It has become common practice for many to name Schwaben "cockroaches".
So to say vermin.
Also posters with "Kill Schwaben" there will be in Berlin now.
This will not be pursued is, not even as particularly offensive. Yes are not Turks or Semites.
I do not care.
It simply shows the baseless falsehood and cowardly, helpless replacement Think and treatment of many.
In fact, bring the Swabians all strife and all cultural injustice to Berlin, home to nearly all of the city's treasury, which is almost exclusively financed by benevolent, tolerant Turkish and Arab clans generously.
I have the Berliners, decency as my move from a small town, my presence and my unbearable notorious suebisches parasitism but ultimately spared.
You should be grateful to me.
Myself, I'm definitely there.
Schwabylon must fall.
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Tags: Berlin , Swabia hatred , Schwabylon
Say please, please, please do something like:
"Schwabylon case must."
I slowly get tired of the whole pathetic smearing comedies ...
And slowly crumbles my small but nice, zartbitteres plantlets of shy confidence and hope Fünkchens them like a sand castle.
I'm on it but honestly do not feel that Thomas is right. With obsessive pessimism
Bock and only lust or not, I think he's so slow but probably not soo wrong.
And when I read something, it supports all the same yet.
No matter. Let them all go to the dogs'. I am from rope.
See you around the end of January.
Peace out!
@ Dude
Now not even the same 'ne of the few world crisis weger Swabia replacement haters.
We have a God who commands us to submit to all other races.
We did not see that we would have in the clubs with all nations subjugate us.
We want to convert anybody to Schwabentum.
That puts us as humorless, amused us.
And when Mercedes drivers curse us, or those who simply would like a, then we laugh twice.
Maybe I will do again tomorrow handgeschabte spaetzle and gackere it with every stroke.
It may be that it is particularly easy to me, because when sweeping and sweeping now I belong not just to the world champions.
We were quite jealous really only the philosophers density.
And that is not all, as it should be, have to nibble on a Prussian charity or equal to starve. 's Funny.
What you throw out because everything about you Swiss.
Ye should be enjoyable incapable, as more and the money behind, slow in everything, except the fact your idiom is unbearable for every man of culture, you did not want you to insert harmless in general Vernünfte of decadence, even your beautiful mountains you had just inherited and actually not deserve, because they would have been financed by any intellectual flatlands what your zeigtet no gratitude.
Will sometimes loosely. The spin just yet.
The Franks have simply not yet been discovered so right. Then the Domas's turn.
Something that is clear Absterbeeffekte. Or emotions. Or Aufladströme.
The Munich (hence the Bavaria) hold in our strange shop for quite some time for the greatest; while but the burgers, on behalf of all Low German, slouch also be, now, the Berlin (Prussia) we discovered, probably because they were too cowardly, despite the larger city, the sexier yes, though poorer, which entgegenzustinken too bold, or because they think (as if a thought) that already own beschäftiget together so well with the Swabians suitable victim.
Obviously our capital suffers from a complex subsidy.
The German tribe, who pays out the Baden, farthest away and least Hartz, most of his own party, which is to hate the most. A normal process.
It regulates itself again.
Germany is now times a cosmos in itself. One rangelt for many centuries among the tribes to the prominence riding law.
I hope that will continue. So also but he sometimes out what clever from this people.
"What you throw because everything about you from the Swiss."
Jajaja, just. Fuck nomal! Tammisiech.
Mier ISCHES piepeschnurzkackegal ÖB the stupid Asage vo verblödete Berlin or dureknallte Amis Right vo Schwabe or Schwiizer, or vomirus au Easterners or Oestricher gschmisse werded.
Äs gaht au even nöd to Uri, Franke, Schwabe, Illinoiser, Hopis or sus äs people - gaht äs a matter of principle!
The demented assholes forciered with settigem bullshit yes exactly Tues fatal and chum verstandeni Gliichschaltig and conformity where vo gwüssne Maecht for ihri superluschtig Neui Wältordnig yes gwünscht ish, ohni dass'es would notice, and wath s'truurige ade Gschicht.
And i Säg dr ice. Äs makes grumpy Wed wi d'sow.
Well isch the zimmli sure Danish reason always wärum the Dumaguete gfiggt while the wicked and rewards hochgjubled werded ..
"Will sometimes loosely. The spin just yet. "
Nei. Since wirdi nöd loose because wirdi fuchstüüfelswild!
Everywhere is äs giant Affetheater weigh racism and settigme Habakkuk gmacht, but the nonstop Chline Eigeheite werded vo primeval Völkli ZOGE is ridiculous.
The mues hear tammisiech!
Wänni times get individuals finger spinner id chaner, each uf istelle what if ...
"It regulates itself again."
I hope with the häsch revenge, but honestly xeit, glaubi nöd würkli Sun dra ...
"I hope it stays that way."
I hope you seriously besinnst you again!
@ Dude
Clear that the method has. Clear that I also have a little (if not significantly) trivialized.
I react to this kind of angry, but so have the idiots who perpetuate it, but I am just blind. Offended because of understanding, no fun if the reacted like that then it is probably right, made dogs bark, etc.
Can not you see that I am against it in my own way, THAT FACT.
I woiß scho weddene Arschgsichder degree of ebba gfalld ed.
To be harnessed to make but remember, do not exist.
There are poor wretch, Stupid, seduced.
Sure, sometimes there wedges are driven. But I have a more relaxed around solchenen madness, egged on his own people, see, and the more peaceful I deal with it, the more likely to notice someone, what a perfidious shit program.
Remember times, laid out like the thing. We should get an Swabia Berlin hatred, because many of them have a inoculated against us. The mitangesprochenen Baden to the Franconia and Bavaria also soon there. Pipe cover. If you think on the Spree can not, yet sometimes it works on the Neckar.
I run ed et vo each case dohergloffena Seggel nai.
That the Swabians formed the immigration problem Berlin is so abstruse that it is no longer allowed to respond seriously.
I see, of course, is how shit like that. But I'm going to find out yourself, who can insult me and do not jump over the baton held executed.
The rest had already Schiller and Hölderlin not grow or live in Berlin to speak German.
The Goeller not. Hehe.
(Nadierlich MacHD mi of au Grond from her gran wiad you sow. S'isch jo au meah wian'abardich.)
"But to the more relaxed I get a solchenen madness, egged on his own people, see, and the more peaceful I deal with it in order to realize the more likely someone, what a crappy program that perfidious."
I remember you just look at your own words, inspired by the misunderstood masterpiece ...
Because if you think that all the wretched, stupid and misled, but above all and especially remember the custom hangers and system maintainer, actually calm, gentleness and pedagogical velvet what shit program is actually going on in their uniformistisch programmed brains, you underestimated the evil.
"Remember me, laid out like the thing."
It's not in the least offended killed - this is pointless, stupid, stupid - because I laugh! It's about the underlying principle of the demonic rule!
Since I do not laugh!
Divide and conquer!
Combine it with Adaequare, and you pull the threads of the story silently in the background. Did you just create the perfection of this symbiosis, you will untouchable because you crazy your network invisible and inescapable in the apparent radiance of the divine light ...
"Never shall innocent blood be shed. But the blood of the wicked shall flow freely. The three shall spread their black wings and will be the hammer of God's vengeance. "
"My flashing sword and my hand will judge you."
(Movie Quotes: "The Boondock Saints")
Ps Save yourself the question.
Because God is dead - or rather, to self prudently not interfere in the quantum computer of madness ...
Pps. Yes, I know that this is only a very few understand, and almost all of it do not misunderstand or be - whatever.
@ Dude
I've already admitted that I do not care is by no means something.
Here, however, I maintain my position as affected by this hunt, a fortiori: react if anything, calmly.
I spent the last years repeatedly visiting Berlin, the Swabians hatred, especially in Prenzlauer Berg, has been there longer endemic.
Before the "change" from the Southwest people mainly went there (the joke is that those at the top usually not even know that Augsburg is a Swabian town, a dialect of Baden on a Swabian not know how to distinguish), which sought to avoid the draft, just to experience the big city.
In recent years, however, many active forces are gone, and this Swabian Saubacken with their small companies have in fact not usually located in the Wedding or Neukölln, but in Kreuzberg, Mitte, Friedrichshain and especially the single "mountain" (58 meters or above) in Berlin, the Prenzlerberg.
Many of these children and even Seckeln this reason alone have a slightly different behavior than the German-born normal Berlin.
Now that a politician has made the Swabians hate socially acceptable, not nice. But all times is talked about.
The man is too stupid as a wake or a bun or a bun or even a bread roll.
@ Dude: Of course I'm right! The Frange is always right. ; P
But it's not about being right but about knowing how to run the world. Only with this knowledge you can "decouple" from the Dummschwätzerei out there. The more people know, the better.
But one. Must accept this world that exitiert instantly in madness, and it will, confident with the knowledge that it is false Themselves feign a perfect world full of happiness or otherwise: to always try to live in the ideal world, while most of the rest of the world does not live there, is more than counter-productive, that's depressing.
Therefore: In some measure of self-defense accept the world as it is and with the necessary humor initiate changes. And always above such things. It will not happen. Or not for long. And the not-well-go brings anybody.
Schwabigall ick you hear ;) trapsen
The common Schwob is always a verkabbter Frang. Bissell Gardnpflech build too much, too much spare Bissell and the little house and mid Schbrach simmer ned quite Aufa line, but a ansonstn isser Sun energy of stares and gleggert ned. And creating a kinda, the Schwob. The common Schwob but eha zornich währnd the Frang Disgussion is still within comfortable. The Frang is as innately bissele unziwilisierder. But dunnse ausrasdn all zwäh so dassde then better ned stehsd danebn. The Kolladeralschadn is then always e weng too large, so that a Unbedeiligde fond of Fedd griegn wennse wech then Bissell wern cheeky. The Glenne Dummschmarrer that mene then se it allows hädde bekommn their unqualifizierde opinion ah still eizubringn. The wern wechgfedzd and then but with MacHD as soon behold the ned even.
@ Thomas
Your first entry from 17.17 clock would go not only dude in the ears.
(Dodrieber if I just Schwoba wäred verkabbde Franga, onderhalda mer no sebarierd ons.)
@ Dude
I han my grad noamol durchglesa, wa. You oba gseid hosch
S'schdemmd jo elles. By Grond ago. I see on the nadierlich au elles.
Abberline: I miaßed hald mol Gscheider sai ram, other than wia dia.
The hoißd, ainelaufed dusky denne ed gradernernaus ens erschdbeschdene knife.
Dr Thomas verschdohd des Jedsd guggsch haldemol as de au emol Ebbes from Frange ohnemmsch.
Although Dia sen ofd a weng coarse, aberrant verkehrd senn se au ed ASES.
On the Thomas scho even edda.
Dodrieber if I just Schwoba wäred verkabbde Franga, onderhalda mer ons no sebarierd.
Isser ned? Then i ned come to you. The Frange fahrn never abroad. , P So let Wed'm innem Glaubn to i with you better.
I almost believed you joking with the whole issue