-delusion, the use of local I as a conservative German teacher, though not averse to its otherwise, on the contrary, can not always fully delektieren me.
One hears often not only more bearable, such phrases as "I do not like the have" but is also - even writing in exams where the fun stops with me - things like "After the rat done, I asked my mother, whose they have cooked today, whether it already reproduces the gazelle, what their answer, the first tomato was auszugeizen and cast before a meal is to think at all. "
I complain of that mention of the practice in North Goofy, which is indeed below here should not be forgotten in Südschwitz, also the local diction not entirely go precautionary lose, it echoes me the most violent contrary, the way of expressing yourself, whether held the Südschwitzerischen, my kind, the Swabian just grow up, get a related complaint justly to not allda but I always preached the maintenance of dialects.
Even the local peculiar vocabulary of the problems arise.
So they say, among other things, "Akaz" when you mean a bachelors, the "unbuschig" (ie, something stupid), a "Unhug" is one (I do not know whether there word educationally "Hag" - the Harnessing houses thorn bushes is very important here - has joined with "mischief"), whose estate is something rather ratty, or until a temporary local ban misbehaved in the blonde gazelle, where you have to strain to the already enormous.
A little too loose woman hinwiederum is called "humped", moreover when something stupid or ugly, as "Abgehöckerte".
Purely linguistically, of course that is quite interesting, but if I discuss in upper Quixote, it may me be too much, I have read to this Akaz "bümbele" (that is, he dreams) in each second essay "alswie a dried bush "(with the worst insult that can be found here) its" Abgehöckerten "because he had nothing" gepföffen "(understood).
Since I have set myself the goal, each student entrusted to me - you never know whose still is - to enable also a possible life in North Goofy, so I have also sometimes has some worries.
I perceive, however, the morning Zenzis again, I forget which jedochs quickly. Her speech, her face, this activity builds on my back, which is why I love this school and all of my students.
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Tags: Abgehöckerte , Akaz , German-Südschwitz , North Goofy , Unhug