Antisuebiten love!
I can not speak for my whole tribe.
I personally welcomed but very happy if you follow your words with actions ließet: So we Schwaben from - anyway just called - the scope of the Basic Law.
A new - real - Constitution we have, similar to the Swiss, certainly together quickly.
The withdrawal from the EU, NATO, the termination of tribute payments of all kinds that are the enemy states clause no longer applies, as the ESM treaty, making it very likely that the Swabians dollars (or the Swabian Mark, is the name of the constitutional referendum soon decided jointly one the Swiss franc compared stable currency). (The rating agency I want to see first how they are certified against all reason no first credit. Moreover we may even be a C-care because we do not need money from others.)
And we will again double the joy of creation because jetzo have since we brought as slaves maligned Goldman Sachs of your system every day at the fruits of our labor.
As in Switzerland, in turn, it will be quite normal for people in Swabia television alongside German Swabian says: Who does not like it, does not understand the turn it off.
In schools remains are taught in German, with the German times two hours a week are held in Schwäbisch.
The Swabian Constitution stipulates that all inherited debts are repaid as soon as possible. Deficit spending is prohibited.
German, who earned their bread, not committed serious offenses, have been living with us for over three years, at the request after a short trial, the Swabian citizenship.
I will not bore you with here, but other components of our free Swabia Constitution: Your Antisuebiten us anyway, nor will be drawn as the victors. You are so stupid now, unfortunately not.
I will not let you out of that account the day but do not yet annoyed.
After I meet with an immigrant to Stuttgart, brave Norddeutsche to discuss an interesting project.
Seems to be no Antisuebit.
(Nachtrag. I repeat it here: the Swabians state ceases on the day to exist as such, because the Germans have been in a free election a differing only in the position of the various dialects of the tribes shared constitution, the reunification of the German tribes in. this sense, explicit national goal.)
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