Gold and Silver: Giant hoax?

Everyone wants gold and silver.

So it would seem.

Very few question the gold and silver rush.

The main argument quite valid for the purchase of precious metals is that the currencies of paper as a whole is not to be trusted.

Well, that makes sense.

Anyone who egregious financial manipulations in recent years - just again the soundsovielste "euro rescue" - did not completely go by his perception.

Now what speaks against the supposedly safe investment?

First of gold and silver from 2002-2011 US $ 300 per ounce to 1400, respectively, from 2003 5 dollars on currently $ 36 are increased.

So almost a fivefold or more than a sevenfold increase in dollar values ​​took place over a period of nine and eight years.

Something called financial experts, unless such. As a fundamental invention provides a completely new situation creates (let's say, an extremely rare, irreplaceable and not artificially producible material, has hardly important, enabled the construction of a warp drive and thus interstellar travel ), usually an "irrational exuberance" or "bubble" (which would burst sooner or later).

As far as I know, but crucial new technical applications have been discovered, so that their intrinsic value has not changed in the above period neither gold nor for silver.

It is therefore in the classic definition of a long merely self-nourishing "boom" a "hype", which typically at the end still wants to earn the man in the street, according to the mutton stove principle. Economic history is full of examples of this tart. (Incidentally, it must at every gold and silver purchase also give a seller who perceives the sales price than favorably. All idiots? Or are they all about distressed sales? Hardly.)

And since it seems but inherently suspect that in the sheep media hardly voices are being heard that fact and make reasonable doubt, how long can it still "go well".

Much worse, much dumber still: In the so-called alternative media in which one may suspect but that they (all) Currently dancing to the tune of high finance, one finds even less critical voices.

On the contrary, who is skeptical, is presented as a free spirit, idiot, or even one that was purchased only drive down prices, in fact, Rothschild & Cie. was operating as a disinformation Jackal.

And every time gold and silver times not shoot up, even sometimes fall short, is the conspiracy theory that prices would artificially depressed.

The idea that someone who knows that the sauce does not last long, just do not know how long exactly, quite reasonably, confident and thoughtful simply a good time to (at least partially) Disembark and rearrangement could have used, very banal, it seems to come (almost) no.

Taken together, this makes me mighty suspicious.

It should any independent-minded people then bring to scratch once firmly on the head.

If all experience, all common logic is set in such a spooky way override usually must be something rotten.

It was me, anyway none yet - whether "Illuminate" Obscurat, Master of argumentation and rhetoric or Otto neighbor - to the effect enlighten (or should I say less posh, bebrabbeln?), So it must be different in this case.

The whole thing smells like a gigantic global Depp female asses.

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92 Responses to "Gold and Silver: Giant hoax?"

  1. Tick ​​says:

    On the gold side of this earth again and again the well-established historical scale "is a ounce of gold buys 1 x the Dow Jones" on. It is safe no matter if in the future the Dow drops on gold level or an ounce on Downiveau increases (perhaps meet up so well in the center). From this equality it is (apart from the many other good suggestions given here to the Gold rating) ceases to be any meaningful gold as optimal memory. At least for me, this ratio is a bit of guidance. High praise for this good, critical blog!

  2. Magnus Wolf Goller says:

    @ Tick

    Thank You!

  3. Dude says:

    The praise I close me :)

    And on the subject was my turn to be noted, though I would scold me not at all historians that gold for a very long time a gladly seen "thing" was. They adorned themselves with it boasted one decorated and built even entire palaces.

    Now what today relates to the practical use in a allfällig arriving shortly worst-case scenario, it does not particularly great value, if any.

    So it is smarter to stick with the security systems in practically meaningful objects to be ready ...

    ... Corresponding to each his means ...

    Ps. Thus, trading in general, and in particular the derivatives trading is a simple method within a very short time to potentiate its assets into the ludicrous, provided, of course, you're willing to give up his conscience and condemn his soul voluntarily ....

  4. Magnus Wolf Goller says:

    @ Dude

    What if some people have no soul?

    Maybe we did not all.

    It does not matter.

    Otherwise, d'accord.

  5. Magnus Wolf Goller says:

    @ Dude


    I do not mean it as bad as it may seem.

    Forgive me my disbelief.

    I do not just get to the faith.

    That there is more than flesh, for it speaks a lot.

    Also a lot of personal Erlebtes.

    But I am therefore ideas and interpretations not as secure really on.

  6. Dude says:


    No one HAS a soul! The soul has the body!
    You eternally IS = time-off!

    The road is a rocky, but passable.

    Ps. Have the now construed in any way as malicious, so there's nothing to forgive, but thank you anyway :)

    Beliefs does everyone only are the various faiths due to the simultaneous oneness and individually personalized Different-being also located infinitely different ...

    Therefore monotheism and religious constructs are indeed generally, or even scientific and dogmatic atheism atheist as well as monism or dualistic constructs ultimately complete nonsense.

    But I have now understood that they may be useful for some crutches well. As long as they remain free in the spirit they are certainly not bad - on the contrary.

    But I remain still propagated by my holistic nihilism in love.

    Wishes joyful sunny day for the family.

  7. Dude says:


    That's it ...

  8. Magnus Wolf Goller says:

    @ Dude

    I wanted you a bit annoyed, so I said well now that you probably abgäbest a pretty good priest.

    But I do not want to, I'm just saying that I get along much better with linguistics and philosophy than religion.

    The latter may give many people a bit: I do not.

    Religion is too dishonest and cowardly.

    I've tried this briefly as a child with it, but felt myself always as a miserable bastard of an idiot and a beggar and accordingly ridiculous to me and that was pretty embarrassing.

    If there is a God, there can only be characterized him so that he does not exist.

    The now understand me, who wants to.

    Oh, we are here so the gold.

    Nietzsche says in Zarathustra to gold had come to the highest values, since it is always grant.

    I doubt even in the event that understood him all too many.

  9. Tick ​​says:

    Almost everyone who carries himself with the thought to make a major purchase - say a house for 150,000 paper money to buy - and no lottery win, no rich grandparents, or both, has so shall your way a savings plan in paper money. By so just saves only be cumbersome Deserved, he will find, after 10 years of saving, that the above investment property costs at once 300 000. in paper money - then he übelegt, I've done something wrong here? But in some cases it is then as in my case, to the knowledge, okay I'm fucked on many levels while saving!
    I have chosen the example of "home" because I personally (especially autarges - ie rental free) Living for a basic need and at the same time for an increase of freedom (especially in the retirement age, if not more of a highly doped up a rent by Search can adapt jobs) hold. When I realized 10 years ago that credit money is scooped unsparbar, I wondered whether there was must necessarily be that I have a third party (ie a bank loan) must adopt in order me to fulfill this basic need. Sure, they offered me to meet my basic needs "housing" the same, but you did not understand that zumnest my basic need not just "live" but "autarges living" or better living without broadest access of third parties to this basic need is. I also did not understand why I have to do my work hump for two houses crooked (for over 30 years repayment period come together), although I only need a house. So I looked for alternatives of saving, the value of transportation, relocating of expenditure in the future - if I therefore, how it's seems a dying, ridiculed species in this society was. So there I was a need to save some for my work hump is not all too crooked. Also, I found the consideration of the Bank, whose power was indeed only in my printed paper that previously did not exist to give (that is, at best, credit-made paper money), for the call "my hump 15 years longer for a home more" to make crooked as a bad deal. Somehow I ended up at that time, after many attempts of saving the Try / error is that this is the gold. I'm just a (working) life! Still, I think I can save so - nothing is infinite!

  10. Magnus Wolf Goller says:

    @ Tick

    Gold does not cost as much as long.

    Therefore: sale.

  11. Tick ​​says:

    Dear Mr. Gollner,
    I am sorry from my savings goal a few miles and of course ask myself (and despite the aforementioned Dow Gold Ratio) whether there are similar robust alternatives or diversification. Do you have suggestions (apart from the already mentioned silver or rare earth)? How much good because Loes floor is exactly? Is there a chart in relation to other value Save and Where exactly can the in our colorful Republic (if has not already bought everything Fielmann) still buy it cheap?

  12. Tick ​​says:

    Sorry for the "little salutation"!

  13. Dude says:


    Religion is harmful from the point where the guru principle comes into being, so would a priest activities - and i still have so much talent for it - precisely the wrong that I would promote this principle with it. Once the equivalence of individuals is undermined, which quickly passes through the Guru principle, which leads to the cleavage. Moreover, it detracts from the individually unique diamonds, their own spirit, and the conscious (or unconscious)) connection to the source itself.

    In addition, all is not gold that glitters:-D

  14. Magnus Wolf Goller says:

    @ Tick

    Good soil is naturally always a bad idea.

    However, the only thing the advantage if you manage it yourself or lease (which the farmer has only examined period).

    Where and at what prices you get Lössäcker with credit 1, I do not know; but he probably everywhere in D cost about the same (have only prices from 15 years ago in the head).

    I think the forest for the privateer for better, provided it can handle a chainsaw and heated with wood. (Forest does work.)

    As you can already get a pretty decent piece for 10 to 20,000 Euros.

    Otherwise, if you have space, certainly cheap stocklots of tools not bad, SS Bolts, angles, etc.

    Does not break, is always needed, always retains its value.

  15. Thomas says:

    Waaa but since I have an issue fully overlooked! : D

    Here's what the Göllerlifte:

    The first two chart images are likely to be interested. Inflation-adjusted charts.
    Where there are gold and silver in a bubble?

  16. Thomas says:

    And one more thing just found by chance. One of my favorites, Prof. Bocker.
    The first few minutes are interesting for / against your thesis.

  17. mapleleaf says:

    Gold and silver are in a bubble? Gold and silver are not in a bubble! Gold and silver were in a bubble when the euro or the dollar would be a stable currency. The price of gold is measured in dollars. If you paid attention in Mathematics Education halfway must not enter the nakedness and "questioning" a rise in the gold price in the last cycle of a fiat money system. If there are 10 times as many dollars in 10 years, the price of gold / demand factors must also be 10 times as high, completely independent of any offer. Bread prices, electricity prices and cigarette prices doubled since 2000. Mineral oil more than doubled, etc.

    "There must be Salespeople whatsoever. All idiots? "- Yes, all except the air companies.

    "Economic history is full of examples .." - on what you have there specially for? Surely not 1948 where John Doe had the dubious pleasure of 100 marks to swap in Mark 6.50 and probably not in 1923 where Stamps SALE, were Mr. Miller had saved 100 1921 RM of his wages he had the end of 1923 further 19,999. RM 999,900.00 afford to send a letter - so much for Depp female asses;)

    Conclusion: The price of gold is uninteresting! The gold value or purchasing power is crucial. The price of gold has risen sharply in a short time. The value of gold has during that time hardly changed. Only when the gold price moves in the bladder area, possibly the value of gold increases sharply because of the present prosperity more money is spent will be as safe in a coming crisis of indefinite duration, gold as a means of payment.

  18. Magnus Wolf Goller says:

    @ Mapleleaf

    I do not have now taken the trouble to elicit precise figures, what gold "worth" is now.

    Layers of course not, say, the dollar price of 2000 measured but the equivalent in wheat, steel, fuel oil and whatever else is so really need by modern man.

    Here we see a huge increase. (Probably because you "mapleleaf" call themselves, you have good statistics on that.)

    This can not go on indefinitely. Of the gold sellers but the often claimed. Only against this obvious nonsense I turn.

    Compare the price history of wheat, fair enough crude steel, some basic goods in dollars or euros or some other currency to that of gold; because of the lies the rub.

    Maybe I should have made this clearer above; but I assumed that this bill counter any gold and silver man was familiar.

    Everywhere I can, if I have gold, exchange it in euros and, yet, according to buy something for it. Or do I pay the same in gold, the seller expects it to. Be there. In square meters floor, in Swiss knife, in donkey or whatever In virtually all cases Gold in the price / value has increased enormously. That is undeniable.

    Eventually, the end of the story will be achieved. Nothing more, nothing less what I said.

    That one does not want to hear, although there is no reasonable argument against it, because I got used to.

    For the believers gold (or gold Schacherer) is gold, if the entire cotton crop of the United States gets an ounce, certainly still an asset for boarding. In any case, never one of those called me a point at which gold in his view, would probably not valuable.

    Clear that those who have the gold, have gold to sell, want, seek to suggest others that at some point one gram whose could live for three years in the lap of luxury, in Monaco, with sea views.


    If you want dear mapleleaf know how to redeploy your gold in my opinion, time wise, tailored to your personal situation, so I'll give you love to Council. The fee for this is measured in percentage gradually decreased from a base amount according to the scale.

  19. Thomas says:

    Well, Magnus ... wheat production has also increased tremendously in the last few (dozen) years. Gold production in relation to it rather less. Therefore, more wheat for the same amount of gold.

    Of course you're right in some ways: Precious metals currently enjoying an increase in demand, which, due to the imminent end system, will increase. Rising demand naturally means a higher price when demand returns may fall he will. This price may actually not be measured in euros or dollars for the known reasons. Wheat lends itself in fact more like, but only the course of, say past 30 years, provide a correspondingly technologically highly armed and reasonably consistent output. If there now gold has risen efficient the past 10 years, then that is already on the growing demand for gold as a safe haven. Ergo, the gold price, measured in wheat, fall again sometime. But this decline will be far less than the loss of purchasing power of fiat currencies in the near future. Therefore: Gold is not measured in money, and certainly not measured in wheat in a bubble. The bladder, measured in money will come. Measured in wheat will not be forthcoming. There it is, when the paper money crisis is over, a normal correction down to give an initially somewhat stronger rash but will level off. At the end you get (even excluding crop failure), which is due to the lower demand for gold as soon as the money system reboots for the same amount of gold in the future a little less wheat than today.

    Gold sellers are claiming only a price increase in money. But that the value or purchasing power of gold thus not necessarily rises conceal it, of course.

  20. Magnus Wolf Goller says:

    @ Thomas

    At exactly the content of your final movement it is essential.

  21. Thomas says:

    I know just wanted the rest is also shown clearly again. ;)

  22. mapleleaf says:

    @ Magnus Wolf Göllerlifte

    My perception about gold is as follows:

    It is connected to the prime-time television advertising, the population with the argument that the price of gold is currently high, "entgoldet" - of all the future prices of gold, nothing is said here.

    In each cheese-digit displays of local jewelers are to be found, the "entgolden" the population - forecasts for the future price of gold can not be found here.

    While surfing on websites with the topic of gold and silver you will be bombarded with ads Onlinehaendlern; in rare cases, even personalized advertisements on other websites - and here I will only buy and not to inquire about any price targets.

    These are all signs that you currently can with the trade of gold and silver make a killing on - and more not first.

    However, they question whether this is not hype, or even a hoax and Goldkaeufer will fail to invest long term. You can make it short: This question will only be able to answer in the future, how to evaluate all investments in retrospect. From this wisdom take but in your article precaution distance, because otherwise the question would not even arise for the reader: "No gold ??? - So what for then ??? "

    For some time I have got used the "Qui bono?" Question automatically set whenever it comes to financial matters of any kind.

    When I'm in your article applying this question I recognize quickly the problem-solution-stitch:

    1. A short stem confirms the reader in his anxiety about the future of paper money
    2. An emotional confusion on structured, fact-retardant line of reasoning to the media, whether mainstream or alternatively leave, retire as a source of information
    3. own interpretation of the previously created confusion

    Although you tried to gleaming above with economic punditry, I dare bet following:

    I bet no bet your part 1/4 ounce of fine silver that you have no verifiable argument in favor of a significant loss of purchasing power of gold and silver within the next 36,000 years - apart from one world government dictatorship, including a despotic out, digital payments, in the me any other investment, you would now probably like to put my heart, also no longer could contribute to my physical self-realization.


  23. Magnus Wolf Goller says:

    @ Mapleleaf

    Too much honor.

    So, as you read my article describing my stratagems, I would have to be made to it already rich.

    However, you will, sir, in the course of your argument quite silly; because a significant loss of purchasing power of gold and silver, as in previous centuries, without this kind of dictatorship or Pipapoh, occur at any time. This ranges as "argument". Others were already mentioned.

    Your quarter of an ounce of silver I do not suppose however.

    These are currently seven or eight euros, and to which I want someone who is not able to look from here to there really is not easier.

    Should you however have really thick, so you may like to support me financially. Sponsors are always welcome. I have two boys who do not eat just a little. After all, there is something to read from my pen, for each, sometimes probably are remarkable, for free.

    I do not want to offend you by my clear speech; but he told me that he knew that there would be for gold and silver in the next 36 000 years ago, where no holds sway a compulsion, no significant loss of purchasing power, I can not take seriously, unfortunately.

    Yet to clarify: I think twenty to thirty percent already atoned for significantly. Halving of a value more than ever. As you come into the case back quickly. Dream on.

  24. Thomas says:

    "I think twenty to thirty percent already atoned for significant." The question still remains: What are the alternatives to precious metals in terms of purchasing power storage in our time?

    I "believe" in mind that precious metals will be in 1000 years if found not an inexhaustible source of energy (or permitted), have received their value largely be. If you mess with 100,000 euros for your descendants in money, found this in 1000 years determined 8-12 currency reforms behind and is not even more an entry in the bank account worth. What are assumed as 30% loss in gold? 30% loss of purchasing power in euros you on the current state roughly every 6 years ...

  25. Magnus Wolf Goller says:

    @ Thomas

    It is clear, gold, unless you can produce cheap there (a few atoms can erballern probably already, but this is far too expensive), a safer investment (if one does not become detached from any bandits or the state as a senior bandits) as any kind of paper.

    The long faces I did well but I look at it, when the industrial production of gold suddenly only (counted in today's money) costs ten Euros per gram. And then five, including two ...

    Conversely, gold course, if you can only dig weiterhn, rankommt no planet where the stuff mass-looking yet (like the Spaniards, when they plundered South America; there was a real fall in prices in Europe), but conversely, a technical application ( warp drive or something) is found, which makes the metal much sought after, and again go "through the roof" how to do that so beautifully expressed.

    Then the gold people had really good laugh.

    Unless, as I said, all the gold would deliver in planetary space agency, otherwise death penalty ...

  26. mapleleaf says:

    @ Magnus Wolf Göllerlifte

    Now I'll tell you something: my precious metal component is zero grams of gold and silver 323,4g {10 Maples, 1/10 Mexico Libertad, Libertad Mexico 1/20 and 1/4 ounce of Noah's ark would be already on the way, if you had not lost the bet)

    As you had to use your best chance ..?

    You had me some kind of scientific logic or can at least provide a historically verifiable reason by which even I would have my doubts at the current gold rush - but now I do not know why precious metals should still be worthless soon again ...

    I had already expressed above that you want to do with the deliberate, public Geringwertschaetzen and bad-mouthing of the precious metal Invest's just a quick additional marks by specifying an even better investment and sometimes at all times to know one. Part of this theory is the assumption that you have already covered themselves quite well with precious metals.

    If this theory is wrong is my diagnosis: When it comes to "work force over time save in rare AND precious metals" are you a fundamentalist. A look at the recent past and more often cited reasons - especially the low speculative aspect - you can not convince them of gold.

    I try yes you hineinzuversetzten why gold and silver do not "go ran" to you and it occurred to me that I would never, for example, invest in precious stones and this for a whole list of reasons.

    If someone would give me a white card, in a small plastic capsule is incorporated in a naturally grown, flawless, originally from South Africa, White 1 carat diamond the call of gravity forward, and I make them available for 25.000 € for Sale - would I refuse politely.
    Intuitively, I would no value in the stone look without big turn on the ratio {that would result from your perspective anyway to a different conclusion) - Perhaps you will enjoy it if they hold a 1000g gold bullion in the hands.

    The conclusion that it is a matter of taste also not true but, as you can weigh all Save Value "pro" and "con" and the "pro" list in precious metals easily convinced by their length and gleams through the millennia no longer occurred speculation with gold.

    PS 20-30% loss is significant but of course this value would be anyway only come into play if I had heard of you something that speaks for it!

  27. Magnus Wolf Goller says:

    @ Mapleleaf

    They seem to have not even noticed that I have made no bet with you.

    Historically verifiable example is with the Spaniards, what I wrote above.

    I do not understand how you reinhängen so, since you only have silver in the values ​​of perhaps 300 EUR pretend. But that may well be driven purely scientific altruism.

    Also I do not understand how you find the conjecture, I would have a lot of precious metal: Why should I perpetuate the same my skepticism about the durable values ​​then?

    The value of what I own, write down?

    Why would I do that?

    It is, I repeat, only skepticism.

    I consider myself in the near future nor to know to how the medium and long term.

    Strive quietly to lead me to a Glatteise: it does not bother me.

    At best, if you think of anything better than that brought up, I do not answer.

  28. mapleleaf says:

    @ Magnus Wolf Göllerlifte

    I do not want anybody lead to a slippery - I'm desperate and so far fruitless search for gold and silver cons.

    About me: I'm 23 and studying electrical engineering, this Geldsystem- / Kaufkrafterhaltungs- / inflation stories interest me only incidentally!

    My last Christmas money I have parked in the noise of the arguments of various monetary system theorists and Edelmetallhaendler, in the said 10 Silver Maple Leafs.

    Then I noticed that I have not done just because of those and I did not like this idea!

    I then "arguments against Gold" googled and I landed in your article. There I found only a question mark in the title and your little emotional sounding aversion to Invest's precious metal.

    I then tried a plausible to me gold and silver "contra" to provoke - this is the state of things.

    Sorry, I was trying to rip you the arguments of the gold and silver missionaries around your ears but I thought it may be closer to me looking for the counter-argument - I do not trust their prophesied peace of course.

    I do not know whether you have personally precious metals, is of no interest to me. Only drives us all the misery afraid to search for meaningful value Save - You want to know if you can live by a deciduous forest; I want to know if I will buy again ten Maples or sometime even some gold.


  29. Magnus Wolf Goller says:

    @ mapleleaf

    Nun, wenn Sie mich lediglich testen wollten, der Prüfe halber, so ist das völlig in Ordnung.

    Sie sprechen (wir können auch Du sagen) oben selbst vom “momentanen Goldrausch”. Das hieß für mich gleich, dass Du der Sache selbst nicht traust oder aber Deine Sprache diesbezüglich nicht im Griff hast. Denn was ein Rausch ist, weiß man ja gemeinhin schon mit 16 oder 18.

    Ich habe meine skeptische Stimme ins Spiel gebracht, weil ich über einige Zeit nicht nur den beschriebenen extremen Anstieg von Gold und Silber gegenüber notwendigeren Gütern sah, zudem die Angstmacherei dabei, das Messianische, geradezu ein pfäffisches Verhalten der Verkäufer (die immer sagen, dass es morgen nix mehr gebe, ihre Seiten aber mit Goldverkaufswerbung zupflastern, sodann die ihnen gläubig nachrennende Herde).

    Wenn derlei mehrere Faktoren zusammenkommen, kratze ich mich nunmal am Kopfe. Und das sage ich auch.

    Gut, wenn Du Elektrotechnik studierst.

    Ich verrate Dir jetzt nämlich die beste Wertanlage: Es ist die ins eigene Wissen und Können.

    Was einer weiß, daran trägt er nicht schwer. Selbst 500 000 neue Gehirnzellen (Neuversynapsung, ein durchaus auch elektrischer Vorgang, dürfte noch weniger wiegen), die man sich, wie man inzwischen weiß (ich glaubte den Scheiß vom immer Dümmerwerden noch nie), selbst bis ins Alter schaffen kann, dürften kaum ein zusätzliches Gramm auf die Nackenmuskeln lasten.

    Auch sicher kein Fehler, wenn man etwas Silber hat. Für Deine zehn Unzen wird es im Zweifel wahrscheinlich wenigstens einige Zeit für Brot reichen. Also das Wichtigste, außer Hirn und Gesundheit, anständigen Stiefeln und einer guten Jacke, wenn es wirklich eng wird.

  30. mapleleaf sagt:

    @ Magnus

    10.000€ sind nur solange viel Geld, solange man ein regelmaeßiges Einkommen hat. Wenn das Einkommen wegbricht sehen die 10.000€ sehr schnell nach Schwundgeld aus, bis sie schließlich zur schwarzen Null mutieren.

    Allein diese “Weisheit” oder Erfahrung deutet darauf hin, dass Dein letzter Anlagetipp ins Können und Wissen, der Wahrheit und der Vernunft am naechsten ist. Sein Einkommen schöpft schließlich jeder im Alter zwischen ca. 20 und ca. 65 aus seinem Können oder Wissen.

    Darin besteht wahrscheinlich auch Dein Hauptkritikpunkt, dass die dem Gold nachrennende Herde vor lauter Vermögenssicherung ganz die Einkommenssicherung übersieht. Das Stichwort hierzu waere jetzt irgendwie “Weltwirtschaftskrise und Massenarbeitslosigkeit”…

    Naja… dann versuche ich mich mal mit meinen 300 Gramm Silber und meinem hoffentlich bis ins hoffentlich hohe Alter linear ansteigendem Wissen stets über Wasser zu halten und auch Dir wünsche ich dabei weder Miss- noch Teilerfolge;)


  31. Thomas says:

    Mapleleaf: Es schadet auf keinen Fall, deinen Silberbestand nochmal aufzustocken. Gründe dafür sind vor Allem:

    - Man hat es physisch in der Hand
    - Es wird niemals wertlos werden (vgl. Euro)
    - Es ist Industriemetall und wird tatsächlich auch unwiederbringlich verbraucht
    - Es gab noch nie ein Silberverbot
    - Silber ist mit großer Wahrscheinlichkeit von geringerer direkter Verfügbarkeit als Gold

    Nachteile gibt es nur wenige:
    - Silber hat im Moment weniger Wertdichte als Gold, dh es wird schon bei verhältnismäßig kleinen Geldsummen relativ viel im Tresor. Als theoretisches Fluchtgeld eher ungeeignet.
    - Der Silbermarkt ist stark manipulierbar. Man sollte es nicht als kurzfristiges Investment sehen, das könnte starke Nerven erfordern.

    Mehr fällt mir im Moment dazu gar nicht ein.

  32. Thomas says:

    Ich kann dir dazu das hier ans Herz legen. Es behandelt die Geschichte der Edelmetalle genauso wie die aktuelle Situation. Äußerst lesenswertes Buch:

  33. mapleleaf sagt:

    @ Thomas

    Das Buch kenn ich schon, bzw. ich weiß, von seiner Existenz, gelesen hab ich es NOCH nicht – trotzdem vielen Dank für den Link:)

    Wenn der Euro an Weihnachten naechstes Jahr noch was wert ist, denke ich über eine Aufstockung nach – vielleicht stoße ich ja noch auf ein eindeutiges Silber-Contra, was mich dann wiederum neu abwegen ließe.

    Wie Sie vielleicht ja oben mitgelesen haben, bin ich regelrecht auf der Suche nach Gründen gegen Edelmetalle.

    Magnus hatte oben so ein Beispiel angeführt, dass wenn es eine neue Technologie gibt, die Gold verbraucht – ja dann würde der Goldpreis steigen – das trifft halt beim Silber genau zu, deshalb haette ich als Silber-Contra sowas gelten lassen wie:

    - es gibt die und die Zukunftstechnologie, die deshalb und dieshalb sehr wichtig ist und die das und jenes, wofür heute ein Großteil des Silbers hingeht, so und so schnell verdraengen würde…
    - es gibt Anzeichen, dass es bald ein neues Scheideverfahren beim Einschmelzen von Stahlschrott gibt…
    - irgendwelche geographischen Fakten, die von den Edelmetallfans absichtlich oder aus Unwissenheit zurückgehalten und nie erwaeht werden wie zB “die Menge Silber, die bei der Kupfergewinnung “anfaellt” steigt mit der Abbautiefe immer weiter an…”

    sowas oder irgendwas anderes Einleuchtendes suche ich!

    Wenn das naemlich so ist, dass man über Silber oder Gold nichts Schlechtes sagen kann, wieso wissen das dann so wenige und wie von Magnus oben schon gefragt – wieso gibt´s dann überhaupt an jeder Ecke was zu kaufen für Hinz und Kunz in allen möglichen Größen und Formen???
    Und wieso kauft dann nicht die Silberverarbeitende Industrie die ganze Comex leer oder hat sie schon laengst leer gekauft…- gut das behaupten ja einige, dass das zu 99,2% Leerverkaeufe sind und die dann mit einigen zusaetzlichen Dollars ruhig gestellt werden…?!?

    Naja ich behalt die 10 Maples erstmal aber trotzdem finde ich, dass die ganzen Informationen vorallem zu “Silber kaufen ja/nein” etwas widersprüchlich erscheinen und es keine Leute gibt die eben abraten und dafür auch Gründe nennen…


  34. Thomas says:

    Vielleicht ist es hier ausnahmsweise mal so einfach: Weil es keine Gründe dagegen gibt. ;)
    In jedem Handy, in jedem Fernseher, in jeder PV-Zelle wird Silber verwendet. Silber leitet Strom besser als jedes andere Metall. Silber ist 15mal häufiger als Gold in der Erde zu finden, wird aber in weit höherem Maße verbraucht. Bei Palladium und anderen Metallen, die noch überhaupt keiner auf dem Schirm hat, ist die Situation ähnlich.
    Und selbst wenn alles grober Unfug wäre: Das Zeug wird niemals wertlos. Und das ist heute leider das Wichtigste.
    Schönen Gruß auch dir.

  35. Martin Hark sagt:

    Very good article! Aktuell ist der Silberpreis jedoch noch stark von der Industrienachfrage und somit von der wirtschaftlichen Lage abhängig. Aus diesem Grund muss man das Jahr 2013 sicherlich noch genau betrachten, wie es wirtschaftlich läuft bzw. welchen Einfluss dies auf den Silberpreis hat. Durch die sinkenden Silberreserven wird jedoch auch der Zeitpunkt kommen wo Silber nicht mehr von der wirtschaftlichen Entwicklung abhängig ist. Spätestens dann erkennt man dass der Silberboom eingesetzt hat!

  36. Anonymus sagt:

    Ich kann aus eigenem Erleben 2 Sachen zum Thema beisteuern:

    1) Die Gold-Handelsfreigabe für Bürger der USA, die seit dem zweiten Weltkrieg keine Geld besitzen oder kaufen durften. Zum 1.1.1977 fiel diese Beschränkung. Ich kann mich noch erinnern, dass der Leiter meiner Kreissparkasse Ende 1966 fragte, ob ich nicht auch Gold kaufen wolle, der Kurs würde doch per 1.1.1977 sicher anziehen, weil viele US-Amerikaner dann Gold kaufen würden. Ich habe gelacht und prophezeit, dass genau das Gegenteil passieren wird, viele Amerikaner werden altes Zahngold, kaputten Goldschmuck etc. Dann endlich verkaufen können und dijenigen, die Gold haben wollen, haben das längst im Ausland gekauft. Dann werden die europäischen Spekulanten nervös werden und der Goldpreis wird fallen und dann gilt es “einzusteigen”, um an dem “Unterschwinger” des Marktes bei massiven Verkäufen mit verdienen zu können. Es passierte genau, was ich voraus gesagt hatte bis auf einen Punkt, Gold wurde NICHT billiger, der Rücknahmepreis für Mehrwertsteuere freie Krügerrands fiel und fiel und der Verkaufspreis blieb “oben” Die DEGUSSA wollte das Geschäft alleine machen und die Spekulanten abzocken. Mein Schluss daraus Einen “Marktpreis” gibt es in Deutschland nicht, die DEGUSSA legt den Goldpreis so fest, dass sie daran maximal verdient.

    2) Ich hatte einen Kommilitonen, der Elektroingenieur war und Geophysik bzw. Geologie studierte und in den Semesterferien bei Schlumberger anheuerte und in die United Emirates geschickt wurde. Der wusste nun zu berichten, da würde Gold die Hälfte von dem in Deutschland kosten. Deshalb würden alle Passagiere die aus den United Emirates kommen vom Deutschen Zoll fast bis auf die Unterhose ausgezogen und gefilzt damit die ja kein Gold mitbringen und die Gewinnpolitik der DEGUSSA stören.

    Wer unter diesen Umständen Gold in Deutschland kauft und hofft, wenn er schon nichts daran verdient, wenigstens eine Wert beständige Anlage erworben zu haben, ist es selber schuld !

  37. Thomas says:

    @Anon: Abwarten.

    Das eine ist der vielleicht von Degussa manipulierte Goldpreis. Das andere ist der unvermeidliche Verfall der Währungen. Wer auf FIAT setzt, der hat -wie schon seit mindestens 30 Jahren in D- schon verloren und wird auch in Zukunft verlieren. Es sei denn er hat wesentlich mehr FIAT als er zum Leben braucht.

    Kein Edelmetall zu haben in der heutigen Situation ist keine gute Idee. Gewinn ist das eine, Sicherheit das andere.

  38. Anonymus sagt:

    Das jünste Gerücht :

    14.03.2013 · Nach dem Skandal um getürkte Zinsen untersucht die amerikanische Terminbösenaufsicht nun den Goldpreis auf Manipulationen. Der kleine Entscheiderkreis legt den Verdacht nahe.

    die Links :,2828,888805,00.html

    Wie soll es zu einem Marktpreis kommen, wenn es keinen freien Markt gibt ? Siehe meine Einlassungen oben.

  39. Dude sagt:

    “…untersucht die amerikanische Terminbösenaufsicht nun den Goldpreis auf Manipulationen.”

    Man lasse sich den göttlichen Vertippser im Munde zergehen… …köstlichst! Sowas bräucht's wirklich mal. ;)

  40. Anonymus sagt:

    Tatsache ist, 2001 lag der Goldpreis pro Feinunze bei 250 $.

    Damals war von einer Krise im Goldbergbau keine Rede, also war das im Fall ein auskömmlicher Preis Goldbergbau zu betreiben. Heute ist der Preis 5 mal so hoch. Die Differenz ist Spekulation und heisse Luft, sonst nichts.

    Wenn sich Alle und Alles wieder beruhigt hat, geht der Preis auch wieder dahin zurück oder noch weiter. Da muss im Fall schon sehr viel passieren, bis der Euro weniger als 1/5 seines heutigen Wertes hat, erst dann hätte die Wette auf Gold Sinn gemacht. Ich glaube es mal weniger.

  41. Humi56 sagt:

    Wenn Ihr Gold zB. mit Weizen vergleich, was auch Sinn macht, sollte aber auch die Weltbevölkerung dabei eine Rolle spielen! Und außerdem gibt es einen nicht unerheblichen Teil, wenn nicht gar den Größeren der sich von Reis ernährt. Dementsprechend würde das Verhältnis Weizen+Reis/Gold/Weltbevölkerung zubetrachten sein.

  42. Magnus Wolf Goller says:

    @ Humi56

    As a matter of fact.

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