From the wives jealousy

Funny is it not always, but sometimes, when women are even unduly jealous.

I kennne a P. (first letter of security and confidentiality reasons, I changed), the V immediately on hundred eighty when he only pronounce the name of the infamous others, oh what if only one word with the first letter of her name starts, one in Germans are not rare initial letter, as you probably already adrenaline rises by 200 percent.

Although V. patent and otherwise very intelligent, she has somehow not noticed that her age has long been a deliberate, almost always unerring fun of it, something to do in those mentioned. (Yes, men can also be mischievous and sometimes almost cruel.)

The entertainment value of the matter is obviously so great that P. temptation not know to beat on its own, to press this button just does not like refrain. It works, as far as I know, just always.

Always remain unclear, although clearly that those already makes him powerful, whether he has ever had anything to her. The rättelt his wife yet the more. Sometimes it seems to me not even sure of that, even worse, to what extent he himself knows, maybe when something ran in the dead of night, or better, Mitumnachtung, for those times at least now has an at least mediocre shadow is well known for it. (It is not exactly what you earlier, freer times, even called a sex bomb.)

It goes easily, he now may have eventually recognized times in Luther's sense or not, that he knows that no doubt. (I am a witness that he saw them already. Strokes his hand on it.)

One can, of course, issues with some fugue, if V. had not already turned the game lengthens, it internally only laughs at how her dachshund that targets again and again, does not realize that they are only artificially excited. Desfalls she was a gifted actress. It works at least as consistently true as the only go.

She threatens with divorce, the hardest if, tomorrow is not obedient to warm him the lenses: there is certainly no Hello.

I've even caught myself doing, those seemingly casual mention, merely on that the scene was set in motion. I Wicked.

Meanwhile, Let not the jealous wives take its course.

Everything else does not help anyway also.

Or even less than that.

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