Archives for the month of October 2011

Gaddafi's end

Thursday, October 20, 2011

'The Reuters news agency quoted a rebel fighter who reported Gaddafi was hiding and called in a "hole", "Do not shoot, do not shoot!" Gaddafi should have had a golden gun with him.'

I'm from the FAZ today and say exceptionally first nothing.

And also, from the Süddeutsche , first without comment.

"The fact that the former officer and revolutionary leader killed by force of arms, means historical justice."

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From the delights of the philosopher

Thursday, October 20, 2011

The man is wont to rejoice when he is asked.

Especially I would have three or four (I counted right?) Present article writing, but now just chop just right away. (more ...)

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Annoy Späßle to Left

Thursday, October 20, 2011

"Right is bright, Left bereft"

(My variation to - dubious - Proverbs "Right is right, and Left is wrong")

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Göllers house brand

Thursday, October 20, 2011

"Hyper Tera Beyond Imaginable Ultimate Sudden Instant Enddeath"

(My chili sauce in mild, spicy, world marketable description)

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Occupation movement: Who horrified my country?

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Somehow me what the Besatzerbewegung concerned, but always felt queasy.

And not just from here several times mentioned reasons but because I, visibly torn between support and criticism myself by now feel like an idiot at least half.

I have admittedly not too happy. (more ...)

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Wednesday, October 19, 2011

The Erzsünde means silence.

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October 15: experience report on the occupation demonstration in Frankfurt

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Guest Post by Gundi Schramm:

Hello dear readers and indignant,

I report here more or less directly from Frankfurt / Main. More, since we will be right back on site at Willi-Brandt-Platz in front of the ECB, and less because I mainly of yesterday, the'll 15/10/2011, report to this article and just well protected in the Frankfurt suburbs sit .

It was the sheer lunacy (but in a good way), if I may put it this way. According to police, we were about 5000-8000 people on the Willi-Brandt-Platz came together yesterday from about 12 clock directly in the bank Furter City. This is hardly a had expected.

Well, I like to start from scratch and give my own personal impression. I live in the middle of Germany, but got the chance or the money to take the train to Frankfurt, there to be there. So I sat down Saturday morning to 7 in the very first train that left and jetted to Hanau to let me get there from my home in direction wide world. During the three-hour train ride I locked eyes, and ears, whether because others are also on the way to trial or whether the Occupybewegung is generally in conversation. Nope, but not bad, because yesterday was just the beginning. (more ...)

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Favor of the Queen

Monday, October 17, 2011

It breaks on a new age of Harten.

Formed, not only verdleutscht know daherzulallen, but also to use the possibilities of the new technologies.

So that the queen of the sciences is concentrated to a point. (more ...)

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Every Country Needs Only One Bank: Its own

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Every country needs only one database.

Its own.

That is clear.

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Every country needs only one bank

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Every country needs only one bank.

His own.

That is clear.

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Banksterei: After this exercise is layer

Sunday, October 16, 2011

The people who think they can now exploit the uprising of the decent against the shameless exploiters themselves, so for the purposes of tax-financed private interest collectors in turn, could have cut soon.

Your behavior is too transparent.

The legitimate concerns that were not disappear.

Also not the consciousness. (more ...)

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Free Germany - uh - Cuba Libre

Sunday, October 16, 2011

In the absence of the ability to order a Free Germany and celebrate with it for a special occasion personal out, I ordered last night but still a Spanish red wine.

It was not until well after midnight - so far today - I remembered and asked at least spare pointing to the first Cuba Libre for years.

The did well.

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Original knowledge

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Good people often do not even know why they make something out of her deep basically correct.

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To occupation of the occupation movement

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Only ever the .

Meanwhile try in the United States, the Democrats - by the highest authority here, after all, has a Nancy Pelosi tried it - to collect the Occupy movement itself.

Just as the Republicans there before the Tea Party.

And as this pond attac, the Greens, verdi ...

However, since it revolves around a worldwide, very homogeneous (but heterogeneous) movement, it might be more difficult this time.

Anyway, I'll watch my pile that turns up on Saturday in Stuttgart, very accurate. (more ...)

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Freedom of expression as in the Soviet Union?

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Here bleats one of the new Occupy movement in San Diego, they should arrest the banksters etc., from 09.11 & Co, everyone should say his opinion, is booed for "fascist" was told so on.

What he then complains eagerly. (more ...)

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Iran-Terror Story: The idiots are coming!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

I wanted to write something more detailed to myself yet, but did not come today, so first this link to the new Iran-terror story .

So much briefly to me.

This incriminated type should, under the guidance of the Iranian elite perverts, followed in constant shuttle flight between Iran, Frankfurt, Mexico, the United States have been traveling for weeks, transfers etc.

How stupid you have to be in Tehran? (more ...)

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Guest Posts only with real names

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

I, like so often, once thought.

Ok: Let the thread introduction jokes. (more ...)

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Dude calls for uprising

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

To liberate Here is a guest post by reader dude who has probably already done at least more than half the Switzerland of their new Gesslern:

Global Revolution Now!

Since our current system is obviously in the end because the ruling powers only for the benefit of a very few, ignoring the will of the vast majority consistently, while the environment and the people exploited, conducted illegal wars of aggression, suffer the mass media under frightening censorship and Gleichschaltung, the SME is bled, while the economy perish because of the casino capitalism, in the southern hemisphere still propagated each year about 35 million people are hungergemordet (although we could according to the World Food Report nourish currently 12 billion.) - and much else - has to this intolerable situation to an end. (more ...)

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Career Opportunity: git breeding

Monday, October 10, 2011

I am offering a new service.

Since at least the regular legal market barely intelligence support is needed - I'm here regarding my economic hardship openly - you can learn with me now Schwachköpfichtheit. (more ...)

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Pirates: In addition to the port geschifft

Monday, October 10, 2011

Although I have actually declare no particular desire to, as it should be enlightening now, so I let down the pirate party so hard.

So anyway: for the last, the, auszukeulen my motivation so has not yet understood.

I am disgusted that of all the conceivable infantilste and incompetent bunch is now ostensibly for such important things as freedom of expression and power.

These are rendered systematically ridiculous. (more ...)

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Party program

Monday, October 10, 2011

We want nothing, and nothing we can do.

Above all, we want nothing can.

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