The Ödsinn is the origin and final stage of dementia.
The word itself dates nonsense yes from a contracted Bla + Ödsinn.
Which means: As long as Ödsinn is still herausgebabbelt, -geblökt, -geblubbert, he is not alone in his desolation.
Ödsinn means exactly what it says: Each sense is bleak. Every sense is bleak.
Not even more pleased by a comrade nonsense Bla.
Be careful that you do not get there. The Ödsinn's much more common than one might initially think. There are dangerous transition zones that can swallow a equal Sinking Sands, and only once in Ödsinn, you realize not easy again, that one is ever there.
Remember, though, that the obliteration of the senses, Sense and Sensibility is the agent and the main goal is not less worldviews simultaneously.
One should take care before Ödsinn.
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