Jesus not a Jew?

In many places haunted by the assertion - the net is full of them - that Jesus was not a Jew.

I reach this strange thing on now, because they psychologically interesting, also potentially quite conflictual one hand, on the other hand but also from the personal reason that you have accused me of having Jesus named as Jews (and not only as a "likeable guy" probably "great wisdom teacher", etc., whatever many may be pushed).

"What's it to be bad?" I asked. "And according to all that we can piece together after 2000 years and the whole Bibelfälscherei etc., but everything indicates that he was a Jew. Well, I have not personally known Maria and her family tree still reliably do so. Do you have evidence in the other direction? "

Then I heard that Jesus was a Galilean, alsomit may or may probably not a Jew. In addition, that place was used in John's Gospel, where Jesus says to the Jews that their father was the devil. Consequently, he could not have been a Jew and his God only entirely different from Yahweh.

"Why should I now hold precisely this passage to be authentic, and all the others in which he speaks of the renovation of the Old Covenant, with his" father ", that God of the Jews, or of Yahweh, for forged?", I replied.

This is simply clear that you feel, just as it is logical, in about was the answer.

Now comes the hardness: I plants so that I always Jesus a Jew name them, the anti-Christian thing, that of the Jews, because just as I was playing into their hands, they would like it.

Now I do not, first, how would like to see what Jesus Jews as one of their own, he wofern it would not have been; Secondly, I do not care whether they like so saw that; Thirdly, it makes me respect his messages no significant difference. And: Why should not just have chased out of the temple, a Jew, whose be weary, stood up against the rabbinical establishment and the usurers? And did the Romans, in the broadest sense "Aryans" (Indo-Europeans and at least not Semites), not common thing with that against Jesus?

Now I'm exaggerated sympathy for the Abrahamitismus overall, especially compared to that vindictive, cruel Yahweh anyway, as anyone can easily see on this page, hardly suspecting any witted. To me it is not important - except in the sense of specific cultural understanding - that Confucius was probably undoubtedly Chinese: as if that lessened the value of his thoughts.

And I would find it exciting course already, Jesus would not have been a Jew. That would be the story in itself another rotation. But: Should I simply believe without any evidence, grade times? We bring evidence! I like to look at me. If they are valid, I do not call Jesus also a Jew (or Hebrew).

This is where a well in other contexts widespread, nevertheless always dubious mechanism: Because you just want to separate the Christian faith from the Jewish (Yahweh), which is indeed fully justified (except being in some respects, that of the origin especially), while probably hardly a Jew has anything to say, because as irgendsoein Vorhalbchrist he will, if believed, good will barely see, and if not believing, probably even less, should we want to do the job properly by Jesus should not have been a Jew.

Nothing against speculation in this direction; that I will but taken as Heath dessenthalben in a kind of Jewish, anti-Christian guilt by association because I obvious manner mention Jesus as a Jew, I find it curious.

Almost as strange as the Vorartikel: " Everyone agreed that Jews are people. "

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27 Responses to "Jesus not a Jew?"

  1. Moppel says:

    Just Stay at the facts that are in the Bible itself !! Jesus Christ was the Tanakh (AT) so often predicted Messiah. Jesus is the "Lion of the tribe of Judah". Do you remember perhaps what the inscription was placed over his cross beagt (INRI)? On these boards have the (atheist!) Romans always written the indictment due to the death row. The text is Jesus the Nazöräer Rex Judae. So he called himself "King of the Jews". Afterwards, the Jews, which is this panel removed, but wanted Pliatus said; What I have said what I said. If Jesus Christ "the Jews" complains that her father was the devil, and he thinks those among the Jews who have moved away from YHWH and His commandments, and followed Satan. To say that Jesus was not a Jew is total mental imbecility and only proves that these people have absolutely no knowledge of the Bible. The Bible is not falsified. Poor or inaccurate translations, yes. Please next time you search better.

  2. I says:

    Each of Jesus insulted or condemned, has never engaged properly with Jesus. It depends mostly on the cheap knowing that it has probably noticed from the church, without really knowing what it. But Jesus was not the person from the Bible. Or let's say it this way, he was only part of this man. But to understand this, one has to deal with it. The way to God, to nature, to the truth, will not lead him over. And so Jesus is absolutely right. Jesus was actually a revolutionary. His teachings were adapted to the system in what was then Constantinople Opel. Until then, Christians, persecuted and were apostates. They were, so to speak built in Constantinople Opel ... with all because it made atrocities. Today's Bible was there, as it were reinvented. The first who recognized that Luther was, but he also has not braved far enough. He too is not done justice to Jesus message. Mankind has to fathom the true teachings virtually no chance today. More likely to guess. Since most evidence for this are under wraps. Rumor has learned all the, the truth, were the apostate church. See the Templars or the Illuminati. Well no one knows the goals of the two ... but it's a fact. The destruction of the Temple was still appointed by the Pope himself. When Jesus is purely in a then God's house, was the first thing he has done to drive out the money changers and gamblers from the house of God. The only way to get rid of his crucifixion Jesus was at that time. There are other documents from the period that have not made it into the Bible. See the Gospel of Thomas. The Gospel of Thomas is one of the most famous writings are not found in the Bible. The Gospel of Thomas was also the basic idea for the movie Stigmata. There are many more. Therefore, in the Bible, only the revised teachings of Jesus to find. Whether there really were his teachings, you will not know. Finally, his teachings, his exemplary death necessitated .. And one more thing, Jesus was Aramaic. One to still persecuted people. Life somewhere in Turkey. The truth, what is truth? Asked by the Roman governor of Jerusalem. .. Well ... it will be up to mankind to find the truth.

  3. Magnus Wolf Goeller says:

    @ Moppel & I

    There is a popular Jewish proverb: "Two Jews, three opinions."

    At least with regard to the Bible and Jesus can probably transferred to the Christians.

    But that in itself is not bad: known animated competition the business, and besides, I'm for freedom of expression in all things.

    Personally, I see it so that you will probably never quite clearly the thing with Jesus can clarify (except a miracle happens), but the truth, if any, could come closer by cracking the Castel Sant'Angelo a significant piece.

    On this occasion I welcomed it if you kindly deigned me to want to hand over our otherwise destroyed by the Church criminals ancient Germanic writings.

  4. I says:

    @ Moppel .. Well ... the Bible is not a fake. But it is a careful selection of ancient writings. Of which there are countless ... See Vatican Library. INRI is the sign, which the Romans attached. Never Jesus had called the King of the Jews. He only said I am the Son of God ... God speaks through me. And I never said that he did not mean the God of the Jews with it. But needs to be a Jew to accept and believe the not change it. People Technically, Jesus was Aramaic. And the Romans were not atheists. But they had other gods. Find better? Hmmm I?

  5. Lockez says:

    Jesus was a Jew aufjedenfall!
    Just because he did poorly on a donkey ridden and therefore not shine (gold & precious stones), and glory, the hard-nosed Jews reject him as Messiah! But it shows, that has never changed the hard core of Jews and only on money and gold clasp are made.
    And Christians who claim that Jesus was not a Jew, are just such little people which probably missing something on the brain!
    Even more dangerous are the pseudo-Christians as the Democrats and Republicans in the US and in Germany the CDU / CSU, the International host their malicious Kreuzüge.
    I've read anywhere in the New Testament, Jesus has called Christians to carry out wars and torture in his name !!!
    On the contrary, he was a pacifist and loved the people.

  6. Annet says:

    Luke 2:21 And when eight days were accomplished because you had to circumcise the child, he was given the name Jesus, ...

    Jesus, circumcised according to the custom of the old covenant the Jews and thus he was a Jew. Under the new covenant Jesus is a friend of all peoples and thus called him yes even the "King of kings and Lord of lords." Is it important where someone comes, or is it more important what someone has done?

  7. I says:

    oh well .. they say not called "Christianity" and not "Christian Judaism". There is in principle no matter what he was now. But Judaism is a faith community and no people. When I go only as an example now, to Muslims and the resurrection of Jesus preaching, then I'm certainly not a Muslim. They would much rather me "crucify" .The same would be if a Muslim, Mohamed as one and only true prophet in a Khatolischen church preach würde.Würde Aich nobody on the idea he had come a Khatolik. lol

  8. I says:

    catholic .. * sry ... why you ask not just a few Jews if Jesus was a Jew? ; D

  9. I says:

    Auserdem ... but Jesus was God's son. As God's son to belong to any faith community. Faith communities include not for nothing that the word "faith". Jesus as Son of God "Knew" but. Knowledge is not faith .... Knowledge is knowledge. As a knower you Selbststendig are an individual. You have nothing to faith ... because the truth is on your side ... maybe auser to the failure of humanity. It's funny that the check is not a Christian. lol .... Only ignorant faith.

  10. Magnus Wolf Goeller says:

    @ All

    The whole thing strikes me here again plentiful disparate: Was Jesus now a Galilean Aramaic spechender (the Hebrew etymology is to turn funny: pagan) - possibly Aryan - Jew? (As one can be a Jew without being a Semite?)

    Somehow buzzes and raves and rushes as messed up everything.

    I offer, therefore, simplistic, two tentative solutions.

    First: He was a Jew, and is good.

    Secondly, it does not matter what he was.

    So both factions could still get along well.

    If you still take him down from the cross, that he especially for children, did not seem so sad, much would be gained.

  11. I says:

    Magnus Wolf Goeller I guess second best. Because it is also beautiful .. no matter what he was now. It was indeed only to the question in the title of the article. And it apart. Not even Jesus believed himself to be a Jew. In the Bible it speaks of Judaism only as the chosen people. And in the Gospel of Thomas ... that apply under some church scholars as the true, unvarnished words of Jesus, he says ... eg.

    (43) His disciples said to him: Who art thou that thou tell us these things? Not by what I say to you, you know who I am: Jesus said to them? But you have become like the Jews; for they love the tree and hate its fruit, and they love the fruit and hate the tree.

    (We realize ... he speaks of the "others")

    The proof of his divinity, he is still guilty of the Jews remained, so that the knowledge that he was sent of God.
    However, it does not matter anyway.
    Because no longer really busy with his teachings. If it reads one, then just like a Donald Duck magazine. The peace-making Schwuchteljesu who has come to the people, to bring love and where to take their debt off.

    Thomas 16
    Jesus said: Perhaps people think that I have come to bring peace to the world. And they do not know that I am come to bring disagreements on the earth, fire, sword, war. For there will be five in a house: three will be against two and two against three be, father against son, son against father, and they shall stand as individuals.

    Anyway ... nice still life. CU

  12. Lockez says:


    I give you absolutely right!
    You've not only read, but also understand what is written, because there is more than just the Bible. :)

  13. Annet says:

    To what Magnus says:

    "If you then take him down from the cross, that he especially for children, did not seem so sad, much would be gained."

    This is already happening:

    John Joseph of Arimathea asked 19,38Darnach ...... ..And Pilate gave him leave. So he came and took the body of Jesus.

    If the Catholics or the other still want to see Jesus nailed to the cross, it only testifies that they did not understand his teachings. In other words, they try to tell the world therefore, it is worth not so much to worship another death.
    But those who truly believe in Jesus, who know better. Because otherwise they would pray to the living God, if this still executed on the cross?

    To what 'I' says:

    "Because nobody really more busy with his teachings. If it reads one, then just like a Donald Duck magazine. "

    Since you're but vastly mistaken.

  14. I says:

    @ Annet
    I am in error and yet you said Jesus was a Jew, because he was circumcised as a child? I think to believe a, not one must still confess ... or? Just because someone is baptized as a child, he is far from being a Christian or? What if he decides to be with 18 Muslim? Or simply an atheist? Because he realizes that the way the church is entlich the way of the devil? Because they preach water and drink wine?
    Even if he was born a Jew ... When the Incarnate Word of God, you belong to any faith. The Word of God believes in no God ... it is God ..the man believes in the word. Faith communities believe in gods.
    In John 10:30 Jesus says ... I and the Father are one.
    Or in John 20:28 When Jesus Thomas he sieht..sagt to Jesus .. My Lord and my God.

    He says hello my brother? (Fellow believer)

    Then I put it out the same, the next question that God is a Jew?

  15. Annet says:

    @ I

    I prefer, your questions are not so easy to answer, without having to actually go to the full width. That would be beyond the scope here and there, you probably also deeper Bible knowledge is incomplete, but you would not understand me correctly. I try it but still sometimes with shortly.

    We understand so apparently already the scope of the thing in terms incorrectly. That is, I know what you mean, but you put my objection to what is said of you in terms of the Jew be or not Jew be of Jesus from, it was referring the where you you my opinion vastly mistaken, only the fact that from your point of view no one would deal with the teachings of Jesus.

    To the other thing: Many Americans, for example, be circumcised as a child. Are they therefore Jews? Did the Americans as long ago closed and a covenant with the God of the Jews or the other way around? I did not know!
    How could Jesus can remove the old covenant when He, the old Mosaic law of the now former people of God (the Jews) first strictly followed to die as the total innocent lamb on the cross, when He would not belong?
    Had formerly a foreigner if he's just been on a visit to Germany as a young man, just as the Germans young men then also make military service? And would the German authorities, if these foreigners would have vetoed the idea that German young men had to serve him against military service, then come to him willingly answer? Or they would rather not say: "What's it to you then?"
    Do you understand what I'm getting?

    "Just because someone is baptized as a child, he is far from being a Christian is not it?"

    I was Catholic as a child in one. Baptized church. After that, I had always are in the papers that I according to faith Rom. Cath. was. Even as a child came to me but doubt against the Catholic. Church on. I lost my faith, it was not until much later but again and realized that my faith but do nothing with the cath. Church has to do. My God, the so-called heavenly Father, I can believe without any institution squeezes in between. So I renewed my covenant with God practically alone and by his Mediator Jesus.
    The fact that my parents have me away from the Catholic. Church have a Christian education within the family, so I already got through it a sort of introduction to Christian thought. Which means I've always been a Christian, because in my mind it was established from the beginning and that was when it happened, does not bother me in the least. Only with the Church, the Catholic or the other, that has nothing to do basically why. I am also very glad that my parents felt already attracted to Jesus. From the church thought they were just as I on the other hand not very much, it was more like tradition reasons why they doing mitmachten to a lesser extent. You just did not know what I later learn everything. From Catholic. Church I quit later, but it had planned much earlier.

    "What if he decides to be with 18 Muslim?"

    The way of Jesus was predestined him by his father, his heavenly Father. It had to "be fulfilled, as Jesus himself liked to say," what is (the 5 books of Moses) from him written in the prophets, the Psalms and the law ". Ever heard of biblical prophecy? You 'I', You know you so certainly not so good. Thus to deal intensively, which can take many years. You can not directly understand everything that has been written over several thousand years and what has happened in just such a long time.

    "The Word of God believes in no God ... it is God"

    For you Jesus is thus equated with Heavenly Father? That this is not right, I could explain to you at length now. For that matter, Although even the Christians are divided among themselves, but those who understand the Bible correctly, and also what tells them her spirit, who know that Jesus is not the Creator God, the spirit, identical.

    In the fourth book of Moses I think it was somewhere, because Moses is called God, somewhere in the Bible is a piece of wood itself is called God. The name of God is something like a title, the Creator God, we call although colloquially God, but tell me how you want the all-pervasive, the inexplicable, the invisible spirit indeed provided with a designation that what He is, comes even remotely close?

    But Jesus said, this heavenly spirit beings like us humans, and as Jesus did, we must in the heavens simply call this spirit Abba = Father.

    "Then I put it out the same, the next question that God is a Jew?"

    This is your last question should have actually been resolved by itself. Or do you really want to try our heavenly father in any pressing a scheme? You mean, in fact, this would be possible?

    For this purpose, yet, if still causing problems,

    "In John 10:30 Jesus says ... I and the Father are one."

    "A" be between the word and be the word "one" is a big difference.
    With my earthly father and my mother, I am also one, are my earthly father or my mother and I, therefore, only a / a?

    Jesus is one with his Father and Jesus says, through Him we can be one with the heavenly Father and this becomes our heavenly Father. Are we all therefore 'a' or then retain any of them do not anyway its individuality?

  16. Magnus Wolf Goeller says:

    @ I

    I reingeguckt times in the last link posted by you, for simplicity's sake bring him here again:

    Honestly, because I know after a few seconds (the first three or four minutes of this denigration of all things human, I have inveigled me), so I will have nothing to do with God there staged.

  17. Magnus Wolf Goeller says:

    @ All

    As to whether God is a Jew, here's a refreshing quote from "Thus Spoke Zarathustra" (interview with the Kings):

    Once upon a time - I think ', in the year of salvation One -
    Said the Sibyl, special wine drunk:
    "Ah, now you go wrong!
    "Decay! Expiration! Never has the world sank so deep!
    “Rom sank zur Hure und zur Huren-Bude,
    “Rom's Caesar sank zum Vieh, Gott selbst – ward Jude!”

  18. I says:

    @ Magnus Wolf Göllner

    The film I had only posted a few quotes from the Bible to present times. It applies as a warning to all those who preach water and drink wine. I also mean specifically the churches today. The swim in the forgiveness and love Jesus and forget that God loves justice and all those in his name, takes God's name through the mud, he will crush ... sooner or later.
    There is no "savior" and it was never even ...
    That's why I think God loves every moment atheists better than some in its churches. We'll see if I keep quite ... But it looks so, more and more comes to light about the heap.
    And I love the presentation ... It fits the quotes.
    I have not made the film, but the words that are there ... I would not have shown with 'nem romantic love cuddle Jesus' love song.
    The stand is not without reason where they stand and are exactly the cause, what they do in the video.

    @ Annet
    Thank you for your explanation .. Extensive
    I understand it.
    However, I can not equate with God to man and his son.
    Why not include the opinion of the people in this story.
    Since man is a believer ... because he is ignorant.
    He Familiar and relies to believe he bit the knowledge gained. If that will ever be the case. He thought for a long time the world was flat.

    If there is a God and he had a son in the world, then I can not see from the Human point of view. Jesus and God as knower can not simultaneously be faithful, if they belong to the knower.
    But from Human vision you're right. Jesus came to the Jews, and preached in the area and he has to rely on their faith in his preaching .... He also grew up in the faith.

    The moment he was aware that people come through him to paradise ... he was no more creditors ... but God equal ... From Knowledge ago. Judaism is a faith again ...
    But I think you understand what I'm saying ... I understand what you mean.
    You can not Jesus' nem normal people are ... but I think.
    At least not if you believe in him.
    I'm a normal person ... to me also turns None if he wants to paradise ^^ I just think .... I believe that the scrap I is also true of me leave.
    But if you believe in Jesus ... how can you assume he is a believer like you been?
    He could have just as well go to the Indians ... And who would believe in Him ... perhaps much more than any Jew.

    Do not get me wrong I have nothing against Jews or other faiths. I believe much more, Each has its meaning in the world.
    As long as the nature and its creatures respecting, respected just like his neighbor, nothing can go wrong. God does not judge the actions of the faith ^^

    No matter also ... anyway. There's no point arguing about: D

  19. ichkanndenkenundlesen says:

    Yeah, the Bible .... 1001 Arabian Nights by Jewish version of the Arabic version was looked at by the Jews ....

    do you believe in all seriousness that Jesus is the Son of God? Sure, if he would have said he does not know his father, then he would have a been marked as a bastard. And as we know from the times, fatherless children were simply frowned upon. So you just invent a God as father in order to save his own skin.

    Sure, Maria has also done this. I will not come and talk about what immaculate conception, which is only available from Gekko (which by the way are the only animals that lay fertilized eggs without needing a male, so are YOU gods?), Let alone a human being. Why did this "miracle" only to those times? Do you think all seriousness Mary was innocent? Has anyone tested it? I think not. At the time there were no female doctors who could clarify something, and on the other side again, there was always the women had no hymen, and were still virgins. The truth is, even if Christianity does not want to admit, nobody knows by whom Mary became pregnant (well, Islam says of Joseph) and at the times it was now time input common practice that a pregnant woman was who not married, stoned was. So Maria also had to save their own skin, only with the "vision" of conception and the rest we know too well.

    What Jesus on the cross terms, you know it so exactly who he was or what he was ??? Have you lived at the time, or even better, you were as a witness at his crucifixion to everything "confirm" can? Sure, it's all in the Bible ... but there are also other books, especially scientific evidence which prove many things or not. Testimonies from the time when Jesus lived? Sure ... you could not prove much scientifically, just like walking on the water, or the division of the sea, but that was scientifically disproved.

    Miscellaneous stories from the Bible are not only represented symbolically more. Hat, where you see only the subject than Jesus all enough fish to eat that has simply to do with spiritual food more. And who needs, if you please ... but in the world starving millions! Water into wine? Sure, more spiritual nourishment not.

    Take a couple of times scientific books at hand. It is scientifically proven nowhere who Jesus was when he lived exactly, and when he should have done what. These are all orally transmitted stories which nowadays gives such a faith, that you have fairytales built a church tower. Or a minaret. In addition to the Bible and the Koran can be many other books mention the same problems included. For example, the Holy Book of the Dead, Torah, from me and the legends of Avalon, etc. Even with the Aborigines comes before a legend that speaks of an immaculate conception, just like in ancient Egypt.

    The fact is, humanity has simply desired from time immemorial a grown produce being who pulls them out of the mud, and this desire was exploited by those in power and made religions. Each nation was now time their Superman. And everything you did not know, you just pushed on God. Why was there earlier thunder gods, rain gods and what I know what else? Because people were able to explain. And far as what heaven and hell is also some clear: man was afraid what happens after death with him, so he flees to paradise if he was good, or he is condemned to hell if he was bad. Hell was also nothing else than the seething volcanoes, the people also could not explain. And the beautiful blue sky was paradise.

    But only believes in fairy tales continue, when you need it. Just read but also the Olympic legends, because you will also read everything that is found in the Bible. Oh well, Akhenaten and can also greet.


  20. haschmech says:

    Quote: "He is the real ruler and the great world teacher who preached a philosophy which is accompanied by signs and wonders. After receiving the majority of mankind then living his mark, namely the number 666. "End of quote

    Jesus ist sozusagen auch ein großer Weltlehrer gewesen, der sehr viele mit seinen Worten in seinen Bann gezogen hat; und das nicht nur gläubige Christen, sondern was er gesagt hat, das kommt zum Teil sogar auch bei Atheisten gut an.
    Die Philosophie von Jesu ist das, was die Nächstenliebe eigentlich beinhalten sollte. Die Welt quillt ja schließlich auch jetzt schon seit 2000 Jahren über vor Nächstenliebe.
    Jesus unterstrich damals seine Worte mit seinen Werken, den sogenannten Wundertaten. Zeichen begleiteten sein Leben und seinen Tod.

    In der Broschüre aus oben genannter Quelle ist aber in dieser Hinsicht nicht von Jesus die Rede, sondern von dem Tier aus Offenbarung 13, dem Teufel in Menschengestalt.

    Die Christen reden gerne deshalb von einem echten Jesus und von einem zweiten falschen Jesus. Denn der echte Jesus soll schließlich seine Werke im Guten getan haben, die der falsche Jesus, der Antichrist, erst in Zukunft noch im Bösen tun soll. So sieht's aus. Sieht es so aus?

    Im alten Ägypten gab es mal den Sonnengott Horus, der wurde als Totengott Osiris genannt. Es handelte sich bei beiden “Göttern” (Menschen) aber um ein und denselben.

    Die Zahl 666 betrifft die Trinitätslehre der Katholischen Kirche. Als Symbol hat es die Sternform, auch ein Kreis ist daraus erkennbar und auch eine Pyramide:

    Grafisch besteht das Symbol aus drei ineinander verschränkten Sechsen. Jesus sagt von sich, er wäre der leuchtende Morgenstern (Morgenstern lat. lucifer).

    Der Morgenstern ist wie wir wissen auch gleichzeitig der Abendstern.
    Horus ist gleichzeitig Osiris.

    Ob Jesus ein Jude war oder nicht, ist eigentlich schnurz.
    Wer aber war oder ist Jesus, der große Weltlehrer, in Wahrheit?

    Mein Geist rät mir mindestens dabei zur Vorsicht.

  21. Magnus Wolf Göller sagt:

    @ haschmech

    Mache zur Sache gleich einen eigenen Artikel. So gesehen meine Antwort jetzt dort.

  22. my opinion says:

    Jesus war kein Jude. Aus ihrem eigenen Selbstverständnis heraus behauptet das selbernannte “auserwählte Volk” jedoch das Gegenteil. Judas hat Jesus verraten und ihn somit ans Kreuz gebracht, sprich Ihn töten wollen. Das Jesus auferstehen würde, konnte Judas nicht wissen. Jesus ist nach meinem Verständnis der Menschen-Sohn Gottes der keiner Religion angehören kann, aber Judas hatte nichts anderes vor, als diesen zu töten.

  23. Magnus Wolf Göller sagt:

    @ meineMeinung

    Wenn Maria Jüdin war und Jesus gebar, dann war er auch Jude. Jedenfalls nach gängiger Definition.

    Mir ist es, wie gesagt, völlig egal, ob Jesus Jude war oder nicht.

    Für Christen, die sich vom Judentum abgrenzen wollen, mag das eine Rolle spielen. Aber: Was soll das?

    Alles spricht dafür, dass Jesus ein Jude war. Wieso hätte er denn den “Alten Bund” erneuern wollen sollen, wäre er keiner gewesen?

    Man traut sich nicht, sich eindeutig vom Alten Testament abzuwenden (was ja logischerweise auch nicht so einfach), hiemit vom mosaischen Glauben, aber den lieben Jesus, den hätte man gerne als Nichtjuden. Ich empfinde das als kindisch.

    So wie es läuft, sind alle Christen und Moslems Juden. Oder meinetwegen, genauer, Subjuden.

    Das aber können viele von ihnen nicht ertragen, weswegen sie dann antijüdische Ressentiments kultivieren. Das kann ich nicht anders denn als ziemlich einfältig, ja lächerlich, ansehen.

    So sitzt das Judentum stets am längeren Hebel.

    Geschieht den Christen und Moslems recht. Letztlich wollen sie es ja nicht anders.

  24. [...] bekam ich auf den Beitrag “Jesus kein Jude?” wieder einmal einen Kommentar dahingehend herein, Jesus sei kein Jude [...]

  25. Magnus Wolf Göller sagt:

    @ Hmm

    Ich habe Ihren Kommentar zur Kenntnis genommen.


    M. Göller

  26. Magnus Wolf Göller sagt:

    @ Dude

    Ich werde hier nicht erläutern, was ich meinte, zensieren zu müssen. Denn sonst stünde es dann ja doch dort. Außerdem müsste ich mich dazu erklären und rechtfertigen. Nein, so dumm bin ich nicht. Sei Dir einfach gewiss, dass ich meine guten Gründe hatte.

  27. Dude says:


    Klar. Kein Problem :-)

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