Wishes and Warnings

Sometimes I wish the world would at first only from an aperitif and six to eight good starters and white wines offered by three.

After all, if you can not make it to the deer medallion with hazelnut spaetzle or not loaded, what is the same, even the good Red will probably not get to, there can be if enough as do the appetizers to full feed.

Neat bread with it, maybe poured an extra drop of olive oil on and wine, as may already be within what holds the world together at heart.

I can not imagine the world as well a well-baked with delicious Hefefladen edition. Pizza, burek, onion, one might call it what you will: the earth is flat enough to eat.

Or our existence, our tireless Progeneration, manifested in a fish-Eicreme, just now as an appetizer.

Also like the world if a chicken good long carefully looks after more than half a day in the garlic and ginger and rubbed the rest so long and afterwards bathed that even give sons fifteen minutes reverent silence.

At some point in this life I'll probably get back at times fresh Rhön- or Flemish Deichlammkottelets, so it's my second highest handlebars, my palate wants.

If it's that are of the Rhön, I want them back with the wild garlic-tomato jus with fresh thyme Rhoener Wild tagesmariniert it from the charcoal.

The world as one, so how do I do it, at the close of fairly homogeneous (it always remains in protein-heavy substance below) bubbling, auszugabelndes and introduce auszubrotendes Käsfondue?

Maybe, if I may wish it to me and for me to tolerate it, I'll eat my last days a Käsfondue; but then, not, as always only salad appetizers, respectively, rather than placed at the point richtgen intermediate course: of something sour, which passed before frying.

If I were the last day before the election between fondue and roast, so the choice fell while difficult, but easy: roast is roasting.

In addition, do not would mean that you can not I will not give later after frying a few cheese.

Except maybe a vintage port and two or three red wines I have nothing so good, very Dark drunk like a good Bratensoß '.

You can not do anything.

I was told by a lachrymose (a giant, big enough for that), he had what his weaknesses against the fair sex Anlanger, so by now pretty well under control, but with big blond women over six feet, as he could now unfortunately still not resist.

Something like that is it with me and the Bratensoß '.

Broths what the world needs, of course, but broths are no Soß '.

This is now times cosmic law.

Oh yes, delicious salads!

BELGIAN chocolates!


Where have you been, Saints, I pay homage with all your remaining strength!

And I know you are usually not here with me.

Sometimes I doubt already in my faith.

Am I not your disciples?

I need not your care?

Why your verstoßet me?

When an ordinary cave cheese comes for just that easily into the house?

Or a few well-marinated anchovies?

Also, at least ordinary white sausages, worthy of its name?

You suppose you can kidding me?

Do you know what mustard cost?


Sea salt?

630 model spelled flour?




The Billigkäs?

I cough you what if your only abused me.

Do not drive it to the top.

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8 Responses to "Wishes and Warnings"

  1. Dude says:

    I you would not want to spoil the good taste, but most people in this world - provided they do not belong to the 1-3 billion who do nothing, or almost nothing have to eat - eat the da ...


    And with the Genschrott the food is also driven life ...

  2. Magnus Wolf Goller says:

    @ Dude

    No, I will not spoil my appetite.

    That I from me and a latch bar Manchego or genuine Swiss cheese and sometimes a better bottle of wine, no, this pretty much my only luxury, if you want to call it in today Reichtume as a luxury, I am not ashamed.

    Today, drive cars with biofuel. The need for 100 kilometers more calories than I have in a week.

    In addition, growing in La Mancha nunmal best wine, garlic and sheep, and on your pastures grow only cows and goats. Why should not I auchmal abkriegen a piece of good cheese?

    If people like you and me let us whether the misery in many parts of the world take the elementary Lebnsfreude, Monsanto & Co have completely triumphed over us.

    A good friend once said, when it came to love money scarce: "First of all I eat well, I drink well, and then comes the rest."

    A friend who I told it, just said: "This is a healthy attitude."

    If you happen to be very ashamed of you because of your acclaimed Pflümli and the old rum and red Spaniards in the basement, so you can you send me likes the shipping I pay back the same number of volume percentages in Lidl goods, and I guarantee for proper biological use.

    Moreover, I wanted with my little journey through the land of Cockaigne only indicate on what I'll invite me especially happy when well-off people wish that I gassed with them.

    And of course, what everyone like me can send as voluntary Blog conservation contribution in kind.

  3. Dude says:


    I did not say that you should now withdraw all senses, pleasure, and treats therefore, only that you often do not get the what it looks like and / or what is on it.

    Most then radiate their denatured Frass - it must indeed go quickly - even in the microwave and kill so that even the last spark of life in food from.

    So it is no matter whether these subjects then eat meat or not, because death means they are after Vermikrowellung even without this ...

    I also like to enjoy what fine, I nem farm (which I had previously undergone visual inspection) bought ...:-)

    "First of all I eat well, I drink well, and then comes the rest."

    This setting I share. A comfortable warm bed is also still in the enumeration into it ...:-)

  4. Magnus Wolf Goller says:

    @ Dude

    I have never owned a microwave, but attracted almost three decades, depending on the extent possible herbs (of course I did when I had real gardens, also cultivated all sorts of other, I have fruit bushes and trees set and brought, kept goats, yogurt and cheese made from the milk, we had rabbit on top of that, I collect as long wild herbs, rose hips, etc., as I just get to it, I'm experimenting with this in terms of ever new essences, whether by vinegar or alcohol extract, etc.

    I have just started to put himself mustards.

    Exciting thing.

    In marinating I am a master medium.

    What will be said: You can also narrow pouch eat well, if one takes a bit of effort.

    Oh, and since the death of my wife - which took over the front of it - I bake bread regularly itself.

    Today, there are again so a 630 model spelled white bread with lots of black seed on it.

    Leave the dough I have so much diverted that the children after an entire sheet pizza (I had a good home cooked Tomatensoß ') get with side and on the lining of their choice.

    Back when I still had the wood stove, I baked already in the transitional period it regularly; Now, with the gas stove, I also do it rather October to April with the motto, the waste heat of the oven heats up shop.

    It requires, in fact, little to so fresh bread, onion, tomato, butter or cream ch Frischkäs and maybe a few olives and some pickles to eat well.

    PS: With the comfortable bed you're right.

  5. Dude says:

    If I let him read, yes, the article itself, I just wonder if you really want to earn with your creative money, would it not make more sense to offer natural cooking classes against juicy Teilnahmegebüren instead of your philosophical wisdom and geopolitical analysis, without hope at large, thus accounting for revenue to write? ;-)

    From a purely economic, that would be awesome - do it but please do not, otherwise I would be missing something, even if I were participating probably times to one of your cooking classes ..:-)

  6. Dude says:

    Ps. Sorry, for misappropriating's philological empty pieces.

  7. Magnus Wolf Goller says:

    @ Dude

    Thanks for the - albeit long-cherished - business concept.

    Because too few people are interested in thinking ...

  8. Thomas says:

    Hmm ... we bake bread and rolls regularly yourself. In the strict gardeners I am more and more. But boil tomatoes, vinegar and alcohol extracts ... I know you will then know what you have. But the effort is me then too large.

    I have no time to time. Take me not too crooked my textalisches silence.

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