Hail to the atheists!

In order to preface it right away: I'm not an atheist.

Presumed to be an atheist namely, that it my have seen or experienced of all the things people have dreamed or thought about God and gods, everything was secure unreal.

How should I know?

The other way is to me but what I read up again, still on the cookie: atheists are actually too - now I do not even suggest according to which daweilige formulation is not the point - believers, since they believed to the non-believer. They believed it were, to the non-God. Or a whole bunch of non-gods.

What a Jesuit Hinterfotzigkeit! A belief in God is exercised. Anyway, usually. What exercises because of out of quite simply for itself says: "I have no God, I want and need no God, nothing shows me God, I am left from the neck with your speculation!"?

If a man has only an opinion, but no faith.

Or is there a compulsory faith? A dogma - of whom probably invented? - That one must believe, at least to a non-God?

Some atheist would have no objection if suddenly actually a decent daherlatschte God, such a surprise might quite like. Before that however does not make (or she or more), he does not believe, or better, he says, the concept had no real background.

Maybe I'm still an atheist, out of sheer malice laughing. But this enthübe me (not quite, but in parts) of the delicious way to expediency kidney on the slopes victim, Odin and his ravens, without any therefore spilled half priest could quote me, I would take even something of gods seriously, so be a lying, a certificate atheist. Me to spare, so I will probably not take the step yet.

In India, where the gods of any ditch sprout, they even have a Jolokia chili God. The burns each such the Gosch 'and afterwards nor the rear design that just can not be holy. To the then believes even the hardest atheist.

Well, let's leave the poor Indians, with their 333,000 gods alone. Respect times that can so far be counted and not only up to one.

The impudence of the atheist defamation (if not the stoning, it is still!) That is not from the polytheists who are relatively tolerant usually (perhaps it is thought better mentally with many gods as if with only one), but of the monotheists, usually Abrahamites. (The first was called Abraham Abram. The "ha" had to be God REPLACE him later. At least, probably so he could finally laugh after all bad. The philologists as equal all right.)

The atheist is certain intellectually better before me, as the deist. Quite simply because the science is on his side. The fact has never been a god in the sense in which the word is normally used to demonstrate. In at least ten thousand years.

Except, of course, take spacefaring aliens as gods. Because something like drape. Then, they are - not only for atheists - just in reality, no. But braggart. Or else, the man was so stupid to keep those gods, the aircraft now times already possessed well-developed.

In short: If creditors as God atheists seeks me down let even to a level that actually were also believers only in inferior who has to reckon with my explicit verbal resistance.

Unless it was just too boring for me to barren and empty to schedule a reply.

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7 Responses to "Hail to the atheists!"

  1. haschmech says:

    "If a man has only an opinion, but no faith."

    Wrong! Just such a man makes himself with this view, even a god because he thinks only of himself. And that is the greatest sin that a man can commit against his Creator.

    "The fact has never been a god in the sense in which the word is normally used, can prove."

    Science has also never been able to prove that there is no such god of creation.

    So what is a philosophical perspective, the thing with phenomenology.

    Seen from popular view, there are, for example, to the almost cute sci-fi film "Dark Star", where he tries to joke, approached this problem of the existence of a Creator God to come. But see for yourself:


  2. Magnus Wolf Goller says:

    @ Haschmech

    Who says that an atheist "believes" only in yourself?

    I had an excellent classmate whose parents dared to explicitly called atheists. Very decent people. The "believed" at least once even to her daughter.

    You write:

    "Science has also never been able to prove that there is no such god of creation."

    How should the science to prove that it is not something Available for - if it exists because not - nothing not there?

    Always one will be able to maintain it that nothing or somewhere I enter Anything. And it was only in his head. What it then also to a certain extent is there.

    You talk about "sin": atheism even as the biggest sin of all. From a purely logical would herewith a mass murderer who believes in God (of which there were many), better than an honest atheist who does anything to anyone any harm. Or?

    "Sinner," You have not the fact that you speak such words about the people with whom you they stempelst them less than human?

    As you meet such a person? Do not have the fear of you and your peers, after all, what was done in the name of the creator god faith millennia-like, in Islam is still partially common practice?

    What - what they do, but we do not even the case - if they hinstellten you as the worst of sinners? You would find that correct? At least occasion?

    Who are you, people who no one - except, perhaps, in your view yourself - do something generaliter for such scum of the earth to stamp?

    I think only slightly limited by Christianity. Even less from Judaism or Islam. Why is abhorrent to me a Muslim, a Jew or a Christian but not equal to yourself. Also, no Hindu (despite their strange customs) or Buddhist or Shintoist or animistic shamanism Amazon Indians. What would I be a man, I Permitted one him just over a last hitting, alone in his religion, for which he, in most cases, some can not even because they have been drummed into him?

    Mark my words.

  3. haschmech says:

    "The" believed "at least once even to her daughter."

    If you believe in something and it does not matter what, it can not be a true atheist.

    "What it then also to a certain extent is there."

    Nice to see you admit this of itself.

    "... Better than an honest atheist who does anything to anyone any harm. Right? "

    As you have explained yourself very top, there are basically THIS atheist who believes in nothing, not at all. I'd like to see how these "atheists" in your example mentioned that what they see exposed to danger, "believe", namely, for example her daughter. Whether they are then still remain so good? You understand what I'm saying?
    What would a roaring beast, if someone would your children to "think" before your eyes seek after life? Guess after in peace about it, even if you're not an atheist now.

    "" Sinner, "You have not the fact that you speak words about those people with whom you they stempelst them less than human?"

    You twist everything! There from the start people who are spiritual in nature and against it are people who are naturally kind and the second kind has degenerated due to inbreeding itself and thus the infected from the first type - the so-called real original sin (or original sin ) is that. The other explanation enstammt Judaism, the thing with the apple and disobedience to their God, you know, and so could scih the evil spread due gentischer degeneration over the world. And that is what is called in truth, the fallen in sin God's creation. From the other nonsense Originated the world religions, Christianity, Islam and Judaism, which is the first to come.

    If you ever exactly the creation story reads in the Bible, then stands there in the first part: "So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. "

    No Discrimination Against Women possible because man and woman were created SAME TIME, around the world, each getting the beginning of a particular people. "Gooks", for example, among the Chinese, can not result from genetic defects, or what do you mean?

    The Garden of Eden was a demarcated area of ​​the Earth ON, formerly the whole paradise. There is then a fallen angel of God tried a poor imitation of the great work of God replicate, including man from the dust of the earth, where God, however, only even need to say a word, and it was what he had in mind. So also men and women of this kind of person. And Magnus Göllerlifte to which of the two varieties person you are one originally? That you originally come from nowhere, you would not believe it myself.
    And what exactly is God or creation, that we do not just people. How we should also be able to know?

    "How do you meet these people?"

    I do not fool anyone! The Judasismus, Islam or Christianity in the traditional sense I have nothing to do. I talked with conventional Christians, they hate me.

    And people who declare themselves a God who judge themselves.

    "If they hinstellten you as the worst of sinners? You would find that correct? At least the occasion? "

    What was then made another one with Jesus? And has directed himself because he in a different light, even in the Judaizers, as the Son of God has been detected, or is he not rather been killed? And only because he had the game of degenerate fully see through, so that all others should be held in bondage to today? To be Killed, just as they did with Jesus, my great honor to be thus. But you might not understand.

    "Who are you, people that anyone - generaliter do something such, the scum of the earth to stamp - except, perhaps, in your view yourself?"

    From your twisting the words out, I read that you're the one who rather wants to put himself above others and ask where you try me give as a companion something that others have of himself and what I can not do anything. I'm trying to run only explanation, nothing else. If others have a murderer as her father, what can I do? And someone who will personally wants to (a) make God that can only be a child just said this man killer. Thus betray those who belong to him, usually themselves. Others reveal themselves in this way that they want others sell for stupid by trying to dish up another the story of Adam, Eve and the apple as the true story of creation.

    Nevertheless, even these genetically degenerate hope to the mercies of the true and only God, by accepting his son as a savior. If they do not, then they are dust returns to dust. To where they came from after the initial creation of the world. The decision to accept the offer of grace from God or not to do it, decide this "down to earth" creatures alone by their own will. Many do not want it.

    "Only in his religion, for which he, in most cases, not even a little, because they have been drummed into him?"

    Right, that's exactly the point at issue and those who have realized it, should stand together to try out this stranglehold rid the world, and not seek nor mutually mangle. Unfortunately, the seed of evil is now more or less in all people. On the other hand, it's just to fight. Only the truth sets us free but ultimately.

    "Mark my words"

    Good thing you did not write: Mark the Beast. Or is the "Mark my words" as intended?

    Magnus, basically I'm a heathen and I'm happy. Was Jesus because in his heart no heath? Ask yourself the time? For the Abrahamites (Judahites) in any case, he must be one, otherwise they would have accepted him but sure as their Messiah. Or?

    If I was to appear as a Christian to the outside, because I may preach Christ, which is in name only so, and also because what is now times in the Bible, NO are fairy tales. Why Abrahamites thus exhibit in the Bible itself a bad report, I think its so-called honor code. What they say so for others, you are so stupid, even if one keeps in mind you the truth, you do not see anyway. Until now the concept is certainly fully risen, the NWO is nearing completion. But that was the Tower of Babel sometimes and then it was destroyed by the supreme power. Think calmly about everything Magnus, if I'm right.

    The mere Discrimination against Women, where it comes from? If it comes from God, or is it not rather by the people?

  4. Dude says:


    Although I agree with you in much of what you say here, I have this little something to get rid of, or add something concretizing.

    "And people who declare themselves a God who judge themselves."

    Only if they are the equal worth of all individuals (souls), and the absolute source of all being and life (God) is not aware of. If you are aware of this, and they live accordingly, they are gods, not worth more or less than Jesus himself!

    "Blessed by love
    Gods - through love
    People like gods!
    Love makes the sky
    Heavenly - the Earth
    For the kingdom of heaven. "
    (Friedrich Schiller)

  5. Magnus Wolf Goller says:

    @ Haschmech

    I am going to take time for an adequate response, this could not apply today.

  6. Magnus Wolf Goller says:

    @ Dude

    Thank you for the local entry as well as those in the other strand.

  7. Magnus Wolf Goller says:

    @ Haschmech

    Your interpretation regarding degeneration (Garden of Eden, Paradise etc. Jesus as heath ...) is new to me in this form.

    I'm going to leave me your overall interpretation alone going through your head, because here but in disorder a lot. First, just as much, in conclusion, your Auführungen: For the discrimination of women, there is no God, with or without reasonable yet still decent rightful place or occasion.

    Since we are ever united.

    And yet, as you so you certainly much better versed than me: Everyone is looking out from the Bible what suits him. Or does what is given him from it.

    It is always somehow in it, for others it does not. For a part of is a fake, not real, irrelevant for the other another, several others.

    It's just a work in which many have herumgefuggert, around and nailed herumgezipfelt, which indeed continues even after Luther until now based on the King James Bible.

    A few days ago, for example, a friend showed me a job (I think it was somewhere in "Samuel"), where it was probably translated correctly until a few decades ago, that a nation was thrown into brick kilns; today it is, the Unerjochten would only need to work on brick kilns.

    That's probably more than a subtle difference.

    And it goes on and on and on.

    Each carries its truth or / and counterfeiting against anyone.

    But it is to not dealing here with ordinary literary interpretation, which usually degenerates even in strictly different opinions not even in smaller spontaneous fisticuffs between different schools and doctrines, but Auslegeungen the centuries to millennia arson, war and mutual havoc upon itself Pull.

    So I imagine it not. So I have not learned it. I work differently.

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