Obama lies in bed with BP

Everyone lies so bad he can.

Nobel Peace Prize Obama, obscured in 75 countries can wage war (see "Obama war hornier than Bush" ), forms as well as in connection with the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico is no exception (see "US-government & BP: In the Corexit-plot" ).

Now, even doubts the most traditional of all US-sheep media, the New York Times, the published figures from BP regarding the emerging oil Quantity:


The bad joke of the matter is, that BP pretending the crowd can not properly assess, easy to Behuf to downplay the numbers.

Credible appears that the outflow only with an error of 10% to perhaps 30% in extreme cases, can be calculated: But a margin of error of two to ten to one can not seriously expect me to believe.

And Obama should alone be sufficient stupidity actually able to believe these things, but certainly not all of his advisors and experts.

BP is lying, and the Obama administration is lying with.

And the media have no sheep heads with brains in them to think by not coming out themselves, or they also lie eagerly.

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4 Responses to "Obama lies in bed with BP"

  1. Grzegorz Brzęczyszczykiewicz says:

    It's just that you still have to wait with the truth. The truth is so terrible that no one dares to utter it.

    . The commandment # 1 in politics: Never say the truth, because then you're lost.
    Of course, it's no different with us. Our "government" is lying all it's convincing.

    > Only after the revolution, it will be different.

  2. Jochen says:

    The actors form a seemingly being able to save the world or to be able to open up the space with humanity. So supposedly helps James Cameron Mars project a boost by plans to build a special 3-D camera (which of Mars comes to the big screen?).

    "Kevin Costner wants to fight oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico"


    What, then play the specialists of BP so long with the hole on the seabed around when the K. Costner are at home in the garage one machine, making the oil-problem can be solved flux?

    Or are they all just duck the daily press?

  3. Magnus Wolf Goeller says:

    @ Grzegorz Brzęczyszczykiewicz

    So sad is the matter, thank you for your delicious name ...

  4. Wake News says:

    Right! NWO = Perform Lies

    We must take action and consistently boycott the globalists:

    http://mywakenews.wordpress.com/2010/06/04/aufruf-for-boycott-of-bp-and-their-men-behind frauen/


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