My Dalai Lama allergy

Luckily I do have an allergy.

I thought I was not normal.

Because I'm allergic to the Dalai Lama.

When I changing this, always look awkward, permanently grinning Spirituellanten, these mendacious NWO priest, always surrounded by grinding chambers and boot lickers, this Herdenverzücker, sultry Herzenberücker, Schafsbeglücker, I feel increased hair growth from Nas' and ears.

Sometimes it pinches me directly between the ass cheeks, when His Holiness the Esoclown occurs, especially in front of enraptured One World Christians.

I remember it well, as he saw the old Pope for a very spiritual person and the Trilateral Graf Lambsdorff was one of his best Betspezis.

Always Orange, always grin and swastikas.

Not that I did not like orange, or a hearty smile, or sometimes a Swastika.

But: What a role model, please, is the?

Raise it ever against the NATO aggressors against Israel even his voice?

That's the largest Heuchelkasper, the allergenste Ekelfigur from the manure box of mystification.

He is not even asked what position zukäme women in his faith relevant company; that would be treason, what I say, insult His Divine Holiness himself: and the answer is you probably would rather not know so exactly.

A Spiriblender from a fairy tale book.

Striking the relative physiognomic similarity Greenspan, Lambsdorff and the Lama.

But the way it is at a severe allergy: Already satisfy small stimuli, and they wanted to scratch and bite and to get beat.

I've also been thinking, I would be so allergic to whom probably, if it were not for the Dalai Lama.

But after all, is not a Dalai Lama in the sausage and beer, so I must have from the side no concerns.

So have I, apart from the previously described symptoms, to do only with an occasional curse stimulus, but can contain quite well through consistent employment with beautiful and instructive things.

In severe cases, I appoint my writing therapy.

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11 Responses to "My Dalai Lama allergy"

  1. Tester says:

    Dalai Lama is a mass murderer and a thief. Lamas ruled under Sharia similar law, it chopped off hands, eyes gouged out for the smallest offense and regular children were skinned (!) In honor of the "god-kings". And finally has the Dalai Lama was still raked in about $ 50 million national wealth and towards the west to its financiers and friends in the CoL.

    There is good info to:

  2. Magnus Wolf Goeller says:

    @ Tester

    Tibet was, until its annexation by the Chinese one of the most perverse and cruel feudal states of the earth.

    In but never talked, only about how spiri was but the Dalai Lama and his whole religion, and everything was subjected to the monasteries at that time.

    I'm curious if one of his ecstatic supporters will loszetern here, I have not understood everything correctly or was possessed by an evil spirit.

    And anyway, where his holiness so many good friends all over the world has ...

    The Dalai Lama is nothing more than perhaps the darkest luminous, incarnate symbol of mass media manipulation.

    To achieve a truly peaceful world, such idols have to be knocked off the pedestal.

  3. Tupolev says:

    A first-rate blog post, very well written. I think the Dalai Lama also nothing. Some time ago he was a permanent guest in the German TV shows, I find something "slightly" exaggerated ...


  4. ehrli says:

    and just as a stupid rattler as you are one, I had to ask her where also skinned.
    not the faintest glimmer of the matter, but manure in the brain.

  5. Dude says:

    Thanks for soliloquy;-p

  6. Magnus Wolf Goeller says:

    @ Ehrli

    Yes hättste times.

    But not Haste, and Buddha did not.

    Therefore I also have the opportunity to briefly discuss your brief pleasantries.

    First of all they put your peacefulness and general philanthropy is in such a convincing manner that His Holiness would certainly have no objection against it.

    And the consistent sensitive testified as your piety in humility and simplicity.

    One more question: Are there any monasteries where you can learn skinning Stupid talkers?

    Maybe you take yes for an abbot.

  7. Halmstan says:

    Thanks for this article - which was long time overdue!

  8. Magnus Wolf Goeller says:

    @ Tupolev & Halmstan

    Looking forward of encouragement!

    Let's wait the enthusiasm in the media sheep from ...

  9. Jimmy says:

    In a war first ever dies the truth, because everyone wants to put his own image instead of that of the others, yes we are in a war with our own, and like to identify with the worldviews that we by our own logic, our experiences and feelings build up.
    Each thus forms its own reality. What do we care so much as that the reality we can call our own ... Tell me, what views you can dissolve all our pain? Hatred, envy and greed, lies, or love, truth, tolerance, and forgiveness?
    We are all part of our true Selbst.- -The unit of cosmos
    You have the freedom of choice (free will)

  10. The content can not be viewed from the hand pointed werden.Formell had a sober calculation can significantly enhance the variations.

  11. Magnus Wolf Goeller says:

    @ Karl-Heinz Graf

    An objection worth considering.

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