From working in a dream

Now I know that you still can continue to work very well in a dream.

In some ways it's even effortless, because the guards.

One must, in reading and writing (here is the quasi the same), what my Hauptbehuf when working in a dream, not as accurate or precision, because you realize instinctively know that it's just not that important, it is whether omission also not so easy to attack will, even ridiculous, make. Everything pulls ultimately passed convenient. Even worst scenes are only a temporary calamity in a dream.

The last is probably the main reason why we so happy, even once a bad dream. There is no indubitable treasurer, the tax office, no Argentina, no spit, no, valid statements not to be trifled with.

Revenge of the so carefree thing is, however, among other things, that you at least just not as easily retains the fruits of his labor. They were sweet, wonderful, and yet most of them flew first.

It's just that already knew Puss in Boots, is no free lunch in the world.

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