Cash Mob "cash Rotte"?

Should now - see previous article - "flash mob" to be a "flash Rotte", it would from the "cash mob" almost said of course, a "cash Rotte".

What do we do then with the "smart mobs"?

This is not a first language scientific problem, because the "smart mobs" only one so far ill-defined, only alleged sub-variant of "flash mobs", ie the flash Rotten represent.

You could also speak of flash packs and packs of cash, but übersähe doing quite well that the corresponding operation with "band together" describes in German, but not "roll in together is" with.

Moreover, a typical mob when it goes off, more like a herd of wild hogs, because with a pack of wolves.

For a strong sow the leader of the pack itself is only a naughty puppy.

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