Strongly depleted brain

I had a long time of the (strongly depleted) uranium munitions , as part of that is fired by NATO and Israel for almost twenty years of its toxicity, both as a heavy metal, spread to other than alpha emitters explosions feinststaubmäßig (nano!) ,

In recent days, I looked again after a detailed and will therefore refer to, among other things Grimme Award Frieder Wagner, who has turned to movies that I have not looked completely, however excerpts and interview snippets, finally getting all the detailed conversation with him, which I have so far most easily was called.

In this exceptional case, I recommend the interview, so far without his television or cinema film - to have ("Deadly Dust dust of death") for deadly uranium dust all seen.

He describes it absolutely credible and substantiated terrible and shows on YouTube images that I sometimes only hinhorchte and no longer looking.

Vast areas of Iraq and Afghanistan, but also many of its soldiers have now been contaminated knowingly, this quiet man of 66 or 67 years should not only louder tell completely ludicrous lies that he could not afford without under a bus to be ruined by fall or complaints.

The WDR beamed his first film, first, to make him disappear in the poison cupboard, as well as the WHO 16 (!) Studies that show the disastrous effects, he says.

All reporting was being manipulated, since the subject already emerged in the wake of the Kosovo war.

You guess how and by whom.

We are dealing with probably the greatest war crimes since the Rhine meadows, Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Listen to the words of this man !!!

PS: The so translated and continue to cover the factory, probably not even suffer under the same genetic and cancer damage caused by this Doctor Mabuse weapon, but all have long been under the strong "Heavily Depleted Brain Syndrome" to German under depleted brain.

Where in this case, the enrichment of brains by means of the naturally low radiant intelligence of other went to the highly enriched brains could now up to Hirnbomben- or brain power plant suitability aufultrazentrifugiert exert their beneficial effects, unfortunately not quite evident.

When I get out, I'll let you know.

After all the hard Hirnabgereicherten are already clear.

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