Happy New Mathematics

I think I got it maybe at least in part out.

(The Vorrätsel see the contributions " Math is' fürn waste "and the comments to it.)

Since there is not nothing, zero can not stand for nothing.

Therefore, they must for ever so tiny What are.

Am I now an endless array of added zeros, so minuscule wat, so will it sequentially to generate all real numbers infinite.

In a simplified representation thus obtained zero times infinity (depending on the thickness of the applied infinity) any real number.

The fact that there are several powerful infinities, a mathematician gave me time convincing (although not thought out in every consequence, but it is quite convincing) explains. Probably you need this mighty different infinities just at this point.

If this basic idea are based not but so is likely to remain us about a new mathematics nothing other than as so far deal on yet another type with zero. Perhaps they must all leave except as Dezimalstellenzeiger (or, in another number system, purely symbolic equivalent), as well as in traditional mathematics, the playground.

I venture the hypothesis that not one, not even the two, not even the three, really real primes were.

After all, not only that the four also that the twin primes using the formula 6n + 1 or 6n the first reasonable faktorierbare number but - 1 starting out from there, is here to lead supportive.

According to the classical definition of course, the one, the two and the three primes. Let's call her on my account Vorkeimprimzahlen, or otherwise. They correspond in any case, as far as I know with my modest mathematical knowledge, not that decisive rhythm that follows them from the Five. (The zero, it was one of the natural numbers produced +1 and -1 as primes. But you is not among them, for good reason. From a meaningful factoring the time to mention -1 altogether.)

That now the Five, as sometimes assumed first prime number, of all things, both in Formula 1 and butt 5 divided by 2, as well as the geometric representation of the equilateral divided pentagon (Pentagramma), holds the Golden Section in itself, the number phi, about Leonardo's famous depiction as the construction of the people associated with the Fibonacci series as well as that allerleier plants, etc., to admire today on every Italian Eineurostück, gothic Domarchitektur underlying, moreover, the Mannusrune (M-Rune), ie the Menschrune, in left-handed reading in a 24 Common Germanic Futhark "the measurer" is the fifth for, zuwenigst may be cited as a flanking observation here.

Sometimes I even wonder how number theorist can say on the one hand, the whole world is built on the principle of the number, but then want to move so reluctant to draw conclusions about their numbers from the structure of the world,

Take the sieves, as so considered, second prime number.

The Seven is usually associated with more female, in their zahlensymbolischen the most difficult assignment up to at least ten. All figures represented in the decimal system and ten have made it as a divider in the extended duodecimal system of 360 degrees of the circle; only for the seven it was not enough. (2520 degrees were the surveyors and navigators probably overkill.)

The seventh rune, in this reading, is Berkano, the B-Rune, standing for the birch, clearly feminine, mountain aspects.

Seven days we have, as far as I know, at least since Sumerian trouble in the week. Their days are again measured in an extended duodecimal system to this day to 24 hours, as well as their minutes and seconds (about 5 times per 12). The Duodezimalssystem has held up well in all material cyclic systems (including twelve signs of the zodiac, European monthly, chinese valued annually), which of course if its better integer divisibility is not surprising. (I would have made me 12 commandments, or 24, quite simply, that I may, quarter and did not only can halve clean, but still thirds sixths.)

That's enough to me first with the math. Schuster, stick to your last.

Since the probability that my theses, especially when I still reingrätsche with this stupid runes are taken seriously by any reputable mathematician, tends to infinity, or even one, ie, at least statistically, should all be affected by the zero insight, end I hereby and Wortley rather be back, because I tried to count correctly.

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