Once in the EU two billion Masons will live, they will neither voters nor do taxpayers need more. After alternatively loose union of Grand Lodges, every citizen will be state property viz.
It is the history of Europe no longer have to bend, because it is fully repaid.
No one will know more if his grandfather was French, Czech or Danish. Then, to assert that, namely is best if admission to a mental hospital.
One will organize the Breiausgabe well. People should not have to stand in long queues in which they could possibly entertain in any residual language.
All children are circumcised, because the girls discrimination is abolished. All come directly from the child bed in the socialization.
Since there is no more cash, there are also no longer brawl. Also exchanging goods is prohibited from off this good reason at final Exsozialisationsstrafe. Not only private crop is covered with the same, it is also closely monitored, that everyone eats his porridge at the issuing office.
There are no labor costs and no more debt. Everyone gets, depending on the degree in the lodge, its consumption credit. Expenses are paid directly to the implanted chip.
It has three saints. Goethe, Pike and Coudenhove- Kalergi. You get honor even a neophyte on 14 July each year an extra ration of porridge.
Neophyte one is by birth. Paraphyten be used for industrial purposes.
The children learn quickly. You know that one in Schandland, briefly also Schland (sometimes called "Ohnbreiland"), so Russia (which they say but of course not), not even always get porridge. There prevails a fearful Rublon that presses the people so that they have potatoes, onions, cucumbers, cabbage, bacon and beef eating. Malus Ananalus has him even enough gas, oil, gold, crafty advisers that people accept this, do not understand the benefits of Breiwirtschaft.
One must be on guard so. For Breiland is to defend against Ohnbreiland under all circumstances. Was already aware of the Supreme Prophet, Zbig Brzezinski.
The fact that there are still China, you do not tell prefer. Where the rumor comes up, there is still a behind Ohnbreiland Ohnbreiland, is dismissed as the evil enemy propaganda of Ohnbreiland. Where there is no faith, since no bridge.
So everything seemed perfect. There was porridge, and there was an enemy that made the clay a disputable. Everyone knew that they had to defend the broth until the last breath resist Ohnbreiland, therefore, went willingly to the military.
At some point tipped "Unschland" (the term had simply spread; no one knew it to fail).
No, it was not the necessary gas that was needed from Schland, was not delivered to mush, but only for high quality technical goods, gold or anything else useful.
Rather, it was the gossip, along with onions and other things, from Schland infiltrated on all sorts of counter-bandits. The border was just too long, because they would have to really fully control.
So spread (yes, the porridge!) Wildly the tale, you like to eat in Schland, which would offer the gardens and fields; Rublon was not so bad; you laugh there, in Schland, almost whenever and as they wanted; easy to Schländisch; and the latter was then the rash.
No porridge, and still laugh? In a native language? In Schländisch?
People wondered, since the reports are easy to credible accumulated, much as this could be because. Daring young men began without threaded rod vision, to cross the border secretly, reported the satisfaction of laughing people, none of the slurry longed, from Schland.
The free wall began to crumble. Some began to whisper that it was no free wall, but a Zumauer. It penetrated poems and songs from Schland into the country.
You already could see bubbling in the pulps rethinking so to speak.
Suddenly everything went very quickly.
"We want cucumbers! We want onions! We want to live like in Schland! "
It broke the pyramid on a broad daylight spring days with times under her butt.
They had in fact no foundation.
So incompetent Maurer they had built.
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Tags: Fully Walled
'All children are circumcised, because the girls discrimination is abolished.'
Instead, in addition to male circumcision should be abolished.
@ Apostolos
I have since only done a very bad joke.
If you enter "circumcision of boys" in the search function above right, you can see quickly that I have asked myself several times vehemently against this perverse practice.
Under the heading of the works in the network search engine.