From the struggle against the Cutpurse

Since yesterday evening Germany is provisionally abolished.

After how upper Minister Schäuble remarked applicable, Germany after 1945 was never truly sovereign, is due to the ESM Treaty now first, the BVG wofern not against it decides what very unlikely, our entire national wealth, we are therefore all at the EU-Monster , every debtor who somewhere in the euro area, pledged.

The Basic Law is repealed. Some it may still have on the shelf, may - still - read around unpunished is even quote from it, but it's pointless, abrogat, only printed paper.

Since it seems almost secondary, even to discuss circumcision of boys, for here the whole bag is cut off.

It would be just quite wrong but considering this treason, this kind themes are allow resigned.

Because everything is connected to everything, and the Important little to nothing is accidental.

Who can verschneiden children the tip, just cut and bag.

Who wants to give mothers take their children as early as possible, which also intersects bag.

Who just does not allow free speech, which also intersects bag.

Those who start wars of aggression and torture under "friends" tolerated, even those help to find their victims, which also intersects bag.

Who referred to Islam as a "religion of peace", which also intersects bag.

Who says kids to Erbschuldigen which also intersects bag.

If one, as the worst racist itself, a nation preserve its peculiarities, does not want to leave plunder, hurls the racism accusation, or "merely" those of selfish nationalism ', then cuts the bag also.

We can not let up: now even less.

No Pasaran!

You shall not pass!

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23 Responses to "From the struggle against the Cutpurse"

  1. Eric says:

    Since urges somehow a comparison to the Treaty of Versailles on ... But I agree with you: You shall not pass. Not this time.

    "For normal, you think, is it yet, or should it be that millions of people do not speak for thousands of years by a handful of upper class, exploit, can disinherit. Is normal that such an immense majority, it can not be like, to be wretched of the earth. Instead, just the awakening of the majority entirely unusual, the rare in history. A thousand wars, revolutions come not ten ... And even where they were succeeded the oppressors were usually more than replaced abolished "

    Ernst Bloch, "freedom and order", Frankfurt 1969

  2. haschmech says:

    "You shall not pass!"

    Is there not a word?

    You will get through not SO!

    You already are!

    Stringent TÜV, higher taxes, more poverty, people will work as soldiers in an ant colony, we were practically overnight into a state of 500,000,000 obedient subject objects. And they have to tell us anything better than this: Take kindly up your cross!
    And people do it good and some are still waiting for their redeemer. The other numb themselves with drugs, television and sex until they prostrate down to the pit.

    With much hope of the award is linked?

    "You shall not pass!"

    You need the obedient servants do not ask with the cry: Do you want the total dictatorship?

    It is accepted tacitly. Maybe because people know nothing else?

    It seems that most of one's own thinking and self-responsibility long forgotten.

  3. Magnus Wolf Goeller says:

    @ Eric

    No nation wants the EU-driven Supermoloch.

    Therefore, he is finally not prevail.

  4. Magnus Wolf Goeller says:

    @ Haschmech

    'With much hope of the award is linked?

    "You shall not pass!" '

    First: I am pleased with your posts here!

    Before I get to your question but: You mean, in all tangible realities that you name, it's really, really, ever again to exude so much pessimism to draw downfall?

    Do you work with it not perhaps entirely unwillingly, but in effect just yet, indirectly, for which you look as a spoiler?

    Most importantly, namely, to establish and maintain a dictatorship, it is necessary to deprive the people of their courage.

    Now for the verdict.

    Resistance is now times inevitably against something.

    He is first offense.


    No, I spread so no hope.

    For that reason alone, because the hope people wont bring to myself to do nothing, because they can yes (to any other, coincidences, God, higher additions, etc.) hope.

    I am doing so is to build courage, confidence and ultimately energy.

    A few thousand usurpers are against several hundred million.

    No Pasaran!

  5. Dude says:


    Where do you get your seemingly merely unwavering belief in the bio-robots, people grumble up?

    I would be happy if it would be global only 5% actually put in the most radical manner subversive resistance and civil disobedience in the day.

    It looks about as bleak as the dark storm clouds out there ...

  6. Magnus Wolf Goeller says:

    @ Dude

    First, it is not a faith, but a volition.

    My (sometimes limited) confidence to the effect (which can of course also be called faith, if one wants to have so prefer) is based simply and over again on all this - almost literally - Wonderful, what people have already done.

    Some have survived almost unimaginable, were wolf children, women rubble, bombed.

    Others made great art.

    Groundbreaking for the whole humanity.

    Kick Your pessimism in the bin.

    He is (as our Chancellor said well, hehe) not helpful.

    And it is certainly not when exudes from a like you.

    If WE the people have to help take their last courage of where they should then take up the scent?

  7. Magnus Wolf Goeller says:

    @ Dude


    It's just the sentimental task to point again to the beautiful, the amazing, the Great.

    WE at least see that, and WE do not despair!

    And we show in our speeches as in our plants.

    How could we achieve something if we do not model to be at least sought it?

    Nothing beats the villains more on their cramp grandchildren, as we not only like the rabbit at the snake look at them, but still more art up against her cold sadness that never ever put their Certificates sold after valances in the world capable of !

    To that extent I know exactly what I'm doing why.

  8. Dude says:

    Thank you for your detailed reply.
    I'll think about it in detail on my afternoon walk through the woods.

  9. Eric says:

    "If your pessimism in the bin.
    He is (as our Chancellor said well, hehe) not helpful. "

    However, the Chancellor is the personalized pessimism. Seen physiognomically ...

  10. Dude says:


    On the one hand I see one that you're right, on the other hand, however, I think even after much thought about it no doubt.


    Word! :-D

  11. Dude says:

    Ps. I mean, it starts already with the fact that we censor it myself, because we do not feel like it, have to glue the terrorists of state power at the heel.

    Which we would a sultry hot jungle with millions of mosquitoes, leeches and ticks still loose 7 Quatrillionen prefer times ...

  12. Dude says:

    Could you be interested in ...

  13. Dude says:

    Oh, and here's a happy-exulting provoking Supplement of the finest quality, the high punchy any stomach contents with joy on walls - can shine - or rather a bunch UH-idiots, they submit it.

  14. Magnus Wolf Goeller says:

    @ Dude

    Of course, critical pages are repeatedly sabotaged, in a way, in contexts, at times, so professional that you may well cherish the presumption, government forces stood more than just sometimes behind.

    The whole network but they are so easy Do not switch off.

    The resulting chaos, the economic losses: everything a size too big.

    Parking 'you, if THAT would be engaged in only think how many young men were suddenly in the street. And pissed in the street.

    You'd have to shoot world's massively keen to then drive back to their homes far too boring. (No more Daddeln, no porn, no chats, no Skype, just a black hole.)

    Probably came with even the girls, because without all Netzgeraffel on their phones turned the by.

    Our One has still to remember, yet can with pen and paper.

    The young generation but, for that would be a total catastrophe.

    The Albert Pike was not on the bill.

  15. Dude says:

    It would be nice if they actually paralyzed the entire network, because You have been admirably described. The ensuing riots could probably be suppressed only a shooting sharp.

    Thus, they would trigger the large, whole in its consequences even for them unmanageably bang turn itself.

    But since Uncle Albert are good 100 years passed, and the heirs of his ideology are quite well settled in the 21st century, and also know very well know about their new instruments of bondage.

    They would therefore never, ever come to the idea strunzedämliche (from their point out), stalling the entire network - so why should they ??

    Helps but this exact bobs around in any of these UH-crap large parts of their master plan, because most of the network rule moron.

    Do you really think the UH-manure is shut down when they know precisely the scourge of the sheep, nice entertain them, humbly serving, holds the rod at ??

    Well käumlichst.

    This is exactly yes the gigantic problem. The whole world is going to the dogs and the bio-robots, if they do not just keep the evil system going, keep yourself down with exactly these stupid idiots distractions, perfectly created for their peers.

    Man, I can not eat as much as I could puke ...

  16. Magnus Wolf Goeller says:

    @ Dude

    You have to see the critical world power in terms of an instrument of liberation, in fact.

    Pages that run like the sow, "Gold Pages" (greed's sake), porn sites (self-explanatory), Facebook (because of exhibitionism 'and the gossip addiction), Daddelportale (self-explanatory), (image and view) are , (I'm finding out daily on the net), advice columns (I have no plan of nothing), PETA (I'm so loving that I wegsaufe no calf milk), most recently in "alternative" area, the last trashy way made, of cages full of ranzender illiterate masses annotated text stations thief.

    But some information is still easier 'rum than before, save a lot on their plates, which just goes, and otherwise valid stop schlichtemang compared and persevere.

    The power is in the sense of weal and woe just Janus-faced.

  17. Dude says:

    Yes, you had it here in another comment some time ago addressed, as I you whether a diamond praised beyond compare. The people would be for it, if at all interested, at most on the edge, because they crave the fast digesting News Stream outlier, like vultures after carrion, and of course you behieltest right about what I went out there already.

    But of course me, it was clear that the power a gigantic and probably unique chance for humanity. If they really wanted to just because. I was probably too long, overly optimistic. In a sense, one could actually view the network as a training for telepathy, and in particular benefits. But you can not expect to be able to handle it from brain-washed calf dancers. That would be like trying to teach a boar wall painting.

    Isch abe done. ^^

    See Ps. Time how long it takes until the following is censored by the Springer guys ...

  18. Magnus Wolf Goeller says:

    @ Dude

    I looked at your link now no specific text, but perhaps the "observer" yes otherwise a lot going on.

    "But of course me, it was clear that the power a gigantic and probably unique chance for humanity. If they really wanted to just because. I was probably too long, overly optimistic. "

    I think I was in this respect also too optimistic.

    Then this is just new einzujustieren.

    Of course, the dumb are not clever, just because there is a new medium for their favorite nonsense.

    But previously to read already and to express themselves knew were formerly largely cut off, could be the race against Hare Hedgehog can turn around now.

    As never before.

  19. Dude says:

    Novelty. Should actually lead directly to the second in this strand, but the runs since not apparently.
    After all, I am amazed but just a little, because he is actually still propagated in it.

    The reconfiguration with respect to the approach of the network running with me already full. Fight Club for Xten has nevertheless helped a lot.

    And yet it would somehow be possible to bring the lumpenproletariat soon as meaning that they are no longer interested only in the UH-scrap, while her little guys foreskins are abgeschnippselt what is probably utopian, andererseit but thereby also no particular role plays more.

    You see, the update is still rattling on. ;-)

  20. haschmech says:

    @ Magnus

    "A few thousand usurpers are against several hundred million."

    This has always been so; and it was always so that the many from the few all were like.

    Why did they do that? That's the whole point. The answer is: Out of fear, or at least fear.

    The Bible also says: Fear God! And the Christians, for example, has been made to believe, see the Romans of Apostle Paul, chapter 13, that the authorities would be used by God and therefore one must obey. The Muslims and the Jews is similar.
    I recently had to pay for it, because the time limit was exceeded within which I had to renew my old passport punishment. I paid the 20 euro fine and was just annoyed me inside. This is a simple example and I think that no German would not have paid the 20 euro fine.
    But eventually enough is enough and then me everything will be all the same. Then they will be able to threaten me as they want and as for me, this day is not far off.
    It's an impossibility and insolence of the authorities that such an offender must appear to be only because they have transgressed a completely nonsensical rule. That's it.

    "I'm so about building courage, confidence and ultimately energy."

    But as long as people have the hope and faith in a savior or redeemer and will continue tricked them nicely, as long as their courage, their confidence and their energy is locked up in a cage.
    Many already talk of a third world war, but at least from a military conflicts, caused by the spread of the crisis. Crowds of people would also be let so again good burn on the front. There are people who send a quick prayer to heaven and can then shoot for the government or just another shoot. You go with the hope in the luggage, it may not catch; and it should catch it but contrary to expectations, then they hope, could indeed in the history with the sky be something in it. Here, the crucial point is simply, what are the people have more fear. Before God or the authorities?
    God has never done anything to anyone, the people among themselves are the ones who do are mutually violence; and of which always have a few excel, which then suppress all others. As long as there is the Redeemer in the head, while masses of people are enduring. This comic heresy of the Rapture, such as those haunts the minds of Christians that Jesus would bring them into the sky before it (again) comes to a man-made disaster, is the best proof that people all own can take energy and also the courage, self-motivated to do something for the improvement of their situation and indeed AGAINST human powers that be are definitely not as willed by God, but the awards themselves divinity. The question is simple: Do we need a Merkel? Do we need a government that takes us more freedom? Do we need or want the people really a united Europe or the intended world state? As for me, I can very well do without governmental paternalism and still come along well with my neighbors, if I want to. Yes, and I really want to like that very much.

    "Do you work so maybe not entirely unwillingly, but in effect just yet, indirectly, for which you look as a spoiler?"

    I do not want to discourage, but on the contrary people. To hope for a Savior is good and beautiful. I have as far as the Christian savior, intensely preoccupied with this matter. Apart perhaps also to my blog. I have experienced things that were pretty strange, but Christ had nothing to do. But I know that we humans have a great inner strength in us that makes us overcome anything if we want it just right. Do we really even show courage, then we will succeed too. And whether that is happening in masses or in detail only once regardless. The main thing is that it happens. The Bible says, for example, also, that we are the temple of God. How is it then, that a Redeemer from the outside plus a prostrate drives in human form in order to get us out of the huge mess? As long as we do not recognize ourselves as the temple of God itself, as long as we will not realize that the power to steer everything in the right direction is in ourselves. Courage to say so only once to push the savior from the outside aside. Because he does not come! He never came! And to recognize the power in itself, is certainly not a sin. It would be rather the miracle on the waiting world.

  21. haschmech says:

    As I stated simply, I am strangely not possible, despite several attempts to keep my latest article below on my blog on the home page.

  22. Magnus Wolf Goeller says:

    @ Dude

    Try it again please, so far I'm still only on the first page.

    @ Haschmech

    After all, your item is reached or the link funzt from here.

    I have the impression that some changes in your faith in lately. That you as the savior not (more) expect from the outside. Interesting considerations.

  23. Dude says:


    Described terrific, thank you sincerely!


    I have no idea what use the yokels at the Observer forum for idiots software, but apparently you can also link where neither directly on posts, and not even directly to threads.

    But he is still propagated manually accessible by clicking on "policy" in the forum on the left, and then the theme: "Close your eyes ... and continue to grow?" Selected.
    The second post, so the first answer is here meant, who was still not censored, to my astonishment of the knight guys. :-)

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