I bet twelve bottles Frankish best Pinot Noir that's reported nuclear tits fails to stop at the women's World Cup today.
Bet is accepted until the final whistle.
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Tags: atomic attack tits
I bet twelve bottles Frankish best Pinot Noir that's reported nuclear tits fails to stop at the women's World Cup today.
Bet is accepted until the final whistle.
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Tags: atomic attack tits
This entry was posted on Sunday 26 June, 2011 at 11:54 and is filed under sex , idiots cabinet , war saved. Responses to this article can through the RSS 2.0 are tracked feed. It is possible to this Article to reply or trackback from your own site to send.
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@ Magnus
Would you have also completed on a bet, whether it ausbliebe that maybe a few planes crash into two skyscrapers in Manhattan, if that would have been already quite proclaimed as possible?
I do not think that the women World Cup, a stop is committed. But I also want to allow such a thing no other person in the slightest. So theoretically play around, or even to attempt to draw personal benefit from it in terms of a bet to which I find frankly, a bit tasteless. For in spite of all, yes, the risk can not be completely excluded that others could experience such a fiasco might nevertheless.
This is almost the same as when various Christians say, hopefully soon starts a world war, which covers the whole world with an unprecedented tribulation, just so they can finally experience it yourself as THE generation as it is to be caught. Although I personally, as it is understood by other Christians, anyway nonsense think. Egoism (in the case of wanting to save his own skin) is far from what constitutes charity.
"Twelve bottles"
Why twelve?
1 Thessalonians 5: 2 For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night.
@ Joseph v. A.
Your objection is correct in principle.
But I let myself out of sheer disaster scenarios that could possibly become a reality, neither the brain nor destroy wash my fun.
When in Berlin now something happens, then I'm obviously the asshole.
So what?
I have as little respect for any (in many cases certainly bought) Katastropheten as the Bilderbergers.
Someone puts a rumor on the net, and all run like rabbits Australian when a bush fire rages.
And if, as is almost always insubstantial, it sets the next, no consequence follows; eventually it will then agree in advance, and then you're after 200 failures suddenly the greatest, which he has previously already knew (who knows where).
And at least I have the real possibility of such a stop in advance - even seriously with reference to Wisnewski - discussed.
What this makes at least one grain less likely.
@ Magnus
"If something happens in Berlin now, I'm the asshole of course."
It was only some criticism of me, as you also criticized me before you. Criticism should at best be regarded as a profit-making for all, for out of it you just learned.
The fact that I still like to come to you on the forum, you should be able to recognize that your criticism to what I have said before and was not quite correct, perhaps, is always fallen on fertile ground.
What should have to do with brain washing and spoil my fun criticism, I can not understand anyway. After all, who really has humor, laughing anyway. Give my love to the seriousness, yes?
@ Joseph v. A.
Everything ok.
The seriousness I have already tried to salute, but unfortunately he was just not there.
If I could say something on the subject:
The mega ritual often becomes a mega discussion
@ Armin
Dear Armin!
Welcome at any time.
Have just read your Linked analysis and will post something to do so when I only have a little bit tired specified praise could not install, but can something somewhat of substance to say.
Again, shy beg you never to set your Links here if they fit to the point.
Best wishes and Good luck!
Thank You!
I look the way almost every day with you a - well because I like how complex often discussed with you.
The thing with the Mega Ritual is really an interesting and complex issue and indeed much less because of the rather dubious evidence, but because of the multiple issues raised by the event.
One occurs to me in the last few months. Conspiracy theory is slowly but surely becoming mainstream. A few months ago practically negates throughout the theories are increasingly being incorporated "theorists" from the mainstream. Often negative, sometimes interesting, sometimes positive. But as they say, is important to be there.
The more people who deal with these issues, there is the more the chance that more people "cut through the crap", so just do not fall for the crap, but keep looking, inform, develop a more realistic picture of the states.
So the reaction to 26.06 is quite an issue - more than the event itself!
Even if it be - would have been the reaction of the elites to have blown terror because of the public reaction - unlikely but possible.
The whole thing is truly food for thought ...