Just now I heard that Oliver Janich "was resigned" so to speak as national chairman of the BGG. Details see here:
Janich, the too much "conspiracy theoretical" work to have been accused for allegedly harming the image of the party, asserted that he had, in terms of what he did, enormously restrained.
"As everyone can easily check on the basis of my publications, I consider myself very anyway back to what I write and outer. I put every word on the gold scale (in contrast to some member what I anmahne again and again). About 90% of the things I know I do not write anyway, so you can not discredit the party of reason. "
Well, what can we learn, if that's true (I personally do not think Janich fibs or indulges in larmoyantem imposture or self-pity), sadly, it?
Anyone who has ever spoken (Janich questioned the official version of 9/11), then holds his mouth, gets nevertheless, or even just a fortiori in the face.
After all, Janich can now say again what he wants (of course only in the context of our Meinungsunfreiheitsgesetze).
So he might cause because as chairman of the PdV more.
He speaks correctly about events there, as to why and how it was sawn off, so open up for the national executive of the party two possible interpretations for both can be proportionally correct, of course.
Either sit there pretty incompetent, naive cowards, or the store is infiltrated to the top.
For I have never been aware of it, that Janich ever spoke or published alswie a paranoid delirious patient. He does not in his statement to the point. He remains, though it obviously the story, understandably, wofern as shown true of him, rather goes to the kidneys, remarkably objective. I do not know if I would proceed as mild in the case with my adversaries.
So you never connect to a party because of the mouth itself.
Not even if she called party of reason, it has called itself into being as such.
Because at the end of this you will probably look like that one stands like a drowned rat.
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Tags: 9/11 , libertarians , party of reason