Sau through the global village

Today I received heavy criticism, I have my satirical plays with respect to the custom motion introduced here, without having first read all the books.

In fact, I have not read.

Why should they, in the case?

In these books when in fact should something new stand, which would not be evident from the everyday as eternal experience of the human wishing, and at least 2,500 years of writing position of traditional intelligent, so please inform me and immediately sprinkle ashes on my head because of my uninformed impudence ,

If someone is able to show that the custom movement has real substance, not just a new esoteric sow, driven good money through the global village, then I will give him or her even a box of beer best.

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One Response to "sow through global village"

  1. / Sms;-) says:

    the main newspaper in Switzerland once called the village where I live - somewhere in the pampa on the south bank of Lake Constance - "world village". the world is small. wat?

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