
In talking about the ever more winding, irrwitzigere problem, what is because nowadays guests could still carefree serve up for dinner, I learned yesterday, the French Figaro've written some twenty years ago, one should at any Mahle Append two guaranteed hungry students to as host to sit not scrupulously sheer dissatisfied poking faces alone einschaufelnd what was cooked with love.

Let's start with the simplest: What do you do when you invite eight people, and two of them - God, or his own care giving, that's knows in advance! - When eight invitees are two BWA vegetarian?

Allen vegetarian food anzwingen, let iguanas meatless for two?

Or, if the meat gets underway, extra tripelerlesenen a vegetarian transition range at the same time, so the veggies do not feel reset, best fat Triefschwein for the carnivores, the cheapest?

Or veggies say they want to get something verkonsumieren goat cheese cream in the meantime, while the lamb is eaten with green beans?

But those are now almost the minor niggles.

For the one has a lactose intolerance, the next does not tolerate garlic or no raw onions (decent roast as deleted salad), again a bear none, not even the finest cumin, the next turns out because of the Dills, yet gets all sorts Kohls terrible flatulence, his colleague from all legumes, one thinks eggs you got too much on cholesterol, tuna is mercury, Chili disaster, should be salted not even the pasta water, yes, wheat noodles are anyway out of the question, because of the wheat allergy, the cooking water may Please come out of the plastic bottle - the salad comes about from Spain? - Is the farmed salmon? , That and the other was cut with a knife with wooden handle eyes? Who has this deer how and where as properly killed? , You know that for sure? Are radioactive, himself collected wild mushrooms? , The fox has gebrunzt on the raspberries and I after the tapeworm? , Are the bananas "Fair Trade"? , The tomato field? Why cast iron skillet instead of stainless steel (or vice versa)? , Sugar is in there? , You cook exclusively with unrefined sea salt (or iodized salt)? , Is the honey from free-bees? , The ham is air dried or smoked but merely? , Appenzeller I do not eat, because the Swiss are financial villains, young herring would still be old, is the Fukushimaregensalbei? , You do not support the Mafia with this Pecorino? You know how to exploit the harvest workers in Bordeaux? , Which is about lead crystal glasses? , The candles are made from beeswax? , You've got the vegetable broth pressed by Ökohanftuch? , You are using conventional detergent, even with a nylon brush? , Are the planchierte rat eyes?

I wanted to keep the sentence short, end thus already here.

No wonder that is rarely invited and cooked properly: you could still get with all diligence the Gästepest into his own house?

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2 Responses to "Gästepest"

  1. Dude says:

    Dear Magnus
    So when I look at your Menuzusammenstellung so look at me but runs smooth the mouth water, and this, although I am a vegetarian.
    It is therefore in my interest - whenever possible - to avoid carnal or fishy food. It would be wrong to see this too closely, and for this reason I like to take sometimes some meat to me, if I am invited, and the menu was cooked with love (and, ideally, no flavor enhancers and other chemical ingredients).
    And apart from that comes so rarely ONLY meat on the table, so but the militant vegetarians should just shut up and eat side dishes, hehe:-D
    For salt because I had another tip for you:-)

  2. Magnus Wolf Goeller says:

    @ Dude

    You seem to be a very tolerant vegetarians.

    Many of those movies that is the karmic outrageous incarnate carnivores with such expression while eating, make a face like three rainy days when the sausage plate is passed over to them that they should really throw out the same.

    Behind it like three reasons stuck.

    First, the (self-trained habits) disgust may be so large that they can not help it, - then they'd better stay away voluntarily.

    Second, they want to hold themselves that they still maintain traffic with such reprehensible subjects, - then ...

    Third, it may be the bare envy, of course they can not admit to himself - then ...

    These people show in their behavior a startling at first glance, the second a logical similarity with many Blue Cross men who want a bile into the Pinot Blanc, if not equal to liver cirrhosis.

    But I have - except that with the students - two practical tips on how to survive as a host without complete self-abasement vegetarians that I use regularly.

    Either I'm doing a Käsfondue brand Magnus, or just simply cold plate with salads and homemade Spelt white bread, in addition to the cheese and the egg cream, the fish cream and cold meat or sausage and ham plate is not missing.

    If the latter levies are occupied with irreverent eyes, so I can simply easier to bear chivalrous, as if this is happening to me with the loving geschmurgelten roast beef. (Apart from the already described above transitions problem.)

    Then, only a vegetarian lentil soup o. Ä. (I love lentils!) To cook the main course, I let myself, if I invite, bring down by any vegetarians.

    This then meant namely an unconditional surrender to the guest.

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