South Korea has begun

South Korea has losgeballert first, as is now well admitted even if only for "training purposes":

Note: South Korean shells are loving, North Korean evil.

That you have to look at the purpose of this enlightening insight Russia Today, in our sheep media to berichtigendes no word falls (if it does happen, I ask my part to correction), also not surprising much.

Mind you, this is not a justification or even trivialization of the North Korean regime, but simply about balanced reporting.

Why the south in association with the United States known to be irritable north not only a huge naval maneuvers before its coasts, also in disputed territory, but also by artillery fire, and be it directly challenged only in the enemy Hohheitsgewässer, which has so far remained a mystery ,

As South Koreans - as I wrote elsewhere in a forum, while still only knowing of the maneuver - I would not just be mad at my government.

Consider that Seoul is located just over the border in artillery range of the North Koreans.

Grossly negligent because it mildly.

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4 Responses to "South Korea has begun"

  1. George Orwell says:

    which has so far remained a mystery ...

    is the most informative serious or intended as irony?

  2. Magnus Wolf Goller says:

    @ George Orwell

    Everything deadly serious and totally free irony.

  3. julius says:

    that South Korea has begun, was already the next day in the newspaper - it has never made a secret - In addition, they claim as scientifically proven now that the Cheonan was sunk by North Korea, which is NOT true, if you have seen the torpedo ( freshly painted no. AFTER explosion ???)
    Because what really make a fun with the whole world - how stupid !!

  4. Magnus Wolf Goller says:

    @ Julius

    Thanks for the note!

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