Direct herunterkanalt

In his own tankard he

Unfortunately Weis, rage

Plugged the stumps

He then afterward einergeust be

What he

For spitting bestowed

Tobacco fibers operating in the throat.

As could not love

In a Napfe not far away land.

Derweis restored them

He no longer eingestecket the stumps wrong

So in the same neighbor tankard

Desso cheroot him the same quality.

Only just gently pointing

With the paw

Thanks to the short

Add to Zahngeleis.


Return Conclusively

Chair already steep

The stump half Gestumpte

Already something elaborate Inflated

Be erreckt again on

Previous verbreckt.

The Publiko ity's good pleasure

So it all for two Plaisir

Right here

Still Bieresbrungs sound.

Barely half hour later it'd be gewast,

The one with the stump

After another tankard

The other is almost back.

The Fury

By my faith!

On these uneasy courage

Relaxing a new one.

Jetzo an oak four-shot support turned

At his sister, Thin

Called the board

Good keyed and clamped

Be provided for emergency bursting of hinne.

This was, in fact,

It was quite late

Now a giant

Too good gemastet

In his dune

Clean disengaged.

The one with the stump ity nothing

That evening

Otherwise be refreshing

In a tankard.

His companion

Done something roughly

It had überzeuget

He slept the peace on the mat.

And weitersoff

Until even the next beer troff.

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4 Responses to "direct herunterkanalt"

  1. Dude says:

    Slam poetry at its best, thank you!

    Since I unfortunately not given the wonderful gift

    I forward

    let up the glass strive to offense

    on that amuses it.

  2. Dude says:


    You should take a chance in a Slam Poetry Festival, honestly, would you get sometimes on stage, I think.

    Here again as a supplement Renato - this time lyrical.

  3. Magnus Wolf Goller says:

    @ Dude

    "Slam Poetry"?

    Can it be?

    If you are serious about the poetic accuracy noticed how there any breaks?

    That is the point, not just about, for each rough fellows, here reigns in the observation of the end of just the literary finesse, without ever losing tonality.

    This is how a poem is one.

    I have a Schlammpoettreter. Or -täter.


    At most Kalauerist.




    Heath If still some before Schlampdichter. It says the maximum penalty for us. Namely the Schwabenexkommunikation. The Abbittegedicht I do not want to have to come to me.

    Well, this was a finger exercise, will be to Stuttgart indeed not disputed.

    Slam Pothead. Well, not bad. A Zuknallgraskopf poetry can go.

    Who translated correctly, do quickly what is going on.

    Maybe is "slam" but actually for "Smurf".

    This would mean that there is not quite loud auspubertiert wealthy Zipfelmütze leaders were demonstrating their Kralsprobleme.

    Such, however, would also not be supported.

    I make a compromise proposal.

    Count me in, if not slam poet called me, but every butcher poet.

  4. Dude says:

    Love You!

    Oh, man, you have to love it !!! :-)

    El KOMET, Cojones mui grande! :-)

    Here especially for you (maybe you consider so your little scented prejudice views again ...?)

    "Slam" means for me the way that the idiotic masses sometimes - because comedic packed - Tacheles around the ears can be beaten without having to run away in their degree systemindoktrinierten security megalomania and Amokparanoia.

    So I think the designation "Slam Poetry" appropriately enough, but since we have not even necessarily share the views. :-)

    In any case, I stick with it, you should participate, often there's also free beer for the winner!
    (These events are AWARE managed so absolutely abseitig of any calf dance-commerce).

    Think about;-)

    L & L

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