There are strong indications that the "casing", ie, the concrete shell is around the wellbore, burst.
Therefore, relief wells are meaningless, says an acknowledged expert.
This speaks from the current 120,000 barrels of oil a day leaving, potentially for 25-30 years.
Even BP admits to want to stop the flow of oil is not complete, otherwise the "casing" could burst.
That would be - or already is, - that the oil blazes into and through the rock its way up, so emerges, wherever it takes place through.
This would neither suck nor conventionally to stop.
The nuclear option is therefore now demanded seriously.
Read and see for yourself:
Meanwhile, thousands are forces for BP continue without protective clothing and gas masks in the oil sludge.
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Tags: oil spill
I post once my comment in the latest News:
@ To Greenpeace topic:
simple principle of "Well it is already dead silence" when it ignored. Another answer on my part in Greenpeace Blog predicament was not enabled. There thus censorship is also good operate.
@ Oil disaster in general:
Yes the atomic bomb circulating for some time ... but honestly - that would janicht in terms of the economy. Firstly, the austretene oil'd also contaminated and can not continue (albeit diluted and full of chemicals) are sold. On the other decades km land and the sea water itself would be radioactively contaminated.
The nightmare scenario continues. When down there a bomb is detonated, produced with highly assumable probability a giant tsunami wave, because the explosion can be part of the ground breaking, the oil underneath out presses, sea water continues to flow into the resulting vacuum and a giant vortex is because causes below. Oh yes .. the methane gas fields since the rumliegennicht to forget ... that explode with so well-behaved and have anyway only cavities then. Want to get the lava from the Earth's core and create new land masses? Artificial earthquake NEN times produce .. just may break the crust so that in any case! NEN doomsday is even provoked? Think at all because anyone with or are already all fled with the Noah's Ark into space?
I spoke a few weeks ago already critical with my father. "Dad .. why not send the army there? Why not thousands of people? "And he" What are they that can make even big? "And I" Well in doubt and hold down the hole ... "and he" would Yes but as yet few die .. "and I" Yes what? What are 100000 voluntarily dying people, if they could save the world? "He" Yes you are probably right, but who would want to do something voluntarily ... "and I" So rather all die together? "
What has now made me suspicious in other news, was the statement that "the United States now überlgen the assistance offered to the 22 other countries to accept".
Can and must reject the about help with such a world catastrophe? Or if so ... are really so hollow in Kopp and suggest help from?
When I type in Google "help other countries oil spill"
comes after a few pages something like this
and this (quote "Six weeks after the accident of the oil rig" Deepwater Horizon "the U.S. government is committed to foreign aid . One need of support from countries such as the Netherlands, Canada and Mexico ")
a very small "cry for help" to all countries ... beinahezu miserably, muzzle journalism?
Or send only Germany niemand? – There is amazingly already thanked for help .. how, where and when was the for instead?
But at least now comes even an "alliance" with Costner being ... Spill allia-c1b2fc3.html - " Dances with demWolf save the world "
Also "funny" is following einteraktive map … – there is nice to recognize up to May 22 as the carpet spreads - but then? hey presto it becomes smaller again? Who has the oil because there stolen? Some helpful aliens which the fuel was almost assumed came there once briefly served with the space ship and helped themselves?
News censorship and hidden Wahrheiten? Zitat bottom "The work was stopped, the system that so far at least could absorb some of the oil off."
Good Video on image
75.Millionen! Liter Rohöel ...
or something more?
quote "There hardly a week passed in which the estimates of the escaping oil was not multiplied. BP gambled for the least amount. From the beginning of 1000 barrels a day, the curve has risen to 30,000 to 60,000: This is 13 million liters every evil, long day, about 4.5 billion liters since the disaster on 20 April "
( )
Oh yes and the methane gas with the "dead zones" where is hardly mentioned ... spill-now-worry-before-methane gas-a5ccd75.html
And Greenpeace is silent:-) as die only animals .. the sea is no environment, and the extraterrestrials önnen certainly in a few years the documentation Greenpeace'S from a Hard Drive rescue from the mud and know what on earth at that time happened when everything extinguished life.
Time for action ... otherwise it's too late (if it is not anyway)
Good News:
(Ps: BP Germany and co have come together weeks ago in a new AG, since BP is guaranteed to go bankrupt.)
@ Melanie
That "Greenpeace" (the quotes are intentional ...) behaves like as if you could do anything now times against the counsel of God or alien powers, rips this organization the last larva of the face.
I once in my blog referred to your blog. Thank you for your site! LG Melanie
An A-bomb would be totally inconsiderate and would carry with them more consequences than it already has.
The oil chamber could be caused by the detonation pressure and suction, destabilized and be irreparably damaged.
The irradiated oil was contaminating not only the U.S. coast, could also contaminated oil "Gölfströmung" go to Europe.
And responding to radiation such as methane or residual radiation, is also not known. That's what happens when primates plays in the dry undergrowth with fire. Eventually it burns and you do not know how to put out the fire. Mankind is for this world, just too stupid ...
@ Frank
Humanity is not too stupid.
Only parts of it.
@ Frank
I like your description and comparison with the primates!
A good video on the situation in my blog, also is the nwo referred to an inside job ...
@ Magnus
In my blog I have also installed and linked up with the first entry.
LG Melanie
Methane hydrates
a chain reaction without end would as likely to trigger the A bomb.
In the USA the desert is indeed the infamous carved stones to reduce the population to 500 million. You are very close to achieving this goal ... only ..fragt is where the rest will of 500 million then live without food and water on a kinky world ??
It takes a different solution ... just what is the question, none of the "experts" know one.
The hole in the depth of drilling was already the largest Gau and error, the next this Top Kill Alktion will escalate into a genuine Top Kill, All thing for humanity that hole it has torn apart.
A few months ago Tony Hayward was a shining light in the energy sector, now he is the face of the oil spill. Again and again he disgraced BP, now he gives the job as chief crisis manager in the Gulf of Mexico from. Now it is the new manager Dudley addressed. Well that's all public relations, the oil is stopped by no mm.
I think the proposal with the A-bomb came from the Russian side? The schwadronierten to have sealed some leaks this way!
This should, however, should not have been unaware of the world, there are world records seismic waves bored. Should this have been successfully completed, then it should be examined under what specific conditions this happened? Rock layers, environment, sea depth, Radioactive consequences? The Gulf of Mexico, as a small inland sea with access to the Gulf Stream and of such in Europe would be an extremely sensitive area for the use of a nuclear bomb ...