Finally I know how to do it, would have gone at least that we do not (more) for the debts of other countries (such as forbidding the Lisbon Treaty, but that is our politicians do not care), banks, speculators and derivatives gamblers adhere.
We just do it yourself for ourselves so much debt that we no longer can.
Imagine times we had in the last three years, 500 billion (or 1000) in the renewal and rehabilitation of our infrastructure, in research and development of new products, etc., so meaningful, inserted: Then we could no longer now remit Greece and all the rest, would indeed himself also broke, but in top shape.
Then insolvency in Euro, Euro gone, currency section, new market, bingo.
So we have pressed for ten years wages at us, and then the money goes to banks and the over-indebted countries, where they went. We idiots. Nightcap Michel.
Think about it.
Unfortunately, this is not satire.
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Tags: euro crisis , solution , debt
No Magnus, no satire.
The preaching Hans Werner Sinn for months up and down, sometimes with diagram and PowerPoint presentation, sometimes without. Today is a long interview in the newspaper about the really worth to read.
Anyone who wants to can as the current presentation - by the end of December - See also on youtube.
This 1,000 billion euro investment capital, of which you speak, are the way since the introduction of the euro from Germany quasi emigrated in the form of loans to other European countries, preferably Greece, Spain, Portugal. Ua so that the purchase was financed by Hcchtief.
These were German savings, which then abroad in the form of loans, investment loans, mortgages etc, were issued in Germany and had no money at all corners, because it was not just invested there. Therefore, mass unemployment, labor market reform, Hartz IV and everything else.
Germany is just the winner of the Euro and has enormously "benefits".
Everything representation thing
says the bookmark
@ Bookmark
Perhaps the cow slaughtered rather itself, is still dry milk with their calves, before the butcher comes, which it has been milked to the last.
Or even have the knacker.
yes I have the whole Wulff history not so persecuted. To be honest, it did not make me interested enough - bad, bad. For one, I do not trust the politicians and especially not to other media than ever. I can not help very much so to the story.
But interesting is the article by Gerhard Wisnewski on the side of the Kopp-Verlag. If you read through it so you have to come to the realization that can be more than a grain of truth to the story off as seen.
We do not know everything.
So I was re instance, that Köhler had to sign the case of the firewall, the NO-bailout clause, two days before his resignation. I have not noticed and only recently learned through a lecture by Hans Olaf Henkel on youtube. Since Köhler in his time invented and enforced this clause and it has also gefußt the promise that no one comes through the Euro to damage, makes his resignation also a lot more sense. But the media are merely harped on this stupid interview with the trade routes, which was really a ridiculous discussion.
Sometimes, things are just behind is completely different.
Time to think.
@ Bookmark
How to Mitterand, the introduction of the euro - have called - the abolition of Mark: Versailles without war?
The thing is so much worse!
The largest bank of Switzerland's UBS. If I remember right micht, it was the year 2003, where UBS has paid on your total of 27 billion francs bankers bonuses, the year before and after it looked like.
Now the bonuses are paid but delay until 6 years, 27 billion were thus due in 2009, the year after a similar sum etc .. De facto end of 2008, UBS was broke and the Swiss government has injected fresh 64 billion to "the Bank save ".
What a nonsense! You could have explained the Bank for broke and set up new decree and thereby emphasize the liabilities of bonuses payments to bankrupt bankers replacement and everything would have been done without a franc from tax revenues. In reality you have not saved the bank, but the bonuses of bankers who have banking business driven against the wall.
Let another true story relating to BONI from Switzerland to tell me. Swissair was the end of 2001 broke. It was with many tax agents SWISS established that bought out the 54 long-haul aircraft from the bankruptcy estate, the strong over-sized long-haul aircraft fleet was the core cause of Swissairpleite and so was new Swiss on the same cause a few years later just as broke. For the Credit Swiss (CS) but could deduct your contributions from the business through this deal. For this great power for the CS of the CEO got the lump sum of 500 francs million bonuses in one year. The Leuenberger, who had asked the tax money available for the purchase of 54 long-haul aircraft on the other hand went with the usual Bundesrat content of less than 300 000, - CHF home.
This is one of the bedtime stories you like, little Swiss boy told ... German small boys are like other bedtime stories told about idealistic and noble politician to "save" for example, Greece
The integers and information were so gradually in the newspapers, which are absolutely no inside information, just not put together so naturally ....
The deliberately planned crisis
It's fight to the hair, everywhere is so done, as if that were indeed was foreseeable, but quite surprisingly came. Wrong! This was not only predictable and have our politicians only foreseen, but systematically planned!
So, the year before the introduction of the Euro, the exchange rates were frozen to the test, that is, in plain language, if one of the currencies to depreciate against other, then bought the land with a strong currency, which gained value as long as foreign exchange, to the DESIRED course was reached again. This is still quite useful to compensate for seasonal fluctuations. Only that was not seasonal, but a permanent buy what the governments of the Mediterranean allowed to print any amount of money, far above the permitted level also. Since the German Bundesbank bought up all this worthless, colorful printed paper, so that was perfectly clear to the German Government, by how much these countries failed your deficit target, eyes did not help push there, the money ended up in the vaults of the German Bundesbank as water after a pipe break.
Now the question is how finance was these States if this way no longer works after the introduction of the Euro? Quite simply, it is the just borrow money! Where? Well, quite simply, because where the money is coming from so far also from Germany. Only those who have in Germany so much money to whom to lend to the government funding? No one! You had to change the laws of § 7b for homebuilders has been deleted and the Riester pension and similar introduced, so that the Germans no longer put your money in your houses, but bear with banks and insurance companies and then the to the Mediterranean countries " give "(never to see again)
Now bomb has burst after about 10 years, the former homebuilders have remained in your homes and now there is housing shortage. The money was saved, was lent to the Mediterranean countries and now can no longer borrow enough money now to fund your budget and to pay the interest on the borrowed money. Therefore no longer know the insurance companies and banks but how and where they can invest the money accruing to delivering adequate quantities of interest. Now is already considered again, introduce a Eigenheimbauförderung because the insurance and banking the money anyway can no longer use, but apartments are needed.
Most sensible thing would be like the Riester pension-savers to confess & cohorts that your deposits are gone as planned, so how to tell the Cypriots that your cash deposits are withdrawn. Of course, not all at once, but in increments ....
@ Anonymus
Yes, the politicians have foreseen it, and therefore it must be assumed that it was also planned.
What is the beautiful quote plus? - "How Versailles without war."
Latest phrase:
Greece prepares for reparations against Germany!
If the Greeks had, and we should recognize the unaudited under one condition: Greece has to pay back its currency debt from Decades Long "support purchases" for the drachma!
Then Greece has a multiple of the debt, which today officially exist in a jiffy. To make such demands would be the dumbest thing could make the Greek government.