The Nachwuchse (V)

I said somewhere before that, but that does not matter, because important things are repeated to increase.

There is no "White Magic".

At best, there may be a light gray next to black magic.

That would be those that applied in the best of intentions.

Therefore, it can be or will never "white", because every conscious act of magic is a tried manipulative, unerfragte. (I'm not talking of sending good thoughts, of love, which may actually be healthy. That will not classically "magic" sorted by the term.)

Be distinguished: If a woman makes me beautiful eyes, that may have a certain "magic" effect. But I see that it does, it can find uplifting, or not.

There are also people who say euphemistically-euphemistically, everything is magic.

Would that be true, the word would not have its own content, it would be a pointless synonym for everything.

Of course, some will call me now again consider crazy that I ever muster the topic, so somehow take seriously.

But there are - certainly for me - forms of mental concentration, directed to others who, so to speak, are not quite normal yet, or perhaps because of, can act.

One should seek to apply these never, unless as a last resort to save his own life or that of his family.

The liberated forces, except in the sense of the negative, hardly ever really in their ramifications and implications controllable; they may reflect, reproduce, how to do that are not portrayed in the worst nightmares.

No true philosopher will therefore prescribe the magic ever. And otherwise no decent person.

Nor a writer who still "all on the Christmas tree" has. For about such activity, he will lose his power over the word. This meaningless.

Preliminary end of the sermon.

No, but still not quite the end.

Actually I said above, but to illustrate probably in this case: magic makes you stupid.

She eats not only the word, but the whole self.

Let your head thereof.

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