Zionist calculus?

Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan is clear words to the Israeli massacre in the Mediterranean:


You can now only speculate why Israel has carried out this act of piracy and these acts of war in international waters, convenient place to apply the ships off the coast own.

That in the US that few politicians Israel dares to criticize seriously, even approve of many of Israel's actions, also from Germany, there were no significant convictions Zionists like making cold smile, but what they were thinking to humiliate Turkey in this way?

The only calculations that could be behind except a naked show of force, is to make Turkey as anti-Israel, commonly known as "anti-Semitic" that their accession to the EU can be prevented in this way.

If you look at parallel among other things, the work of people like Wilders in Holland, Broder in Germany as well as the network side "Politically Incorrect", so this argument no longer seems too risky or even paranoid conspiracy theories.

PS: A moving Turkish-flagged ship was attacked militarily by Israel on the high seas and applied under fatalities. Normally this would be a NATO defense case, Turkey would have it, the dear sirs Obama and Sarkozy, Merkel values. Ever thought about it?

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