From the first precepts of philosophy

A philosopher may not be fond of.

He must be kind to his children, of course, to his wife, his fellow man, the tax office, each Seppel Fricken.

It may to the point but not, never! its just love.

Things are in fact not love, but things.

Here Buddhism and to a considerable extent Christianity lags powerful. Arg.

By loving yourself is, everything would dearly.

One or the other is already fond of, if you are nice to him or her.

But others do not. And things that are wrong, let alone be glad if one is dear to them, but even worse.

What's wrong, can not correctness, not gutgeliebt.

They tell me that indeed for decades, it may sometimes appear to temporarily, but it will never agree.

Who believes that likes to be a priest; a philosopher he is good no more.

Something is no antidote against the Zwerche liebzuglauben.

Only from here to there.

Who does not lie hunters from the bottom of her, can not be a philosopher.

Poet? Yes. Saint? Every time. A great inventor? Anyway.

But the wisdom that does not tolerate conformism. No servility, no Seimschlecken.

One may temporarily silent.

That is, especially when tracking pressure prevails permitted.

The, however, makes dear child, is not even more to the child.

Let alone an off-itself-rolling-Rade as divine child.

He who has ears ...

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