Shards can bring good luck!

"Shards bring luck!"?

Last night, I am the above remarkable saying - one of those that really everyone knows - probably closer to something.

First of all this is, of course, is mere superstition: a category of the already Giordano Bruno says that one should be moderate in it.

So it happened: I had a chicken with delicious vegetables in the tube and this, of course, from time to time rauszuholen for turning.

Incidentally, as always, now and then to verwerken something at the sink, next to which I had parked my glass of red wine.

Two, no, three times drove it into my mind that I still slightly touchieren at some carelessness with his elbow and bring down could this: it is therefore better be put away.

But no, my pride gebeute me to leave it, because as an old kitchen Kämpe I do not be such a stupid, careless Schwabenschussel, and especially already aware of the danger.

You know what happened.

In any thoughts just yet absorbed the Verfahrlasste.

Radäng! flew the glass in the dishwasher nebicht open, there quite a few parts of himself and some of its contents leaving behind abdotzend conditions kitchen floor.

"Shards bring luck!" - So I shot it through the head, because I took the mature cleaning jobs with little enthusiasm.

Suddenly I realized that it was not actually shot through my head, but that I had told myself to myself.

As I began to think about the saying.

And I realized that it had acted, at least at this moment as mere consolation and protection claim.

In order not to annoy me too much about my sturbockelige stupidity, the thing to turn into artificially somehow not so perverse, Positive, even Happy.

(Sometimes the person is an ox.)

Of course lies beside this function on a deeper view of things behind the dictum discussed.

Only Namely, if something is broken, the new, often better, can occur Happy Mach end in its place.

This case was here but clearly does not.

Because if I draw a corresponding glass from the six carton after tidying up, is not really won something to that effect.

However: If I have zerdeppert this glass in my arrogance, draw on the knowledge in total, with exaggerated self-confidence to be on the road, this may be an alarm, generally watch some careful: maybe I'll next day "why" does not run over by a mad racer, because I myself have expected the idiots.

Alswomit me the little mishap would have brought the great fortune of survival.

Only as an example.

One at that.

Bachelor of it is still customary to smash a lot of dishes before vigorous Umtrunke whose shards afterwards the bride and groom have to clear away.

Whether it brings more happiness to lot of trouble in addition to cheap plates and Meissen porcelain is unknown.

But, since we are here in the realm of magic, so do not even want to be excluded.

In conclusion yet.

Just now I read this, making sure me at Wikipedia under the "hen party":

'The custom of Porzellanzerbrechens is the popular etymology interpreted proverb: "shards bring luck" basis. A native of the pottery term "fragment" originally referred to all earthen vessels, not only shattered. "Shards bring luck," thus referring to the fact that many vessels within the meaning filled reservoir represent a happy coincidence for the owner. '

This gives the thing again a voice deep psychological twist that was completely unknown to me until ten minutes.

The fact that many vessels full oil Xelchtens, wine ... can represent happiness and bring: Who could deny?

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