Of the Technoten

It seems to be coming back into fashion, to proclaim the Unmachbarkeit of the things that stop and aimlessness, the Hinweggestrudeltwerden of individuals in the rapids of the times, alswelche, barely barrel-, detectable incomprehensible to our ideas and our understanding raptured.

These are all excuses.

Or self-descriptions or descriptions of particular groups, but by no means all.

And the border into a kind of modern, seasoned with all sorts of esoteric elements from around the world New Age belief in fate religion dissolves easily in the Gewaber numinous power forces and -gespinste easily hear whining in subjection out.

Because of the Colossus is at least on a hollow legs.

Individuals have more possibilities, even at the lowest ready cash to make the world unhinge than ever before in human history known today.

A serious, dangerous, a reckless, drawn from the spirit of decadence Half religion as possibly becoming a full-religion.

You could call their followers Technoten, the Technot committed to Technotentum because they believe only technical processes directed their limited maturities.

And as the mind can not use that.

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