Peace Chancellor

I just saw an infomercial choice and was pretty sure that it could only be by the SPD, but not quite.

And lo and behold, she was of the CDU, which only lit up but, as you were the Chancellor angesichtig.

The whole spot is quite formidable made on social and justice and right, with a touch of europaseligem patriotism, which expresses itself through a constantly emerging federal flag with a "WE" on it.

A concrete message, except that Europe was great (I also think like me out of my home, the North Sea islands just as well as the Italian Riviera, because if I hinkomme times) was otherwise not be heard.

But I would also not expect otherwise in a war party against the other factions like the SPD, the Greens and the FDP is afraid and wants to incapacitate us via Lisbon Treaty further.

Steinmeier had the guts of his mentor Schröder, he declared six weeks before the general election the Afghanistan mission as a failure and would promise in the event of his election as Chancellor, the spacious home Get our guys (on our girls is dispensed there but largely).

He would win the election no matter who, even if Westerwelle previously torn his throat about it and I do not know what would have held for Unverantwortlichkeitsgetöse.

After the election Franky Boy could keep it so, then as always, and especially since his "Yes we can" -Vorbild Obama, and get his key campaign promise ado for important reasons.

Although that would be a bit risky in the case.

Not that I zutraute the Germans serious resistance to a perfidious government, especially when it's all about war or peace, but simply because will follow after the September election of Kassensturz and all other sorts of favors (other than those for banks) year suddenly should be recessed behind the chancellery in the river Spree.

I do not think that makes Steinmeier; but who knows? - It would be his chance.

The left he would have immediately on his side; verargumentiert wise, he could also split the Greens, and thus weaken bring into sensitive provide explanations; of the already - see above - watered CDU could overflow a lot of voters; the FDP could fall into a partial distress also after all; and he could - decisive - operate in the huge reservoir of non-voters very successful votes fishing.

Dear Frank-Walter Steinmeier chancellor one is not so easy without paying a price!

Schröder has his opposition to the Iraq war also survived: So you will not necessarily have an accident in a VW Phaeton, if you really dare once in your life something.

Almost all the people that until the mid-sized knows from Hartzi that otherwise after the election, no gifts are expected, so that was behind you.

Also I would choose in the event at least tentatively, to prove you regarding your honesty.

Note: For years, tell me all sensible people (well, who knows the already, you might say) with respect to Schröder's chancellorship, often little else thrilled that they never would forget him the one thing with the Iraq war in a positive way ,

Are you still a German hero, a hero of peace, and if you only do it from calculus, I do not care, the main thing you are doing the right thing for all of us!

I am also a damn how you present your change of mind, whether you this before traveling to the Pope or or whether a dancing panda brings this enlightenment to Lourdes or to Jerusalem or to any melting or non-melting polar ice cap, the main thing you pull it off by.

Against a decent fee (as a patriot, I suppose, in the case of even such a dubious place like the SPD only a friendship price), I will gladly advise you in more detail how this is to make or be open to the possibilities there.

Perhaps the old warhorse Franz Müntefering can organize without me, of course.

Otherwise, I am looking forward to your call.

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