Göllers flu

My symptoms of swine flu are brain lawn, keyboard and shrugging stock market crash; chronic if it were still cool; infection but transinkarnational.

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3 Responses to "Göllers flu"

  1. Jochen says:

    I am now 20 years not been to a nice doctor to get tested. The less I see those in uniform, the better it is health to me. Is not that strange? Should it not be around much more so differently?

    Swine flu, stock market crash, which can not harm me everything. Brain lawn? Watt is datt?
    But, now I know it. Many German mow their lawn without brain.
    I say better to Transinkontinenzia nothing.

  2. Magnus Wolf Goeller says:

    @ Jochen

    After all, I suffer not to total amnesia or anencephaly ...

    I know, have not reported me.

    Send me yet please 'nen Ebrief, you can find below address



  3. Jochen says:


    I think with 'nen Ebrief you meant an email. I have already sent.
    Because I will not write more articles but there are many others which very well can and also get more response than I, I content myself with the other comments. If you happen you just want time so contact me, so I still look forward. Otherwise, I look at your blog every now and then over and then we can publicly exchange a few words so here.

    Best regards, Jochen

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