Aliens: Kiss my ass! (II)

We use again the case, there would be aliens here.

They could then me of course once crosswise, they wofern us only deceive and exploit.

In other cases again, so they were among the ostensibly benevolent varieties, but also.

For who sees this mess here and says he should not intervene, which would have to be at least in his spaceship to pack and fly.

One may in fact not bräsig next squat and snooty look on when children are totgequält.

And even if those supposedly "benevolent" aliens blut seemed that I zuwenigst it not mitbekomme: why in secret?

And: by far the most logical conjectures that previously indicate a one here work of aliens, indicate no means in the direction of positive influences of those.

Confidence to win in any event different.

Who does not talk to me, like so long just give his sense of taste to my well-being after.

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6 Responses to "Aliens: Kiss my ass! (II) "

  1. Requ Erlich says:

    @ Magnus

    Those who believe in the existence of aliens, are in good company.

    The term "Jesuit", in this context, should let each also awakened people more than just listen.

    That people like this Jose Funes hold also in the evolution, the setting of which is rounded off nicely.
    The Pope says of himself, he was the deputy of the Son of God on earth, and he allows himself to like to call Holy Father, what is forbidden by the Bible and what he admits it clear that he did not understand when it is said of Jesus, He sitting at the right hand of God. To whom thus like the Pope sitting on the right or in other words, who like the Pope are in reality? God, the Holy Father in Heaven, it can in any event be NOT, he is at your service.

    "In addition, Jose Funes is assumed that the space brothers million light years from Earth life away ..."

    Oh how small, the spirit of this kind of people must be? If they can not understand something, they simply accept long periods of millions (evolution, distances in space) of (light) years.

    "You may in fact not bräsig next squat and snooty look on when children are totgequält."

    But why is exactly THAT then ever done?

    "Why in secret?"

    Because since the lie can best work.

  2. Magnus Wolf Goeller says:

    @ Erford Erlich

    That is a very fine Kasper, this Jesuit. (See your link.)

    This our "brothers", involved in it, that they exist, are beyond the reach of human beings.

    Very handy.

  3. Armin says:

    Ehrford Ehrlich
    "The Pope says of himself, he was the deputy of the Son of God on earth, and he likes to be called to Holy Father, what is forbidden by the Bible"
    I agree with you completely - and that also applies to all other "saints" to, in my opinion. Whether that prohibit the Bible or simply respect for God or the creative energy.

  4. Armin says:

    On the subject of extraterrestrials: No Where, since the question of who is here Off-Grade? Are we as originally ground - or extraterrestrial? ("Not of This Earth")

  5. Magnus Wolf Goeller says:

    @ Armin

    The question is admissible.

    (Luckily I'm not even at worst will be able myself to lick ass.)

  6. Requ Erlich says:

    @ Armin

    "Are we as originally ground - or extraterrestrial? ("Not of This Earth") "

    As a Christian, I must assume I'm originally from Earth, because our forefather human nature, Adam, has been here, made from the dust of this planet to that of God, what our nature. So it is certain written and it says that the Scripture can not be overridden.

    On the other hand we have, according to Scripture all together a Heavenly Father - God called - the purely spiritual "nature" and comes from elsewhere than from the earth here, because even He has created, according to the Scriptures. As such, we are actually originally extraterrestrial or supernatural or spiritual origin, if we (or rather in the heavens) referring to our father in heaven.

    How many divorced spirits, is whether the Scriptures has now been given by God himself, then the prophets and apostles wrote down only what they have been breathed by God in the spirit. Or the font comes from those special people themselves, which describe God and his works, and to some extent for the reader so confusing (eg Revelation, the book of Ezekiel) that one can only assume that there must (or should?) all have been entered by a higher being.

    To completely hard to make the whole thing more transparent now, and God help the writers of the time. God himself can not ask so directly to all things, as you would like it and the writers have also made a long time from the dust or have long since become again to dust.

    This dust is from many directions and at best, sometimes even joining forces now trying to wipe out, to come even more to track the real source of all things. But somehow they were previously always fail. Those remains their faith, others took refuge in their unbelief. What unites them is that both groups are seeking.

    What is a fact that both groups only visitors are here in this world. Here on this earth is ultimately no one. Where are we going then (back)? In the world outside of this earth, perhaps?
    Are we perhaps earthly beings and we are after our death to außeridischen beings?

    Is it all just a cycle? But then there is no origin and no end - life begins - life ends - life (perhaps on other spiritual way?) Starts again?

    Yesterday I found a verse in the Bible, whom I had probably read just once. I was told by Christians that angels were sexless beings. Here is another:

    Zechariah 5,9Und I lifted up mine eyes, and looked, and, behold, there came out two women, and the wind was in their wings, and they had wings like the wings of a stork;

    Perhaps this points to the fact yes, what is physically after our death await us, sometimes. In our present condition as a human being, it is for us men hard enough to dissuade women from going away (cheating), what will become until they have wings?

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