What Professor Stefan Homburg here in the FAZ puts forward the ESM treaty, I think is currently the most important required reading at all.
It has, although I already knew a lot, again left me in fact breath.
The Board of Governors is absolute secrecy forever obliged to fully and equally forever immune to any outside control withdrawn money can create and add them to almost any extent, move hundreds of billions to banks, arbitrarily, without notice, without making this only publicly: He is the junta, or, if you the Politburo of the Euro-financial dictatorship.
This agreement is now the coup that will bring the governors, the counselors, to power.
The Heads of State and enemies of the constitution, which actively support this paper are, in fact in court. Because state and treason, without question.
Homburg writes:
"Does the Federal Constitutional Court pass the ESM treaty, it has red lines, it has drawn in earlier judgments, postpone again. That would be unfortunate, because as evidenced by the thousands of constitutional complaints, it's not just younger people who fear in countless Internet forums, the impending transformation of European democracies in a company controlled by the financial industry plutocracy. Rather, the danger of a system change is a very real. "
Again the core: "Transformation of European democracies in a company controlled by the financial industry plutocracy" (!!!)
Thank you, Professor Homburg. This misses the point precisely.
How should conspiracy theory be because when it is open enough practice.
Would normally have the immunity of all MPs who voted for the ESM treaty, immediately canceled and the Bundestag if no quorum be resolved until new elections within 14 days, during which time the President acting assumes the government.
According to the constitution, only the German people allowed to enter in a free and secret ballot a new constitution. No Member of Parliament can.
The assignment of fiscal sovereignty to an international Board of Governors would geheimbündlerischen the Federal Republic of Germany as a democratic republic.
The deputies will not be able to rely on a mistake of law. Because they were told countless times that is unconstitutional, what they're doing.
Because it changed nothing, when the Supreme Court could pass the ESM treaty. Then the concurring judges would also only supply relevant criminal proceedings.
This contract is to Maastricht and Lisbon (not so long ago that still should not be liable for the debts of another country) is the cornerstone of the pyramid and the Völkeramalgamierer - ausquetscher, the Europlutokratie.
No one and nothing is for Europe (and the non-euro countries) dangerous than these usurpers and their planned machinations.
For they have all over Europe the financial declared war.
They want to overthrow the parliaments.
Democracy is no longer provided.
A few dozen people are desired over the nations of Europe (except Russia, perhaps Norway, partially Switzerland, under certain circumstances, the United Kingdom) have to push their money behind closed doors from here to there, governing by decree, a pigsty of high finance as transnational Secret Government establish, make the continent a self-service store for the largest jackals and rip-off of the planet.
The whole call this magician then: "more Europe".
And who does not want to expropriate their democratic rights are not deprived of a "narrow-minded nationalist" or something equally abhorrent.
The Europlutokraten have broken with the presentation of this contract, the final mask themselves from the face. There are no more excuses.
It is not yet clear whether the rebels of the target coup will succeed.
He succeeds, however, so it may happen to them one day something like it already happened to some lousy junta in a cocoa and banana State of West Africa or Central America.
What then could almost be glad, because when our prisons also look the part as yonder, they want because maybe I'd rather not go back.
This contract provides not only the seed, but already the seeds of a popular uprising, several nations uprisings in itself.
The rebels are likely to be quite clear.
We will see how they will equip and prepare their security apparatus.
Of parliamentary democracy to oligarchy absolutist plutocracy, simply by contract: Looks like a brilliant idea, right?
A big thank you from here not only to Professor Homburg, but also the editor of the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung that they now made this post to a wider audience and also the middle part, has designed for easy operation with key agreement passages and Homburg comments. It is clear, that is to the point. There are no more excuses. Thank you.
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Tags: Euro-financial dictatorship , Europlutokratie , FAZ , constitution , treason , Stefan Homburg
One might get the idea that if Ron Paul was crushed, the Fed, the elite immediately seamlessly then has a different, never-ending source of deprivation available.
Not that there's someone makes them a spanner in the works. Then they should Weltrieg the third party, they're working against Syren, Iran, Russia, China, Africa, World - actually been around for at least 2001 - almost guaranteed to break the fence.
"..there Are no more excuses. ... "
It seems, in fact anything to do in the mainstream. A few days ago it task indeed this video in any ARD station that has made the citizens loaded the risk of liability in the form of hundreds of trucks with significantly Euros. Which will now have nightmares.
@ Miss. Menkel
Ron Paul will not crush the FED: he's out.
The context of probably more war is clear.
War replaces debt and can bring even more power.
Or not.
So far, the last imperial wars of the West seem indeed to have paid more for gunsmiths and mercenary firms and consultants and all kinds of gravy train, society as a whole is likely to balance but at least give a negative balance for the United States.
If a country is able to fill the potholes in the streets not even halfway home, but at the same time with doubtful success verbläst thousands of billions in expansionary wars, one can hardly speak of a hegemon who might be a long time.
That they spare conditions facing Europe has, potters to create yonder agreeable structures should not be denied in the least.
You just take what you get. Always the most and always the best thing you can get.
Seen in the game is not very complicated, if not for debt-free powers that probably dawiderstehen not only in appearance. Durable Powers.
This time the East-West antagonism does not look like made.
For the respective strategies at another time.